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volume of mentions about a product or brand that are published in blogs, social media channels, etc.
In the morning all social media were filled with Apple's newest presentation and created even more ______.
brand buzz
In the morning all social media were filled with Apple's newest presentation and created even more brand buzz.
graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition
We commissioned a graphic designer to get a quality _____.
We commissioned a graphic designer to get a quality logo.
content created by brand and published on external resources
Now there are new regulations about informing the customer about ______.
branded content
Now there are new regulations about informing the customer about branded content.
activity of supervising the promotion of a particular brand of goods
_______ is essential in terms of brand image upkeeping and securing company's reputation.
brand management
Brand management is essential in terms of brand image upkeeping and securing company's reputation.
use of more than one brand within a product category
The level of CEO's involvement in ______ was insane.
multi brand strategy
The level of CEO's involvement in multi brand strategy was insane.
copying of a competitor's well-known products
These days you can go to the nearest market and find ______ Nikes.
These days you can go to the nearest market and find counterfeited Nikes.
person who is hired by an organization or company to represent a brand in a positive light and help to increase brand awareness and sales
Calvin Klein always surprises with their famous _______ and new campaigns.
brand ambassador
Calvin Klein always surprises with their famous brand ambassadors and new campaigns.
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