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They carefully examined every facet of the argument. 开始学习
nierównomiernie rozłożnone
without invoking any thermal effects. / invoking an agreement against third parties 开始学习
wywołać · wezwać · odwoływać się bez wywoływania żadnych efektów termicznych. / powołując się na umowę przed osobami trzecimi
incomes ranked in ascending order of size / a gently ascending forest path 开始学习
dochody rangi w kolejności rosnącej wielkości
Marriage as a legal bond may become outdated, but I doubt it. / press the material to bond the layers together 开始学习
exhibits 开始学习
shallowness 开始学习
manufacturing processes require a consistent approach 开始学习
Einstein observes that the Menelaus theorem is symmetric with respect to the vertices of the triangle 开始学习
the highest point; the top or apex. / each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
To the east is Aegidientorplatz, a major node and traffic intersection dominated by an axially placed theatre 开始学习
the junction of the two rivers / This quantum mechanical tunneling process is an important mechanism for thin barriers such as those in metal-semiconductor junctions on highly-doped semiconductors. 开始学习
a point where two or more things are joined. / a region of transition in a semiconductor between a part where conduction is mainly by electrons and a part where it is mainly by holes.
the properties vary in price 开始学习
differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class
a situation that entails considerable risks / her father's estate was entailed on a cousin 开始学习
involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence. / settle the inheritance of (property) over a number of generations so that ownership remains within a particular group, usually one family
a distinguished American educationist / the child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy 开始学习
successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect. / recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
a beam of light flashed in front of her / a beam of satisfaction 开始学习
a ray or shaft of light. / a radiant or good-natured look or smile.
he felt a surge of anxiety 开始学习
Poczuł przypływ niepokoju
a commanding officer/ it's unlikely they'll obey your commands 开始学习
dowodca / jest mało prawdopodobne, będą przestrzegać poleceń
they were in imminent danger of being swept away 开始学习
compelling his eyes were strangely compelling / a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions 开始学习
przykuwający, nieodparty Jego oczy były dziwnie przekonujące / poczucie obowiązku zmuszony Harry'ego odpowiedzieć na jej pytania
a simple but nourishing meal / I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby 开始学习
flattened the hurricane flattened thousands of homes 开始学习
in the labyrinths beneath central Moscow / beneath this floor there's a cellar 开始学习
having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
boasting the hotel boasts high standards of comfort / Ted used to boast, “I manage ten people” 开始学习
chlubić się
restraint decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget / he urged the protesters to exercise restraint 开始学习
ograniczenia a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits. / unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behavior; self-control.
He clenched his fists tightly, nails digging into his palms. 开始学习
Zacisnął pięści mocno, paznokcie wbijały dłoniach.
war was inevitable / It takes courage and wisdom to make the best of an imperfect situation and accept the inevitable. 开始学习
Why do new Irish houses have no cellars or utility rooms? 开始学习
spis ludności przeprowadzony
the author provides a survey of the relevant literature / Jej zielone oczy badanych go chłodno 开始学习
przegląd, ankieta, badanie autor przewiduje przegląd odpowiedniej literatury / Jej zielone oczy badanych go chłodno
especially so as to appraise them 开始学习
w szczególności w taki sposób, aby je ocenić
groundwork of his own credibility 开始学习
podwaliny własnej wiarygodności
the indication of elided consonants or vowels 开始学习
omit (a sound or syllable) when speaking. / oznaczenie samogłosek lub spółgłosek pomijana
a significant detail was omitted from your story 开始学习
leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully. / znaczący szczegół został pominięty w swojej historii
these claims have not been convincingly refuted 开始学习
wnioski te nie zostały przekonująco obalona
we wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit 开始学习
a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
public unease about defense policy 开始学习
he was quite willing to compromise 开始学习
concern such unsatisfactory work gives cause for concern / oil reserves are the concern of the Energy Department / the story concerns a friend of mine 开始学习
dotyczyć rezerwy ropy są problemem Departamentu Energii / historia dotyczy mojego przyjaciela
penultimate / last but one the penultimate chapter of the book 开始学习
Przedostatnia / przedostatnim przedostatni rozdział książki
Sometimes, our anger and frustration are caused by very real and inescapable problems in our lives. 开始学习
nieunikniony, nieuchronny Zdarza się, że nasz gniew i frustracja spowodowane są bardzo realne i nieuniknionych problemów w naszym życiu.
couch potato 开始学习
leń, kanapowiedc
an informative and persuasive speech 开始学习
informacyjny i przekonujące mowy
the client must ensure that accurate records be kept 开始学习
klient musi zapewnić dokładne zapisy przechowywane
the government's loss of credibility 开始学习
lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure 开始学习
określać przeznaczenie, przydatność do czegoś ze względu na szczególne cechy
he resisted the temptation to call Celia at the office 开始学习
a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.