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The distance coverd 1000 miles 开始学习
Let's set out now, and then we might make it to the river by sunset. 开始学习
Wyruszmy teraz, a być może uda nam się dotrzeć do rzeki przed zachodem słońca.
Every dog needs a home, shelter, and loving owner. 开始学习
Każdy pies potrzebuje domu, schronienia i kochającego właściciela.
I like fruit except for apples 开始学习
Border guards didn't have to stopped him 开始学习
He used to drink every night. 开始学习
Miał w zwyczaju pić co noc.
It would requier a lot of work 开始学习
I will have to buy camping supplies 开始学习
I couldn't use this stroller 开始学习
After 2 hours spent in cold water he was exhausted. 开始学习
Po 2 godzinach spędzonych w zimnej wodzie był wyczerpany.
Prices in Europe are comparable 开始学习
The view was breathtaking 开始学习
I was delighted, when I learnt about a trip 开始学习
I wouldn't like to be an instalator 开始学习
He would be a good companion 开始学习
I will have to find a new carriage 开始学习
I have reached place of destination 开始学习
I have climbed on high peak 开始学习