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Game Of Thrones, opened their final episode with a bang and provided enough shocking twists, 开始学习
against last week’s seemingly unbeatable “Battle Of The Bastards.” 开始学习
that was one of the most ambitious production feats ever seen on a TV screen. 开始学习
wyczyn, dokonanie, osiągnięcie
the field vying to rule the Seven Kingdoms got smaller; 开始学习
new alliances were forged, 开始学习
tworzyć, rozpoczynać (np. znajomość=
icy Night King and his undead horde serving as the looming doomsday menace. 开始学习
wyłaniać się, majaczyć, widnieć
icy Night King and his undead horde serving as the looming doomsday menace. 开始学习
zagrożenie, niebezpieczeństwo
Battle of the Bastards, which pitted Jon Snow against Ramsay Bolton. 开始学习
wyjmować pestki, drylować, wyłuskać
comprised of his infantry and the enemy. 开始学习
zawierać, obejmować, składać się (z czegoś)
comprised of his infantry and the enemy. 开始学习
gritty, grim reality of those films. 开始学习
realistyczny, brutalnie szczery (o osobie, o powieści)
The Estate of Vanessa Bell, courtesy of Henrietta Garnett 开始学习
n the tangled affairs of the Bloomsbury group 开始学习
Bloomsbury group has overshadowed the serious talent of a pioneering modern British artist 开始学习
But Bell cannot be freed entirely from the clutches of the Bloomsbury set, 开始学习
Their labyrinthine relationships were so tortuous that previous exhibitions about the group have included diagrams to make sense of it all. 开始学习
labiryntowy, zawiły, pogmatwany
Their labyrinthine relationships were so tortuous that previous exhibitions about the group have included diagrams to make sense of it all. 开始学习
including her weary sister Virginia slumped in a chair, 开始学习
including her weary sister Virginia slumped in a chair, 开始学习
who had been present at her birth, admired her beauty and pledged to marry the baby. 开始学习
przyrzekać, ślubować, zobowiązywać się
: the farmhouse became a startling showhouse for the style 开始学习
zadziwiający, zdumiewający
2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve 开始学习
mass sexual assaults and other crimes carried out on New Year's Eve in the German city of Cologne. 开始学习
przeprowadzić coś, zrealizować coś, wykonywać coś (np. zlecenia)
the previous estimates have to be dramatically revised — upward. 开始学习
e also predicted that many of the New Year's Eve perpetrators will never be convicted 开始学习
przestępca, sprawca przestępstwa
Most of the perpetrators in that city stand accused of groping and facilitating sex assaults 开始学习
macać, obmacywać (kogoś, kto sobie tego nie życzy)
Including the crushing amount of attention that this week's Facebook Live broadcast received, 开始学习
przygniatający, miażdżący, druzgocący, przytłaczający (np. większość, ciężar)
a group of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives held a sit-in to push for a vote on gun control measures. 开始学习
strajk okupacyjny, protest
A display has multiple functional layers such as cover lenses, touch panels and polarizers, all made of different materials. 开始学习
The size of batteries and circuits are of lesser concern in designing bendable screens 开始学习
IHS projects such screens to continue siphoning market share from non-flexible displays. 开始学习
wyprowadzać, wypompować (nielegalnie, np. pieniądze)
Dawn revealed pools of dried blood, smashed children’s strollers, an uneaten baguette and other debris strewn about the promenade 开始学习
gruzy, rumowisko, odłamki (np. szkła, metalu)
The baby's toys were strewn all over the floor. 开始学习
Zabawki dziecka były porozrzucane po całej podłodze.
There were no cars and the wide dual-carriageway was completely taken over by pedestrians. 开始学习
We crossed over to the landward side and had just reached the point where there was traffic again. 开始学习
On our side of the road, where the traffic was heading out of town, there was nose to tail traffic 开始学习
Suddenly on the other side of the road we could see a white truck driving very fast and swerving from side to side. 开始学习
gwałtownie skręcać, zbaczać (z drogi)
A large truck has ploughed into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in the southern French city of Nice at about 11pm local time. 开始学习
the truck was loaded with weapons and grenades 开始学习
Some told of parents frantically throwing their children over fences 开始学习
The lorry carrying glass bottles overturned on the M6. 开始学习
Ciężarówka przewożąca szklane butelki przewróciła się na autostradzie M6.
The truck driver who rammed his vehicle into a massive crowd in Nice fired a pistol several times before being shot 开始学习
baran, uderzać (w coś), walić w coś (z dużą siłą), taranować (coś)
The commission highlighted a “global failure” of French intelligence and recommended a total overhaul of the intelligence services 开始学习
przegląd, naprawa, remont kapitalny
privacy fears and ongoing confusion about security have soured the internet for many 开始学习
zepsuć się, skwaśnieć, kwaśny
When cybersecurity professionals converged in Las Vegas last week to expose vulnerabilities 开始学习
zbiegać się, zejść, schodzić się, łączyć się
As we conduct more of our lives online, we’re being asked to become increasingly savvy about computer security 开始学习
Many are simply uninterested or not up to the task. 开始学习
być wystarczająco dobrym/gotowym
2016’s haul is expected to be significantly higher. 开始学习
łup, zdobycz, holowanie, połów
you can simply restore the untainted files to your machine 开始学习
slangowo: kradzież, złodziejstwo, buchnąć
restoring data can be a hassle. 开始学习
the people who get duped into clicking random links or opening rogue files. 开始学习
łobuz, przymiotnik: zbójecki
targeting a specific person via a message containing bogus links 开始学习
fałszywy, podrabiany, zmyślony, fikcyjny, udawany
Unwitting test subjects picked up 98% of them; 开始学习
bezwiedny, mimowolny, nieświadomy
scant few will do all of them all the time. 开始学习
iedostateczny (o ilości), ograniczony (np. wzrost), znikomy (np. procent czegoś)
When searching for Palestine on Google Maps, it shows an outline, but with no label for Palestine and Israel labelled alongside it. 开始学习
arys, szkic (najważniejsze informacje, bez szczegółów)
Removing Palestine from the map doesn't mean it ceases to exist. 开始学习
przerwać, przerywać, zaprzestać, zaprzestawać
This is not the first time Google has got into hot water over disputed territories 开始学习
But now Windows PCs are having a resurgence, this time in a new, 21st-century skin: the two-in-one. 开始学习
As tablet sales peaked as consumers realised they were great for consuming media but then dwindled 开始学习
słabnąć, zanikać, zmniejszać się
They had short battery lives and resistive touchscreens that were unresponsive and bulky. 开始学习
porny, sprzeciwiający się, stawiający opór
They had short battery lives and resistive touchscreens that were unresponsive and bulky. 开始学习
large-format touchscreen development borne of the mobile tablet generation triggered by the launch of the iPad in 2010. (born - rodzić) 开始学习
ścierpieć (coś), znieść (coś), wytrzymać (coś)
PC that can double as a makeshift tablet for media consumption is appealing 开始学习
Now the two-in-one category spans almost every capability and cost. 开始学习
obejmować, sięgać, rozciągać się
At the same time the shortcomings of the tablet form factor 开始学习
niedociągnięcia, braki, wady
Treated as laptop replacements, Windows 10 two-in-ones are no longer a gimmick 开始学习
sztuczka, chwyt (np. reklamowy, marketingowy), gadżet
a mosque in the New York borough of Queens 开始学习
Both men were wearing religious garb at the time of shooting. 开始学习
strój, ubiór (sposób ubierania się)
More than 100 people attending a rally at the shooting site Saturday night chanted “We want justice!”. 开始学习
zbiórka (zwolenników lub przeciwników czegoś), zgromadzenie ludzi (we wspólnym celu)
it’s very important to mount a thorough investigation.” 开始学习
ważne, żeby przeprowadzić drobiazgowe śledztwo
they saw a lone armed assailant fleeing the scene 开始学习
apastnik, agresor, najeźdźca (na kraj)
Greeks would be hit by yet more austerity to foot the bill for saving their country from economic collapse, 开始学习
trudna sytuacja ekonomiczna, bieda
Greeks would be hit by yet more austerity to foot the bill for saving their country from economic collapse, 开始学习
they realised their business would go bust if it continued operating legally. 开始学习
For a middle class eviscerated by relentless rounds of cuts and tax rises 开始学习
Greeks now reneging on loan repayments, property taxes and energy bills. 开始学习
Against a backdrop of monumental debt – €320bn, or 180% of GDP 开始学习
horyzont, prospekt (sceneria za czymś, na co patrzymy), tło
GDP Gross Domestic Product Against a backdrop of monumental debt – €320bn, or 180% of GDP 开始学习
PKB Produkt Krajowy Brutto
the accumulation of decades of profligacy 开始学习
The 14 August bailout deal was meant to have put paid to that. 开始学习
dofinansowanie, subwencja
EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker chirpily announced that Greece was “irreversibly” part of the euro area. 开始学习
eurozone finance ministers disbursed a whopping €10.3bn in emergency loans 开始学习
eurozone finance ministers disbursed a whopping €10.3bn in emergency loans 开始学习
the once popular leftwing prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, is now a reviled figure. 开始学习
the stumps of its decaying timbers poking through the sand of a north Devon beach 开始学习
pieniek, kikut, niedopałek
he remains of a much older boat near the mouth of the river Axe. 开始学习
The crew was rescued as the ship became stranded in shallow water. 开始学习
osiąść na mieliźnie (o statku), opuścić, pozostawić
Most of the cargo, barrels of wine being shipped from Portugal, is believed to have been salvaged, 开始学习
“We think bad luck rather than any villainy was involved,” 开始学习
timbers are increasingly exposed and the sodden timber dries out and begins to decay 开始学习
rozmokły (o gruncie), przemoczony (o ubraniach)
Try one, two or all three of the picks in this itinerary 开始学习
plan, przewodnik, rozpiska
Edinburgh is full of young companies making fluffy, whimsical theatre 开始学习
Edinburgh is full of young companies making fluffy, whimsical theatre 开始学习
at first sight This Egg’s two-hander about love, friendship and breaking free seems to be just one more 开始学习
London’s housing crisis and its effects upon relationships is explored with beady-eyed sharpness 开始学习
It’s no idle boast: in 2015 he did, after all, become only the second comic ever to win Melbourne’s Barry 开始学习
bezpodstawny, czczy, daremny, jałowy (np. działanie)