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to give life and energy to; animate 开始学习
The workout invigorated her, leaving her feeling refreshed and energized.
in a state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue and agitation 开始学习
After the long hike, they were invigorated yet also exhausted.
include or encompass something 开始学习
The project will encompass various aspects of marketing and sales strategies.
issue, release, or broadcast a product or message 开始学习
The company plans to encompass a new advertising campaign next month.
be engaged in a love affair, typically one of which the speaker disapproves 开始学习
She was carrying on with young Adam despite her friends' disapproval.
read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way 开始学习
He carefully carried on the ancient manuscript, deciphering each character.
make known (private or sensitive information) 开始学习
The reporter refused to divulge the identity of her source.
experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person 开始学习
Watching the movie allowed her to experience vicarious excitement.
play (a hole) in one stroke over par 开始学习
He bogeyed the final hole, causing him to lose the match.
a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behavior 开始学习
He's a real stickler for punctuality.
available for use at the discretion of the user 开始学习
The manager has discretionary funds for unexpected expenses.
investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling) 开始学习
They unraveled the mystery behind the missing artifacts.
live in discomfort with only basic necessities 开始学习
During their camping trip, they had to rough it without electricity or running water.
make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose 开始学习
The bishop consecrated the new cathedral with a special ceremony.
try hard to do or achieve something 开始学习
She endeavored to learn a new language over the summer.
The recent success bolstered their confidence in the project.
the most important or noticeable features or qualities of something 开始学习
The presentation highlighted the salient points of the proposal.
to say something again, once or several times 开始学习
The professor reiterated the importance of completing assignments on time.
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester 开始学习
He badgered his parents to let him stay out later on weekends.
very close emotionally and spend a great deal of time together 开始学习
They've been friends since childhood and are practically joined at the hip.
mentally and physically exhausted 开始学习
After the long flight and busy schedule, she felt completely frazzled.
looking slightly embarrassed because you feel foolish or have done something silly 开始学习
He looked sheepish after spilling the drink at the party.
happening and then stopping again 开始学习
The project progressed in fits and starts due to unexpected delays.
The children skipped gaily through the park, enjoying the sunshine.
to save time, money or effort by not following the correct procedure or rules for doing something 开始学习
They cut corners by skipping some safety checks, resulting in an accident later on.
very impressed or surprised by something 开始学习
She was bowled over by the stunning view from the mountaintop.
Not large, solid, or strong. 开始学习
Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide. Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent. The argument he presented was insubstantial and lacked supporting evidence.
Implementing this policy change will entail significant restructuring of our operations. The new project entails collaboration with several external partners.
Explain in detail or in a very clear way. 开始学习
Before proceeding, let me spell out the terms of our agreement. It's important to spell out your expectations from the beginning.
Tough, independent, and spirited, often unexpectedly. 开始学习
Despite her age, Grandma is quite feisty and always ready for an adventure. The team was impressed by the feisty determination of their youngest member.
To dress oneself, especially in fine clothes. 开始学习
She spent hours primping in front of the mirror before the party. He primped himself for the interview, making sure every detail was perfect.
Said without checking details or facts. 开始学习
She made an offhand comment about the project without knowing all the details. I can't answer that question offhand, but I'll find out for you.
Fit tightly round an object so that the shape is visible. 开始学习
The clay moulded easily into the desired shape. Her body moulded against his as they embraced.
The team faced the relentless challenge of meeting tight deadlines. His relentless pursuit of excellence inspired everyone around him.
A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church. 开始学习
The Presbyterian denomination has a strong presence in our community. She belongs to a small religious denomination that practices unique customs.
Officially affirm or guarantee. 开始学习
The manufacturer warrants this product against defects for one year. Can you warrant that this information is accurate?
The main point of something. 开始学习
Let me summarize the gist of our discussion. The gist of the article was that technology is changing the way we work.
Influence or power, especially in politics or business. 开始学习
She has enough clout within the organization to influence key decisions. The company's CEO carries considerable clout in industry circles.
Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing. 开始学习
Sorry for the digression, let's get back to the main topic. He tends to digress during meetings, often sharing unrelated anecdotes.
(Of an event) to be canceled or stopped due to rain. 开始学习
The baseball game was rained out because of the storm.
The concert was canceled on account of bad weather. He left work early on account of a family emergency.
To care at all about someone or something. 开始学习
She doesn't give a hoot about what others think of her. I don't give a hoot about politics.
Finish, so that those attending can leave. 开始学习
The movie let out late, so we missed the last bus home. School lets out at 3 p.m.
In a way that shows unhappiness, disappointment, or hopelessness. 开始学习
He looked at the rejection letter dejectedly.
Deliberately vague way to gain more time. 开始学习
The politician tried to stall for time during the interview. Stop stalling and give me a straight answer.
Hide or move quietly because you do not want to be seen. 开始学习
He was skulking in the shadows, trying to avoid detection.
Intellectual or rarefied in taste. 开始学习
The art exhibit attracted a highbrow crowd of scholars and critics. His taste in literature is quite highbrow, preferring classic works over popular fiction.
An act of self-abasement or devotion to show sorrow or repentance. 开始学习
As penance for his actions, he volunteered at a homeless shelter for a month.
In a difficult, threatening, or embarrassing position; unable to solve a dilemma. 开始学习
в затруднительном положении I'm in a bind because I have two conflicting appointments at the same time. They found themselves in a bind when their car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
Cause to lose balance and fall down. 开始学习
The strong wind toppled the tree in our backyard. The dictator's regime was toppled by a popular uprising.
He told a harmless fib to avoid hurting her feelings. I caught my child telling a fib about finishing his homework.
Spend time thinking carefully about a plan or proposal. 开始学习
Let me mull over the offer before giving you an answer. She likes to mull over all her options before making a decision.
An alcoholic drink containing whisky, crushed ice, sugar, and mint. 开始学习
He enjoyed sipping a refreshing mint julep on a hot summer day.
Create a predicament or problem with no good alternatives. 开始学习
заставить себя находиться в тупике His reckless behavior boxed him into a corner, leaving him with few options.
Surprise by doing something unexpected. 开始学习
удивить неожиданным действием The interviewer threw a curve ball by asking an unexpected question.
He's known for welshing on his debts, which has damaged his reputation.
A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. 开始学习
She approached the dark forest with trepidation.
He flubbed his lines during the performance.
Lacking energy or enthusiasm. 开始学习
After the long hike, she felt listless and unmotivated.
Feeling profound hopelessness or dejection. 开始学习
He became despondent after losing his job.
Put warm clothes on oneself or someone else. 开始学习
It's chilly outside—make sure to bundle up before you go.
Become less impressive, attractive, or exciting over time. 开始学习
The once-vibrant neighborhood has lost its luster due to neglect.
Voluntarily leave a situation or place, often due to feeling unwelcome or uncomfortable. 开始学习
Feeling ignored at the party, she decided to show herself to the door.
Hit with a sharp slapping blow, usually with an instrument. 开始学习
She swatted the mosquito buzzing around her head.
Severe disrepair, especially of a house or vehicle. 开始学习
They lived in a ramshackle cabin in the woods.
A feeling of intense irritation or annoyance. 开始学习
His constant lateness caused exasperation among his colleagues.
Extend across (a period of time or a range of subjects). 开始学习
"Their interests span almost all the conventional disciplines."
Complete; used to emphasize the magnitude or extent of something. 开始学习
"The possible answers to those questions were painful to consider, and through sheer force of will she pushed them from her mind."
A muffled thudding sound; to make a deep thudding sound. 开始学习
"She felt the wheels leave the surface of the asphalt, felt the whump as the car slammed to the earth again."
"Listen, don’t try to talk. You’re pretty banged up."
Bent or distorted out of its normal shape. 开始学习
"His mouth contorted just a little, almost sluggishly, then he shook his head."
Lacking a coherent sequence or connection. 开始学习
"Piecing together disjointed fragments of information."
The part of the body in which people say they feel fear or nervousness. 开始学习
"I got a sick feeling/a knot in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced."
An unexpected possibility or opportunity. 开始学习
"Joan phoned at noon on the off chance that he'd be home."
Becoming less intense or severe. 开始学习
"The rain's letting up—it'll be clear soon."
A small space created by setting part of a wall back from the rest. 开始学习
"A table set into a recess."
A person or thing regarded as useless or unable to cope. 开始学习
"Do that for a couple of days and you become a blithering basket case."
A country or organization that is in severe financial or economic difficulties. 开始学习
"Sudden meltdowns—such as the financial crisis—can turn flourishing countries into basket cases overnight."
In a weak and unsteady way, as if you are tired or ill. 开始学习
"He sat up groggily and rubbed his throbbing head."
Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning. 开始学习
"An inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment."
Mentally confused, upset, or exhausted as a result of a highly stressful or disturbing event or experience. 开始学习
"Denise looked shell-shocked: pale and exhausted, her eyes red and glassy."
To tend to meet at a point. 开始学习
"A pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles."
To persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery. 开始学习
"He hoped to cajole her into selling the house."
The language or dialect spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region. 开始学习
"He wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience."
To speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds. 开始学习
"‘Suits me fine,’ he drawled."
Completely; to the maximum degree. 开始学习
"The house was mortgaged up to the hilt."
Directly from the original or most authoritative source. 开始学习
"I heard it from the horse's mouth that the project is on hold."
To focus closely or aim carefully at something. 开始学习
"He drew a bead on the target with his rifle."
To cause something to disappear or remove something unpleasant from your thoughts. 开始学习
"A dark cloud blotted out the sun."
To bid less than (another bid) or less than the bid of (another bidder), especially in seeking a contract to be awarded to the lowest bid or bidder. 开始学习
To end or fail in a weak or disappointing way. 开始学习
"Their threatened revolt fizzled out at yesterday's meeting."
Looking backward, reflecting on the past. 开始学习
"In retrospect, he regarded his move as the best thing he'd ever done."
A low, continuous sound like that of a rapidly moving object. 开始学习
"The whir and rattle were rhythmic, and she fell asleep within minutes."
A very early or late time of day. 开始学习
To make sense; to be logical or consistent. 开始学习
складываться, иметь смысл "Two arms, two bags, two handles on the bike—it just didn’t add up."
To knock someone to the ground by running into them; to surprise and please someone greatly. 开始学习
"He almost bowled Kyle over before catching his balance."
To make skin sore by rubbing; to become sore from rubbing. 开始学习
"The bracelet was so tight that it started to chafe my wrist."
A declaration or confirmation that someone is healthy or that something is in good condition. 开始学习
"A survey gave the property a clean bill of health."
To pay (a particular amount of money) for something. 开始学习
"You could be asked to pony up hundreds of dollars for a replacement."
To search uncertainly for (a word or answer) in one's mind. 开始学习
"She was groping for the words which would express what she thought."
"Denise turned her attention to him, still flummoxed."
To move around an area without seeming to be going anywhere in particular. 开始学习
"The people were milling around, waiting for the show to begin."
To throw or hit (a ball or missile) in a high arc. 开始学习
"He lobbed the ball over their heads."
An excellent or exemplary piece of something. 开始学习
"The house is a showpiece of colonial architecture."