Russian in 1 day
Englishрусский язык

Russian in 1 day
Could you imagine learning Russian in a day? Now it’s possible!

Get introduced to the basic rules of grammar
Generate sentences with ease and freedom
Discover Russia and its culture from within
It’s easier than it looks, just a day of study and you will know everything!

本课程100%免费 。我们把它给你,这样你就可以亲眼看到你和我们学习的有效和愉快:)
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 слов за 60 секунд10 words in 60 seconds - 10 слов за 60 секунд  
10 词汇卡
You already know that:) - Ты уже это знаешь:)You already know that:) - Ты уже это знаешь:)  
10 词汇卡
Questions - ВопросыQuestions - Вопросы  
10 词汇卡
Courtesy Phrases - Любезные фразыCourtesy Phrases - Любезные фразы  
17 词汇卡
People - ЛюдиPeople - Люди  
29 词汇卡
Activities - ДействияActivities - Действия  
17 词汇卡
Untranslatable - Непереводимые словаUntranslatable - Непереводимые слова  
14 词汇卡

Learn Russian

Have you ever wondered if it would be difficult to learn Russian, but you never tried? Well, we suggest giving a try to our Russian courses for English speakers! Do not be afraid because you will obviously bump into some obstacles at the beginning. However, giving in to some difficulties while learning a new language is the worst thing you can do!

How to learn Russian

How to learn Russian? Step by step! We will encourage you to start from Russian basic words, numbers and words that you could already know. With our course Russian in 1 day you won't have to look for any other Russian courses, Russian classes. Learn Russian the fast and fun way with VocApp! We have many Russian language lessons for beginners, so that you will know where to start learning how to speak Russian

How to learn Russian fast

Do you want to be able to have a proper conversation in Russian? Then try our course to learn Russian conversation or, at least to understand a basic conversation in Russian. Get rid of online Russian language courses or free online Russian language courses and embrace our way of learning, embrace VocApp! With this course you are going to build your Russian vocabulary in a solid way. You will never forget what you learn thanks to our Repetition System that will tell you when it's high time to revise! Remember the paced repetition is the key to learn a new language, especially when it comes to learning Russian because you won't have many occasions to practice it! So, do not miss a chance to put yourself to the test, just let us suggest you when and how! Do not stop learning Russian, keep on studying with us. Have a look at Russian: day 2 and Everyday phrases in Russian .
