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a chemical compound that contains phosphorus Most fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphates.
a narrow hole that is dug into the ground. a deep hole dug by soldiers and used as a place from which they can attack the enemy while being hidden: the trenches of the First World War trench warfare. A workman was killed when the sides of the trench he was working in collapsed
pochłanianie jednego kontynentu przez drugi, subdukcja 开始学习
the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another
przewóz, środek lokomocji, przeniesienie 开始学习
the process of moving something or someone from one place to another: transportation. a vehicle or method of transport: the conveyance of water. a horse-drawn/public conveyance
doprowadzać, dostarczać (np. wodę, gaz), wprowadzać (dane do komputera przez jakiś czas 开始学习
A feeding tube is fed down the patient's throat. This bath is fed by natural springs. These tiny vessels feed water to the entire system. The information is fed into the system by this team.
a chemical formed from sulphur and another element
wyspa koralowa lub pierścień takich wysp) 开始学习
a ring-shaped island formed of coral (= rock-like natural substance) that surrounds a lagoon (= area of sea water):
opływać dookoła, okrążać (aby ominąć) 开始学习
to sail all the way around something. to move around something in order to avoid hitting it: to avoid something by taking a particular course of action They circumnavigated Cape Horn Island in canoes. We carried the picture carefully through to the main exhibition, circumnavigating several obstacles en route. Manufacturers and shops circumnavigate gun laws by providing realistic models
przekaż ustny, przekaz z ust do ust 开始学习
given or done by people talking about something or telling people about something: We get most of our work through word-of-mouth recommendations. word-of-mouth publicity
mierzeja, kosa (kawałek ziemi), prychnac 开始学习
a long, thin, flat beach that goes out into the sea Our hotel was perched on a spit of land in the harbor. he spat with contempt
an area of flat land near a river that is often flooded when the river becomes too full The army following them seemed to cover the entire flood plain. Large areas are kept free of buildings to provide a flood plain.
unwillingness to work or make any effort: What do you think I am, some kind of sloth? The report criticizes the government's sloth in tackling environmental problems.
następujący jeden po drugim 开始学习
happening one after another, without interruption: Coming up after the break, three Rolling Stones classics back to back.
wychodnia, wychód (część skały wystająca ponad teren 开始学习
An outcrop is an area of land where the underlying rocks are exposed. You can see many rocky outcrops throughout Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. The term outcrop and the alternative outcropping come from the "head or sprout" meaning of crop, from the idea of seeing the "head" of the rock below.