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what are the responsibilities of the lexical analyser 开始学习
[1] tokenizing source [2] removing comments [3] saving text of identifiers, numbers, strings [4] saving source locations (file, line, column) for error messages
whata re the 3 ways to build a lexical analyser 开始学习
(1) Write a formal description (e.g., REs) of the token patterns, a Design a state transition diagram (DFA) that describes the token patterns and (2) write a program to implement the diagram, or (3) write a table-driven implementation of DFA.
Whata re state transition diagrams? 开始学习
directed graphs, are representation of mathematical “machines” called finite state automata (FSA) or just finite automata (FA).
Finite automata could be _____(DFA) or ______(NFA). 开始学习
Finite automata could be deterministic (DFA) or nondeterministic (NFA).
when is FA determanistic? 开始学习
A FA is deterministic if it performs the same operation (state transition) in a given situation (its current state and input).
when is fa nondeterministic 开始学习
A FA is nondeterministic if it can perform any of a set of state transitions in a given situation.
what are the properties of a finite state automaton (FSA), or simply finite automaton 开始学习
[1] read in' str' from L-R, 1 sym' at a time[2] in 1 of a finite No. ofState[3]4 each sym' it moves to a new state determined by its current state&the sym' read[4] str' is acptd or rejcted depending on the state of the machine after read the final sym'
what is the formal deffinition of finite automation (FA) M 开始学习
finite set Q of states, finite alphabet Σ of input symbols, distinguished start state q1 ∈ Q, set of final states F ⊆ Q, and transition function δ: Q × Σ → Q that chooses a new state for M based on the current state, Q, and the current input symbol, Σ
what is DFA for Lexical Analysis 开始学习
As far as lexical analysis is concerned, a DFA is a string processing machine
what does DFA do for Lexical Analysis 开始学习
what is The set of all strings accepted by a DFA known as 开始学习
how are DFA digrams simplified? 开始学习
Similar to the case of REs, we name a set of symbols letter = {a, b, c,..., z, A, B, C,..., Z} digit = {0,...,9} and replace their arcs by a single arc labelled letter Or digit (or simply d as in our example)