Unit 9 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)

 0    3 词汇卡    joasiahuchwajda
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问题 English 答案 English
We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped. There is a connection with now.
You’re out of breath. Have you been running? (you’re out of breath now) Paul is very tired. He’s been working very hard. (he’s tired now) Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing? I’ve been talking to carol about the problem and she thinks that...
We use the present perfect continuous especially with how long, for... and since... the activity is still happening or has just stopped.
How long have you been learning English? (you’re still learning English) Tim is still watching television. He’s been watching television all day. Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the last half hour. George hasn’t been feeling well recently.
You can use present perfect continuous for actions repeated over a period of time.
Debbie is a very good tennis player. She’s been playing since she was eight. Every morning they meet in the same café. They’ve been going there for years.
