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to succeed in doing something difficult osiągać 开始学习
To achieve success in life you need a lot of determination and hard work.
plan and try to do something dążyć do 开始学习
Simply being happy in life is what I aim for.
to finish doing something wykonać zadanie 开始学习
If we complete the task in time, we'll receive a reward.
a slightly negative name for a city betonowa dżungla 开始学习
We spent all our lives in concrete jungles never knowing how really beautiful the world is.
things that make life more comfortable and easy (semi-formal) komfort życia 开始学习
We rely on technology so much these days that we couldn't survive without our conveniences of life.
things that make life more comfortable and easy (informal) udogodnienia 开始学习
I can never go camping because I can't leave things like my pillows or my phone. I need my creature comforts.
land that is outside cities or towns teren wiejski, krajobraz 开始学习
Life in the countryside is always so quiet and peaceful.
robal 开始学习
I can't sleep in a tent. There are always those creepy-crawlies that terrify me.
things you use for a particular purpose wyposażenie 开始学习
Mountain climbers need special equipment like strong ropes and oxygen tanks to reach peaks safely.
to get to your destination znaleźć drogę 开始学习
I am very good at finding my way. I can never get lost in the woods. (said a man who died in jungle)
being healthy and physically active wysportowany 开始学习
Fitness is quite trendy nowadays and everyone wants to be healthy and slim.
not to believe in something 100 per cent mieć wątpliwości 开始学习
Even though Tori has studied very hard for her exam she still has doubts about her readiness.
become a member of a group dołączyć do zespołu 开始学习
In order to join our team you have to prove to us your fitness level is satisfactory.
to start a fire at a campsite rozpalić ognisko 开始学习
Being in scouts has taught me some practical skills like how to light a campfire to warm myself or cook some food.
not formed naturally, created or built by humans stworzone przez człowieka 开始学习
Stonehenge is a man-made rock formation.
always thinking positively, believing that goods things will happen optymistyczny 开始学习
I know that learning English is not as easy as it seems but I am quite optimistic I'll learn it sooner or later.
na zewnątrz 开始学习
While most of my friends stay at home and play computer games all day, I prefer outdoors activities like cycling or walking.
szczyt góry 开始学习
If we want to reach the peak before sundown we have to pick up the pace.
to collect money for a particular purpose pozyskiwać fundusze 开始学习
WOŚP is a charity organization that raises funds for medical equipment.
bezpieczeństwo 开始学习
Even in extreme sports safety is the most important thing,
to make a list of things we want to do wyznaczać cele 开始学习
I set my goals when I was in junior high school and I know what I need to do to lead a happy life.
to use your time on a particular activity spędzać czas 开始学习
I love spending time with my friends. We always have so much fun together.
to keep up with something utrzymać tempo 开始学习
Our coach is in his sixties but we can barely stand the pace with him. We need to practice more.
living under difficult circumstances przetrwanie 开始学习