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które jest (używamy do wyjaśnień tego wspomnieliśmy wcześniej) Using relative clauses is very common for giving more information. They’re really useful for fluency 开始学习
which is (we use to explain that we mentioned earlier) I studied Social Science, which is, umm, it’s quite a mixed subject
I finished there and I worked in an office for a while
Oni zostali przejęci przez 开始学习
‘they were taken over’ means that the club was bought by new owners. If a company is ‘taken over’ it means that another company buys the majority of its shares, and then becomes the boss of that company
This means that the location is next to the sea, on the edge of the country.
na lądzie, to jest wewnątrz kraju 开始学习
this means it is not on the coast, but in the country. E.g. in Brazil Rio de Janeiro is on the coast, but Brazilia is inland.
złotówka straciła na wartości 开始学习
the zloty has dropped in value This means that the economic value of the zloty has gone down
Before you know it, before you expect it
In India, you are always hassled by people who want to sell you something, or offer you a taxi ride. Everyone wants you to use their taxi, or buy their products!
Nie jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni do tego rodzaju rzeczy w Londynie 开始学习
We are not accustomed to this kind of thing in London we’re not used to that sort of thing in London
“you have to haggle for pretty much everything you buy” -To haggle means to negotiate the price. E.g. £10 – no £3! -no £7 – are you crazy? £5! – OK, £5.
Czy masz nie odebrane połączenie 开始学习
have you got a missed call A missed call means that someone has called you but you didn’t answer and your mobile says ‘you have 1 missed call’.
An upset stomach means that you feel sick in your stomach.
Asprin will stop a headache, but the side effect is a bad stomach