uses of "stand"

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stanąć w obronie, dać wsparcie, bronić
give support to; defend
stand up for
I stood up for you when everyone said you were having an affair and now I find out that you lied to me!
nie znosić, być przeciwnym
strongly dislike
can't stand
I can't stand people who drop litter on beaches. Why can't they just take their rubbish home?!
nie ma szans
have little possibility of success
don't stand a chance
The school rugby team doesn't stand a chance this year; they've lost all their best players.
oznaczać, reprezentować
represents an idea or priniciple
stand for
dużo do stracenia
be in a situation where you may lose an advantage /przewaga/
stand to lose
I stand to lose thousands if the pound falls any further.
odmówić dopuszczenia do czegoś
refuse to accept or allow a situation
won't stand for sth
Mr Hughs says he won't stand for any more of our nonsense. He says we'll get a detention next time we misbehave.
wyróżniać się, bardziej dostrzegalny
be noticeably better than other people
stand out
in's cake stood out in the competition; it's obvious that she's a professional baker.
stoi za, wspierać kogoś
supports someone in a difficult situation
stand by
pozostałości, miejscowe występowanie
remains; exists in a place
