问题 |
答案 |
He said you needed addition and subtraction. 开始学习
Decimal degrees with negative numbers for South and West. 开始学习
The idea of the beginning suggested a dynamic, finite universe 开始学习
By squaring the quotient and adding 1 we obtained 50. 开始学习
The remainder of the interior floor is relatively level. 开始学习
Bad news for the incumbent Governor McCall Cullen 开始学习
Now, the next challenge is manning the Google helpline. 开始学习
Every 13th wave is substantially greater than the other. 开始学习
Keep busy but avoid unnecessary exertion. 开始学习
Cut me some slack, please. 开始学习
Just say a few words for posterity. 开始学习
Well... that should be some consolation to you. 开始学习
Now, the perpendicular end Is always opposite the side of impact. 开始学习
Even when they scream obscenities at you, you must remain calm 开始学习
Regulations prohibit fraternizing with the locals. 开始学习
We should go upstairs, hunker down and wait for reinforcements. 开始学习
Soon, the next unimaginable stage of society will begin to take form. 开始学习
If anything, they should enhance our powers, not steal them. 开始学习
Or they love you too much, so you need to prove your humility. 开始学习
Due to its durability and low abrasiveness, stone is the best material for flooring. 开始学习
Norway has many picturesque places with medieval little churches. 开始学习
To further incentivize you into paying, they layout threats, as well as give you a deadline. 开始学习
zachęcać do / motywować do (i)
This powder is gritty and bitter-tasting, and has many uses. 开始学习
There are encryptions we can't decipher. 开始学习
That seems like a pretty counterintuitive thought. 开始学习
State your business and do it succinctly. 开始学习
Her objective, terminate the entire planet's population. 开始学习
Assess where and why shortfalls in availability are occurring. 开始学习
We all had to sign nondisclosure agreements. 开始学习
bring firsthand testimony to prove their evidence forged. 开始学习
We must stand up resolutely against genetic discrimination. 开始学习
Dress your home in glamour with this gorgeous upholstered footstool. 开始学习
I'm sorry, I didn't have much time to rehearse. 开始学习
That's further confirmed By his atrocious, Illegible handwriting. 开始学习
Plus half those signatures are illegible scribbles. 开始学习
Evan, the situation is dire enough as it is. 开始学习
tragiczny / złowieszczy (d)
What causes these destructive forces, and why are they so ominously co-ordinated? 开始学习
złowieszczo / niepokojąco
This shouldn't inhibit our company cultures from fusing. 开始学习
Security in this museum is a little subpar, 开始学习
If this little preface was supposed to inspire confidence, you're failing miserably. 开始学习
This ammunition was found in the rubble. 开始学习
It is a traditional litany, passed down for generations. 开始学习
I could adjust your saddle to ease the chafing. 开始学习
Medications can be applied topically or systemically. 开始学习
You need to look at this from a broader perspective. 开始学习
They believe their powers derive directly from the divine. 开始学习
I am uncertain how to wear such a garment. 开始学习
We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender. 开始学习
Your employability will only increase tenfold. 开始学习
Don't patronize me, doubter! 开始学习
He is quite astute, which is why we have promoted him to senior partner. 开始学习
This changes the maximum bonus damage to Blade Flurry from 80 to 90 Level 16 开始学习
loans shall not be netted with deposits. 开始学习
German resistance was completely broken by the artillery barrage and in the first two hours of the operation the Allies lost only 31 men. 开始学习
A hailstorm, with hailstone as big as a fist! 开始学习
During the Warsaw Uprising 1944 the church was transformed into an insurgent hospital. 开始学习
I would never speak so bluntly in front of a lady. 开始学习
Well, not unexpected. Processor power has increased exponentially. 开始学习
That money is the normal wage. 开始学习
The incredulous laugh at some religious practices and beliefs. 开始学习
I must protect the relic in the Emperor's Holy name. 开始学习
None of the patients required surgical intervention. 开始学习
We speak other languages, distances do not consitute any barrier for us. 开始学习
We were on a punitive expedition because a tax collector had been murdered. 开始学习
Ukraine rollout e-procurement system in less two years. 开始学习
wdrożenie / wejście na rynek
It is more difficult to treat than the flux itself. 开始学习
ciągłe zmiany / stumień/topnik
You got to move that antenna and just disrupt the signal. 开始学习
This reduces consumer choice and may infringe intellectual property rights. 开始学习
That was a very pivotal time in my life. 开始学习
Develop, promulgate and monitor the implementation of minimum standards and guidelines for the accessibility of facilities and services open or provided to the public; 开始学习
Four years later he also won a mandate. 开始学习