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Not their period – don’t think it’s only historians who go in for that crap.
When the last intake of undergraduates had gone down, hallowed college rooms had been opened to mature, part-time students, and the class had been held in an agreeable, panelled lecture room at Queen’s College.
She added, ‘Isabel Archer and Dorothea both discard eligible suitors to marry self-important fools, but one sympathizes more with Dorothea.
The middle and forefinger were fused into a nail-less stump and the back of the hand grossly swollen.
‘Perhaps we could walk round the new cloisters.’
You certainly enlivened the discussion.’
She had listened, apparently attentively, to his preliminary discourse on Henry James and had at first taken no part in the ensuing general discussion
She could have married Lord Warburton and done a great deal of good to his tenants, to the poor.
She had listened, apparently attentively, to his preliminary discourse on Henry James
‘I’m afraid I was rather vehement.’
He had been sorry and a little aggrieved when the following Thursday, watched for, she had failed to appear.
The connection made and curiosity appeased, he could sit back in peace and listen to the second anthem.
From the ante-chapel the bright light streamed out into the late-afternoon dusk and for the first time he saw her clearly.
She added, ‘Isabel Archer and Dorothea both discard eligible suitors to marry self-important fools, but one sympathizes more with Dorothea.
She added, ‘Isabel Archer and Dorothea both discard eligible suitors to marry self-important fools, but one sympathizes more with Dorothea.
Theo saw from the printed service sheet that this afternoon there was to be the first of a series of fifteenth-century English anthems, beginning with two by William Byrd, ‘Teach me, O Lord’ and ‘Exult Thyself, O God’.
Now he sat perfectly still, his old face uplifted, the candlelight glinting on the tears which ran down his cheeks in a stream so that the deep furrows looked as if they were hung with pearls.
The middle and forefinger were fused into a nail-less stump and the back of the hand grossly swollen.
He loitered for a minute so that there would be no chance of overtaking her and then in silence and solitude made his way home.
During the early 1990s when there was an upsurge of allegations about sexual harassment
He loitered for a minute so that there would be no chance of overtaking her and then in silence and solitude made his way home.
She had come with only the reluctant acquiescence of the rest of the group, perhaps even against the wish of its leader.
His remark had been inept, unthinking, condescending perhaps, but it hadn’t been ridiculous.
It is difficult to fulminate successfully against sexual licence
But the impression his current favourite had of being in some sense a crown prince has made me wonder subsequently whether this wasn’t his way of confronting age, time, the inevitable blunting of the mind’s keen edge, his personal illusion of immortality.
He said dryly: ‘It’s unwise to judge an academic’s personal probity from his written work.’
She flushed, and he sensed an instinctive recoil, a loss of confidence in herself, and perhaps in him.
During the early 1990s when there was an upsurge of allegations about sexual harassment, he instituted an unsuccessful campaign to ensure
Now that the moment had come he sensed her reluctance to begin, not, he thought, out of embarrassment or regret that she had initiated the encounter, but because what she had to say was important and she needed to find the right words.
Her unease was infectious.
I’d pay for the conversion, of course.’
One expected to see him pictured, high-collared as a Vanity Fair creation, holding one of his own books with slender-tipped, fastidious fingers.
No one was more adept at demolishing a woman’s self-confidence while treating her with meticulous, indeed almost insulting, consideration and courtesy.
He walked with his chin jutting forward as if confronting a strong gale, shoulders hunched, his faded gown billowing.
During the early 1990s when there was an upsurge of allegations about sexual harassment
But each year he would select an undergraduate, invariably male, for his approval and patronage.
His remark had been inept, unthinking, condescending perhaps, but it hadn’t been ridiculous.
He walked with his chin jutting forward as if confronting a strong gale, shoulders hunched, his faded gown billowing.
‘But presumably you haven’t arranged this interview to reassure me about your literary taste.’
But there are other kinds of senility which even our obsessive scientific concern with the problems of ageing has still been unable to alleviate.
I’m not saying I hadn’t a moment of regret when I first knew Hilda was barren; the genes asserting their atavistic imperatives, I suppose.
No one was more adept at demolishing a woman’s self-confidence while treating her with meticulous, indeed almost insulting, consideration and courtesy.
They seemed, in company at least, to get on well enough together, but in general women disliked him intensely.
Only repentance can appease the Almighty’s rightful displeasure, and repentance is best demonstrated by a generous contribution towards Roaring Roger’s campaign expenses.
Eventually the sun will explode or cool and one small insignificant particle of the universe will disappear with only a tremble.
Her unease was infectious.
Apparently the eventual plan is for everyone to move into towns so that facilities and services can be concentrated.
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Unsurprisingly, the book contains exactly fifty ideas.
When a single person is writing and documenting detailed stories, the entire burden of analysis, understanding and coordination falls on that person.
Clarifying the change is a valid and useful step in the refinement of the story.
The Excel solution did not deliver the final speed or capacity they needed, but traders started selling several months sooner than if they had to wait for the full big-bang deployment to production, and this had immense business value for the company.
These are perfectly good stories, as they fulfil both important roles nicely: they allow delivery teams to schedule things and they spark a good discussion.
proper to defer commitment on a solution until we are clear about the intended outcome.
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But in this section, we’d like to warn against a potential pitfall with focusing too much on this.
They can be handled at a sustainable pace.
It enables teams to deliver value frequently, react to market opportunities and outrun the competition.
Stories with expiry dates were clearly separated from the rest of the backlog, which allowed the team to slot in such stories into earlier iterations, dealing with them at a sustainable pace.
It’s very easy to hide scope creep and unnecessary work in a pile of several dozen items.
Unfortunately, almost a decade later, we often meet teams who have ended up in that limbo.
Having to manage all this information often puts a lot of strain on product managers, who then do not have enough time to deal with day-to-day activities.
War horns were sounded, arrows of challenge were fired over the opposing fleets, the berserks on either side clashed their arms and bit the rims of their shields, working themselves into a wild war fury.
the sea penetrating far inland between steep precipices braided with sparkling waterfalls.
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Often some fertile valley had opened out before him, with verdant pastures and narrow strips of arable land.
Entering a forest glade he prayed to the gods, and offered to propitiate them by making human sacrifice.
Often some fertile valley had opened out before him, with verdant pastures and narrow strips of arable land.
But Olaf, ever hopeful and buoyant, trusted that with very little trouble on his own part
But he had no intention to abide by his compact.
They began to shiver, though for the most part they fought bravely enough.