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niehonorowe, nieuczyciwe zachowanie
sciągałes to nieuczciwe
it is not cricket
you cheated, that is not cricket
być ostroznym, nie podejmować ryzyka
to play it safe
when taking a care of baby, you have to play it safe
byc w ciezkiej sytuacji, zwrocic sie do kaznego o pomoc
any port in a strom
I don't really like asking my parents for help, but any port in a storm
łazic po sklepach porownywac cenyt
to shop around
I always shop around before I buy sth
mnóstwo rzeczy
everything but the kitchen sink
This bag weighs a hundred kilos. You have packed everything but the kitchen sink
zaczac myslec powaznie jak rozwiazac problem
to put on one's thinking cap
guys let's put on our thinking caps and figure out how to do this
jeden za drugim bez przerwy
jeden za drugim bez przerwy 用英语
back to back
I have three lectures back to back
ruch wykształconych ludzi którzy jada do innego kraju by zarobić
brain drain
brain drain is a real disatser for a developing country
nie miec czasu na cos
to run out of time
mieć dobrą rękę do roślin
to have a green thumb
pieniądze nie rosną na drzewach
money doesn't grow on trees
I can't buy you this shirt, money doesn't grow on trees, you know
nie jest łatwo zdobyć kasy
money isn't that easy to come by
przepełniony, zatłoczony, pęka w szwach
bursting at the seams
The cinema is bursting at the seams, I don't thing we are going to get tickets for tonight
piekło jest dobrymi chęciami wybrukowane
the road to hell is paved with good intentions
I told him, I really menat to call him, but he replied that the road to hel is paved with good intentions
usiłować zyskac kase szybko, łatwo i nieuczciwe
to get on the gravy train
I don't like him any more, he seems to have got on the gravy train
ktos daje soba pomiatac
to be a doormat
I can't stand being anybody's doormat
rozpowszechniać plotki
to dish the dirt
I am not interested in gossips. i don't like dishing the dirt
uwzywany by opisac miejsce ktore jest mega male
not enough room to swing a cat
This place isn't very spacious, in fact, there is not enough room to swing a cat
wspolpracowac, to cooperate
to play ball
I have no choice i have to play ball with you if we want to get out of here
miec wilczy apetyt
to eat like a horse
she is very thin, but she eats like a horse
