to improve or increase something: Przyjmowanie mineralow moze zwiekszyc nasza pamiec 开始学习
Taking minerals can boost our memory
doing things or reacting to things quickly and without thinking carefully first: Rzymianie przepisywali lentikie, azeby uspokoic osoby w goracej wodzie kapane 开始学习
Romans prescribed lentils to calm the hot-headed.
the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way: 开始学习
He was known for his dry/ready/sharp wit.
a long tube through which food travels while it is being digested after leaving the stomach; intestines on ma problemy z jelitami 开始学习
He has trouble with his bowels.
shaking and slightly uncontrolled: 开始学习
I get really jittery if I drink too much coffee.
a... plant, tree, or vegetable has a lot of leaves: 开始学习
Folic acid was found in liver and leafy greens.
to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.: 开始学习
Serotonin eases anxiety within about 20 minutes.
to make someone feel calm or less worried: 开始学习
I put on some nice soothing music.
to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect: 开始学习
Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.
Mamy nadzieje, ze moga usunac ich sprzeczke i zaprzyjaznic sie pracujac razem 开始学习
We hope they can iron out their differences and get on with working together.
something that is used to strengthen or improve the quality of something... is usually used as a combining form: 开始学习
Music can be a mood enhancer
The dollar held up well this morning but the pound sagged.
If you ... someone, or if someone peps up, the person starts behaving with more energy and enthusiasm: 开始学习
zla pogoda moze narazic na szwank nasze plany 开始学习
Bad weather could jeopardize all our plans.
Jesli twoje dzieci sa zawsze zbyt zmeczone/skonane, azeby zrobic ich prace domowa, moze trzeba winic za to obiad 开始学习
If your children are always too deadbeat to do their homework, it could be dinner that’s to blame
Nauczyciel Sary przygotowuje ja do jej egzaminu wstepnego do Oxford 开始学习
Sara’s teacher is priming her for her Oxford entrance exam
The blast had torn the building apart.
Pokoj jest taki cieply ze sprawia, iz czuje sie senna. 开始学习
The room is so warm it's making me feel drowsy.
Opychalismy sie wszystkimi pysznymi ciastami i kruchymi ciastami. 开始学习
We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.
Nie zaopatrzylem sie w jedzenie (idiom) wiec nie bylem gotowy azeby nakarmic Kate i jej przyjaciol 开始学习
I hadn’t stocked up on food, so I wasn’t ready to feed Kate and her friends
• Chleb zrobiony z maki owsianej /owsianka (porridge) 开始学习
Odseparuj zoltko od bialka 开始学习
Separate the yolks from the whites.
Kobiety w ciazy czesto cierpia na brak zelaza 开始学习
Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
Ogolnie, calkiem to byl dobry rok 开始学习
Overall, it has been a good year.
Latanie jest ekscytujace kiedy robisz to po raz pierwszy, ale wkrotce mozesz stac sie znuzonym 开始学习
Flying is exciting the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded.
Policja w sprzecie do tlumienia zamieszk zostala wezwana, azeby stlumic zamieszki 开始学习
Police in riot gear were called in to quell the disturbances/unrest.
Decyzja rzadu podnoszaca podatki spodowala wielkie poruszenie 开始学习
The government's decision to raise taxes has caused a great furore
Ta margaryna jest pelna konserwantow- poprostu spojrz na etykietke! 开始学习
This margarine is full of additives - just look at the label!
Przede wszyskim chcialam wszystkim podziekowac 开始学习
Above all, I'd like to thank everyone.
Na nasze zachowanie ma wplyw multum czynnikow 开始学习
Our behaviour is influenced by a multitude of factors.
Jego zmiana zdania byla swieza i nagla, stad wniosek ze ktos go przekonal 开始学习
His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.
Czulam sie troche chora/bez energii 开始学习
Zeglaze w 19 wieku czesto chorowali na szkorbut 开始学习
Sailors in the 19th century often developed scurvy.
To powoduje, ze jelita maja zapalenie 开始学习
This makes the intestines inflame
Jak czesto te niekorzystne reakcje zywieniowe wystepuja 开始学习
How frequently do these adverse food reactions occur?