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the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made: 开始学习
Reporters must be impartial and not show political ........ 开始学习
tendencyjność, stronniczość
I wonder if Michael will ........ to visit us? 开始学习
raczyć lub zechcieć coś zrobić
I hate the way he's so ........ to his staff! 开始学习
treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them, proketcjonalny
Her beauty had an ........ quality to it. 开始学习
producing a bright light from a heated filament or other part: an incandescent lamp/showing extreme anger or happiness
He was very contemptuous of "popular" writers, whom he described as having no talent. 开始学习
showing contempt, pogardliwy
They walked along the road together until they reached the village, but then their paths ....... 开始学习
to be different, or to develop in a different way or to go in different direction
Italic writing ........ to the right. 开始学习
nachylać (się), być nachylonym
the staff have been warned to be extra ........ 开始学习
His ........ to liberal ideas. 开始学习
a cloth bag filled with something soft which you sit on or lean against to make you comfortable poduszka 开始学习
Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ........ of a country town. 开始学习
the character and atmosphere of the place
a person who shows people their seats (or as a verb) 开始学习
he left in a fit of pique
walk with short quick steps or cut up (food) into vary small peaces 开始学习
to leave home secretly with someone in order to get married 开始学习
She's always bragging about how much money she earns. 开始学习
say sth in a boastful manner
She has a ........ sense of humour. 开始学习