问题 |
答案 |
Jan III was famous not only as a notable monarch and valiant warrior. 开始学习
It seems I have been too permissive. 开始学习
It was a subsidiary of one of my companies. 开始学习
I know you want acknowledgment for your work. 开始学习
Offer me a story that answers my dilemma. 开始学习
Our world is broken, marred by death and suffering. 开始学习
People, I heard there's some grumblings about money. 开始学习
narzekania / zrzędzenia (g)
But here an interesting discrepancy emerges. 开始学习
rozbieżność / niezgodność
Additional, the projectile inside your brain continues to move. 开始学习
No, it sounded like a woman, but it's totally garbled. 开始学习
Ideal for outdoor sports or simply stroll. 开始学习
traveling toward a particular place, especially when returning to the original point of departure. Sir, we got an unidentified vehicle inbound at a high rate of speed. 开始学习
zbliża się / przychodzący
Well, for starters, you're using a pediatric cuff. 开始学习
These people misuse the information to generate revenue. 开始学习
I was supposed to install a signal relay across the street. 开始学习
But this whole relationship is putting me in a tailspin. 开始学习
I invite you to think of me as your own personal corkscrew. 开始学习
The canvas was blank when I was alive. 开始学习
Undoubtedly, intermittent pain can make the future mother nervous. 开始学习
I hope he didn't embroil himself in something just to impress me. 开始学习
She's not going to solve the underlying problems that are actually destroying this planet. 开始学习
zasadniczy / podstawowy (u)
Knocking is ominous, but ringing is jarring. 开始学习
I am going to immerse Grandpa's ashes in Rameshwaram. 开始学习
Anyone who deliberately causes dissension will be responsible for the consequences. 开始学习
All our toil would have been for naught. 开始学习
All our toil would have been for naught. 开始学习
The enterprise manufactures organic olive oil, wine and long-maturing cheese. 开始学习
I can only surmise she was thinking of happier times and trying to recapture them. 开始学习
przypuszczać / domyślać się
Please, I cannot have this constant bickering. 开始学习
Order the remainder of our battle contingent to engage the enemy there. 开始学习
Move close enough to ensure accuracy. 开始学习
barbed wire / concertina wire Something that can cut through barbed wire. 开始学习
Perhaps I confide to you because you cannot tell anyone. 开始学习
The particular remarkable and admired sneakers can be easily available at incredulously reduced prices. 开始学习
He took down the formwork before the mortar had properly dried. 开始学习
He took down the formwork before the mortar had properly dried. 开始学习
How easily they succumb to flattery and ale. 开始学习
Good thing that was a dud. 开始学习
But when she put that horrible muzzle on me... 开始学习
I think I'm capsizing, and the waves just keep rising. 开始学习
Electrical equipment may be hazardous if misused. 开始学习
A tough, grueling race for both drivers and their cars. 开始学习
There's hail the size of golf balls coming down here. 开始学习
The soldiers we found along the riverbank... 开始学习
The whole of Mumbai has been engulfed by a horrifying, unknown disease. 开始学习
Emplace your artillery in rough terrain! 开始学习
We're looking at footage from an alleyway in Tarlabas... 开始学习
We're looking at footage from an alleyway in Tarlabas... 开始学习
materiał filmowy, nagranie z wydarzenia
Sure. We'll just peel them like bananas. 开始学习
I'm applying for bail in a murder case. 开始学习
A grown man living in abject squalor. 开始学习
A grown man living in abject squalor. 开始学习
From this maelstrom of violence and... 开始学习
Everywhere you look there's nothing but soot. 开始学习
Then you might have to fend for yourself. 开始学习
Your powers will far exceed those of mortal men. 开始学习
Easily deploy and scale on demand. 开始学习
Many online shops cannot afford such a downtime. 开始学习
My Lord, the water levels have risen alarmingly. 开始学习
That's a $20 million haul. 开始学习
You can also tweak the extension to suit your needs. 开始学习
Or Red John is deliberately bringing me home. 开始学习
Doc says it's probably benign. 开始学习
But that's just as a deterrent against more death. 开始学习
odstraszające / środek odstraszający
Try these methods in case you cannot download files straightforward. 开始学习
There's no legal precedent to change it. 开始学习
Knowledge of drivers and motivators is an undeniable asset. 开始学习
Fortunately, I never need to ask about your composure. 开始学习
Perhaps the animosity I feel from you is misdirected at me. 开始学习
This would give her the semblance of a normal life. 开始学习
In the vernacular, our victim's face was chewed off by a cannibal. 开始学习
They're shutting down every intersection here to Brooklyn. 开始学习
skrzyżowanie / przecięcie
Let me disabuse you of that misperception. 开始学习
Let me disabuse you of that misperception. 开始学习
Otwierać oczy / wyprowadzić (z błędu)
A good leader prepares for every contingency. 开始学习
awaryjna sytuacja / nieprzewidziane okoliczności
My cadre has never recovered a hostage alive from the Alliance 开始学习
Sadly, not all young men possess the same mettle. 开始学习
He'd been ducking me since I clocked him as an amateur 开始学习
Facing such a predicament, Columbus remained patient and confident. 开始学习
However, his softness did not entail weakness. 开始学习
Age before beauty. That's a universal tenet. 开始学习
Should dissolve the clot and hopefully prevent brain damage. 开始学习
Should dissolve the clot and hopefully prevent brain damage. 开始学习
Do they seem lopsided to you? 开始学习
Why do people harp on about the beauty of the sunrise? 开始学习
To do so, you will hunt your enemies across a staggeringly large, open, and realistic world. 开始学习
In addition, the ingress of moisture onto such a cover is devastating. 开始学习
Social stratification is growing, extreme poverty and unfathomable wealth are becoming exasperated. 开始学习
Digital imagery of a type we haven't seen before. 开始学习
It's no small feat teaching a cardiac surgeon something about heart. 开始学习
This matter must be investigated objectively and nothing must be covered up or glossed over. 开始学习
zatuszowany (zabłyszczony)
It is not always possible to mount overlay locks on the existing doors. 开始学习
This guy's case stemmed from visible neurological damage. 开始学习
The next time, someone might lose his life because of these potholes. 开始学习
It provides European citizens with a visible, quantifiable indicator of solidarity. 开始学习
But we should also be concerned about the denominator. 开始学习
For always evil will look to find a foothold in this world. 开始学习
In essence, it is a theft or concealment of income. 开始学习
Member States are primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with national legislation. 开始学习