idiomy 2

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być nadzianym
to be loaded
Look at the car he is driving! This guy has to be pretty loaded...
być sensownym, dać się udowodnić (pozytywnie)
to hold water
This theory was easy to abolish - the arguments simply didn't hold water.
być spłukanym, bez kasy
to be broke
I'm afraid I can't lend you any money - I'm absolutely broke.
być szalonym, postradać zmysły
to be out of one's mind
She must be out of her mind to want to marry such a fool!
być w najlepszej formie
be at one's best
There is no doubt he is to win this race - he is at his best now!
być w radosnym nastroju
to be in high spirits
Mary passed her last exam yesterday and she was in high spirits all day.
być w rozterce, wahać się
be in two minds about sth
Well, I don't know. I am still in two minds about buying this car. It's second-hand you know...
być w tej samej (zwykle złej) sytuacji
to be in the same boat
Jane and I are in the same boat - neither of us has got a job.
być wściekłym
to have a face like thunder
When I told Mark that I was going out with Kate he had a face like thunder as he was attracted to her as well.
być wtajemniczonym w coś
to be in the know
I should ask Roger he's the boss and he's in the know.
być wyrzuconym/wylanym z pracy
to get the sack
Tom wasn't good enough at work and he got the sack.
być zakochanym po uszy
to be head over heels in love
Jim's head over heels in love with Monica - he talks only about her.
być zdrowym
to be in the pink
My sister is finally back in the pink after having a bad cold for two weeks.
być zostawionym samemu sobie (z kłopotami), utknąć
be left stranded
That party was a disaster! Everybody was having fun and I was left stranded with that boring guy who sat next to me.
całe wieki
donkey's years
Mary's been working in my company for donkey's years and I won't sack her now.
cały i zdrowy
safe and sound
To everybody's relief, he returned safe and sound from the storm.
cel uświęca środki
the end justifies the means
Many people strongly oppose the machiavellian approach that the end justifies the means.
chcieć gwiazdki z nieba
cry for the moon
Oh, come on! Be realistic! It's like crying for the moon! We cannot afford it.
chodzić komuś po głowie
have something on the brain
Do you know this song? I've had it on my brain all day.
chodzić na wagary
to play truant
More and more children are caught playing truant.
ciąg myśli
train of thought
Stop interrupting me or I'll lose my train of thought.
ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do piekła
curiosity killed the cat
Don't ask her any questions about her marriage. Remember, curiosity killed the cat.
cięta, złośliwa uwaga
a cutting/biting remark
Finally, I was fed up with his biting remarks about my size and I left him.
cięty język
a sharp tongue
I like her, but sometimes her sharp tongue irritates me so much.
cofnąć dane słowo, wycofać sie z obietnicy
go back on one's word
I promised to give Frank some money and I can't go back on my word now.
cudem uniknąć czegoś, o mały włos
have a narrow escape
He had a narrow escape when he slipped on the stairs.
czarna owca (w rodzinie)
the black sheep (of the family)
Everybody says he's the black sheep of the family - he left home when he was and became a singer.
czas się skończył!
Time's up!
Time's up now, put down your pens and leave the class, please.
czas to pieniądz
time is money
Come on, hurry up! Remember, time is money.
czas, w którym drinki w pubie są sprzedawane taniej
happy hour
Let's go for a drink to that pub round the corner it's happy hour now.
czasami, niekiedy
at times
I think everyone gets a bit lonely at times.
człowiek, który sam się dorobił, zrobił karierę
self-made man
The idea of self-made man is one of the most important concepts in America.
czuć to w kościach
to feel it in one's bones
It's going to be a long and cold winter- I can feel it in my bones.
czytać komuś w myślach
to read someone's mind/thoughts
We understand each other very well and I sometimes think she reads my mind.
czytać między wierszami
to read between the lines
He said he was very tired, but, reading between the lines, he simply didn't feel like coming to my party.
denerwować się, mieć tremę
to have butterflies in one's stomach
I had butterflies in my stomach when I was waiting for the results of my exam yesterday.
denerwować, drażnić
to put sb's back up
The way he discussed things with her really put her back up.
dla czegoś/kogoś
for the sake of
I know that this treatment is unpleasant but you should try it for the sake of your health.
dla odmiany
for a change
She always seemed rather serious so it was nice to see her laugh for a change.
dla zabawy
for a laugh
They put salt in his tea just for a laugh but he didn't find it funny.
do odważnych świat należy
faint heart never won fair lady
It's high time we made a decision! C'mon, faint heart never won fair lady.
dobijać, dawać się we znaki
to be killing sb
I had my first horse - riding lesson yesterday and today my back is killing me...
dobrze (jemu/jej) tak!
to serve him/her right
Frank's girlfriend has left him?! Serves him right! He behaved like a shmuck!
dodawać sobie odwagi
whistle in the dark
Totally alone in this big house we joked about nightmares, whistling in the dark perhaps.
dokładać starań, wkładać dużo wysiłku
to take pains to do sth
My boss takes pains to select the best employees.
dolewać oliwy do ognia
to add fuel to the fire/flames
Michael is furious at me. Telling him that I took his book will only add fuel to the fire.
dostać piany, wściec się
to get hot under the collar
When he saw his girlfriend winking at the guy sitting next to her, he simply got hot under the collar.
dotrzymywać słowa
to keep one's word
Sue said she would help me to find a job and I hope she will keep her word.
dowiadywać sie co w trawie piszczy
to keep sb's ear to the ground
I have no idea what they are up to, but I will keep my ear to the ground. Once I learn what they plan, I'll let you know.
drobnostka, niedrogi prezent
a little something
I want to get a little something for Ben and visit him in the hospital.
