The basic concepts underlying real property law are the same throughout the United States. 开始学习
the body of law associated with the obligations, use and rights of ownership of land or whatever grows on it or is built on it
The Polish parliament is considering an amendment to Polish land law that would limit the right of foreigners to buy land and property. 开始学习
the body of law relating to the ownership of real estate (=land and the buildings and other permanent structures attached to it)
The state would only grant the building permit if the Nollan family allowed the public to use an easement to the beach. 开始学习
the right that someone has to use the land belonging to another eg a right of way (=a path or road over private land which people are legally allowed to use), the right to light or the right to a flow of air or water
We must preserve at all costs the right of free access to all old rights of way. 开始学习
a pathway or road through private land that people are legally allowed to use
They were not the ones abusing their dominant position in the market. 开始学习
more important, powerful or noticeable than anything else of the same type
After John paid the final loan payment, the security interest was extinguished. 开始学习
kończyć, gasić, anulować, umorzyć to end, discharge or cancel something (often a legal obligation or charge of property etc)
license (us) licence (uk) I strongly disagree with the proposed increase in television licence fees. 开始学习
formal permission or authority
He died leaving an estate worth over $1.5m. 开始学习
masa spadkowa, też: majątek, nieruchomość, posesja, mienie everything that a person owns when they die
The farm and land surrounding it may prove to be the most expensive real estate in Devon. 开始学习
land and any permanent things attached to it
There was very little in the bankruptcy estate, so the creditors did not recover much. 开始学习
all property and interests that a debtor has at the start of a bankruptcy case
A man may grant a life estate pur autre vie to his deceased son's wife [his daughter-in-law] for the life of his grandchild. 开始学习
zapis nieruchomości - do końca życia drugiej osoby (Property law) an estate granted only for the life of someone other than the grantee
The great majority of people die intestate, without a will. 开始学习
describes someone who has died without leaving a will (= instructions about what should be done with their assets)
While a life estate can be advantageous, individuals with significant estate tax exposure should consider other options. 开始学习
nieruchomość przyznana na dożywocie osoby obdarowanej an estate granted only for the life of the grantee (=the person to whom the estate has been granted, known as a life tenant)
The remaindermen may obtain a significant tax benefit upon the death of the life tenants. 开始学习
beneficjent pozostałości majątku a person who has received or will receive the remaining part of something (eg a life estate remainderman will receive the remaining tenancy period under a life estate (=the use of land for the length of a person's life)
To my then living descendants, per stirpes. Synonyms: by right of representation 开始学习
(legat) podzielony w równych częściach między odgałęzienia rodziny, przy czym udział każdej gałęzi dzieli się równo pomiędzy jej członków a way of distributing a deceased's estate so that if one of the children is dead, the dead child's children share equally in the dead child's share
An elderly tenant living in a Nottingham City Homes property says she is unhappy about repair work which left her without a toilet for two weeks. 开始学习
a person who has the right to use a particular property or piece of land to live in or for work, usually in return for paying rent
A High Court judge decided last week that the freehold should be returned to the club's administrators. 开始学习
odpowiednik własności (w UK wszystko należy do Korony); prawo pełnej własności nieruchomej an absolute right to the title (=ownership) of a property for an unlimited time without paying rent; property whose duration of ownership or occupation is not determined
The chain of title of some properties in Lower Manhattan reflects the history of immigration to the eastern seaboard of the United States. 开始学习
historia właścicieli nieruchomości the documented history of the ownership of a piece of real estate
The corporate powers included the right to own and sell real estate. 开始学习
a clause in a company's constitutional documents that defines its powers, duties, safeguards and limits, such as what it can own, sell or manage etc
The court refused to vacate the lower court's judgment. 开始学习
zwalniać, opuszczać, anulować to set aside or annul (=to officially announce a law, contract or agreement etc no longer exists) a wrongly made order or judgment
The funds raised from the issue of loan notes will be used to acquire more real estate. 开始学习
a form of finance in which the purchaser of the loan notes is effectively a borrower, who agrees to make payments to the holder of the loan notes at a future date
The life tenant remains the owner for tax purposes. 开始学习
a person to whom a life estate or an estate pur autre vie has been granted, or who is holding such an estate for the benefit of another
The fee simple is the most common way to own real estate in common law countries. If an owner of a fee simple dies intestate, the land will descend to the heirs 开始学习
nieograniczone prawo własności ziemskiej, absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which one can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance. This is a redundant form of "fee," but is used to show the fee (absolute title) is not a "conditional fee," or "determinable fee," or "fee tail." Like "fee" it is often used in deeds transferring title as in "Harry Hadit grants to Robert Gotit title in fee simple..." or similar words. whole interest in a piece of real property; the broadest interest in property allowe
The fee tail was a device tuned to the needs of family settlements in the thirteenth century. 开始学习
tytuł prawny do nieruchomości z zastrzeżeniem dziedziczenia w linii prostej (nieaktualne) an old feudal expression for a title to real property which can only be passed to one's heirs "of his body" or certain heirs who are blood relatives. If the blood line ran out (no children) then the title would revert to the descendants of the lord who originally gave the land to the title-holding family. Thus, it could not be transferred to anyone outside the family. The intention was to keep lands within a family line and not subdivided. In 16th Century England, trusts were established to get
The tenant transferred the estate but did not intend to allow the grantee to benefit from the land personally. 开始学习
a person who receives a property right or other benefit from a grantor
A tenancy in common is usual in a business situation such as a solicitors' partnership. 开始学习
współposiadanie: forma posiadania, w której właścicielami nieruchomości są przynajmniej dwie osoby fizyczne lub prawne bez prawa do przejęcia posiadania nieruchomości w przypadku śmierci współwłaściciela (right of survivorship). Każda z nich posiada tzw. niepodzielny udział (undivided interest). Nieruchomości nie można fizycznie podzielić na części, ale udział każdego ze współwłaścicieli można określić procentowo. Wszyscy współwłaściciele mają prawo do pełnego korzystania z całej nieruchomości i a type of co-tenancy where if one of the joint tenants dies, his or her interest in the real property passes to his or her estate or heirs
połączone posiadanie: forma posiadania, w której właścicielami nieruchomości są przynajmniej dwie osoby fizyczne lub prawne, podobnie jak w przypadku współposiadania (tenancy in common). Najważniejsza różnica polega jednak na tym, że w tej formie posiadania obowiązuje prawo do przejęcia posiadania całej nieruchomości w przypadku śmierci współwłaściciela (right of survivorship). Połączone posiadanie trwa aż do momentu, kiedy pozostanie tylko jeden właściciel. Wtedy forma ta przyjmuję postać wyłąc
małżeńskie połączone posiadanie: forma posiadania, w której właścicielem nieruchomości jest małżeństwo, z prawem do przejęcia posiadania całej nieruchomości w przypadku śmierci współmałżonka (right of survivorship). Pozostały przy życiu współmałżonek (surving spouse) automatycznie zostaje jedynym właścicielem, bez potrzeby załatwiania prawnych formalności w sądzie spadkowym (probate court). Jest to specjalna forma joint tenancy przeznaczona dla małżeństw. Słowo entirety dosłownie oznacza „całość
powierzenie posiadania/zarząd powierniczy: prawne ustalenia polegające na tym, że właściciel nieruchomości, powierzający posiadanie (trustor), przekazuje swoją własność powiernikowi (trustee), którego zadaniem jest zarządzanie nieruchomością na korzyść osoby trzeciej, określanej jako beneficjent, czyli osoba odnosząca korzyść (beneficiary). Przykładowo, właściciel kilku nieruchomości pragnie zabezpieczyć fundusze, które w przyszłości pokryją koszty kształcenia jego dzieci. Jedną ze swoich inwest
right of the survivorship 开始学习
prawo do przejęcia nieruchomości po śmierci współwłaściciela: cecha wyróżniająca formy posiadania nieruchomości typu połączone posiadanie (joint tenancy) oraz małżeńskie połączone posiadanie (tenancy by the entirety) polegająca na tym, że w przypadku śmierci współwłaściciela lub współmałżonka, cała nieruchomość przechodzi w posiadanie pozostałego przy życiu współwłaściciela lub współmałżonka.
wyłączne posiadanie: forma posiadania polegająca na tym, że nieruchomość należy wyłącznie do jednej osoby fizycznej lub prawnej (od słowa sever – odciąć, rozdzielić). Właściciel nieruchomości jest niejako „odcięty i oddzielony” od innych – jest właścicielem wyłącznym i jedynym.
If the grantor dies, all the trust property will likely be included in the grantor's estate for estate tax purposes. 开始学习
darczyńca, cedent, donator a person who transfers a property right or other benefit to a recipient (grantee); a person who creates a trust by placing real or personal property in trust to a trustee on behalf of a beneficiary
The treaty guaranteed the Maori full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their lands and estates, forests and fisheries. 开始学习
the sole use and benefit of a property or asset
quiet enjoyment (covenant) She sued her landlord for breach of quiet enjoyment covenant when he failed to quiet the neighbor's dog. 开始学习
the right of a tenant to enjoy his or her property without being unreasonably disturbed
Much of the land in the area was sold with restrictive covenants and some home owners may be in breach of restrictions on building extensions or garages. 开始学习
a clause in the title deed of a piece of real estate that restricts the use of land (eg a clause that states that the property may not be used for certain activities)
After the closing, the buyer’s attorney stopped by the Registry of Deeds to ensure that the change of ownership was duly recorded. 开始学习
Urząd, w którym rejestrowane są nowonabyte nieruchomości. the system of recording title to land; the government office charged with administering that system
Rejestr Ksiąg Wieczystych - Urząd, w którym przechowywane są dokumenty własności nieruchomości
A forklift truck driver in New South Wales, Australia, is the rightful heir to the English throne, a historian has claimed. 开始学习
a person who will receive money, property, assets or a title from someone when that person dies
A farmer has won his appeal to inherit a £2m farm in Somerset where he worked for no money for 30 years. 开始学习
to receive money, property, etc from someone after they have died
Two men and a woman have denied murdering a disabled man to share thousands of pounds in inheritance. 开始学习
money, property, etc that someone gives you after they have died
The testatrix left everything to her sister in her will. 开始学习
a female who died, leaving a will
in real property law, the interest in real property that is left after another interest in the property ends, such as full title after a life estate (the right to use the property until one dies). A remainder must be created by a deed or will. Example: Patricia Parent deeds Happy Acres Ranch to her sister, Sally for life, and upon Sally's death to Charla Childers, her daughter, or Charla's children if she does not survive. Charla has a remainder, and her children have a "contingent remainder," w
in real property, the return to the grantor or his/her heirs of real property after all interests in the property given to others has terminated. Examples: George Generous deeded property to the local hospital district for "use for health facilities only," and the hospital is eventually torn down and the property is now vacant. The property reverts to George's descendants; George wills the property to his sister's children only, who later died without children. When the last grandchild dies the
I bought my flat leasehold 5 years ago. 开始学习
najem - krótki okres, dzierżawa wieczysta - długi okres if a piece of real property (=buildings and land) is owned as a leasehold then it can be owned or used for the period of time specified in the lease (=a contract for the use of a piece of real property)
Despite its abolition in 1981, chattel slavery in Mauritania is still strong - up to 1m people are allegedly held as 'inheritable property'. 开始学习
moveable or personal property that is capable of being owned; any property that is not freehold land = personal property
The fixtures include a built-in swimming pool behind the house. 开始学习
rzeczy przynależne do nieruchomości trwale z nią połączone (usually plural) a thing attached to real property that is considered legally part of it and normally included when the real property is sold... a piece of equipment which has been attached to real estate in such a way as to be part of the premises and its removal would do harm to the building or land. Thus, a fixture is transformed from a movable asset to an integral part of the real property. Essentially a question of fact, it often arises when a tenant has installed a lighting fixture, a he
Real property may be divided into smaller parcels and sold off. 开始学习
a tract, plot, or piece of land
Before giving final approval of your mortgage (=loan), the bank will conduct an appraisal of the property. 开始学习
(US) a fair determination of what a piece of land is worth in the current market
Archaeological finds are the property of the landowner until formal legal transfer of title. 开始学习
the formal process of becoming the legal owner of something
A council is to run three privately-owned homes after it deemed a landlord unfit to manage them. 开始学习
a person who owns property and either rents or leases it to a tenant for profit. The female form is landlady.
In accordance with landlord and tenant law, the council has served a notice on the tenant giving them a reasonable time within which to carry out the necessary repairs. 开始学习
prawo wynajmującego i najemcy the body of law that governs the commercial and residential property rights and obligations of an owner and renter of a real property interest for a given period of time, usually determined by a lease. It includes both contract law and land law.
A covenant to repair will rarely be implied against a landlord to the benefit of a tenant. 开始学习
w umowie - utrzymanie czystości an agreement by a landlord or tenant to keep a rented property in good condition
eviction n. a generic word for the act of expelling (kicking out) someone from real property either by legal action (suit for unlawful detainer), a claim of superior (actual) title to the property, or actions which prevent the tenant from continuing in possession (constructive eviction). Most frequently eviction consists of ousting a tenant who has breached the terms of a lease or rental agreement by not paying rent, or a tenant who has stayed (held over) after the term of the lease has expired
domniemana eksmisja - bez postępowania egzekucyjnego constructive eviction n. when the landlord does not go through a legal eviction of a tenant, but takes steps which keep the tenant from continuing to live in the premises. This could include changing the locks, turning off the drinking water, blocking the driveway, yelling at the tenant all the time, or nailing the door shut.
He will convey the title to his Manhattan townhouse to his daughter. 开始学习
przeniesienie własności = transfer to transfer a title or property from one person to another person
The solicitor did conveyancing on properties worth £720,000. 开始学习
the action of transferring title or property from one person to another person
Conveyance of land in the UK cannot be completed over the internet. 开始学习
the transfer of property rights in land from one person to another; an instrument used to transfer title to property
We are the first solicitors' practice to bring a licensed conveyancer into partnership. 开始学习
someone whose job it is to deal with the transfer of title or property
notariusze, prawnicy zajmujący się prawem rzeczowym