Read your work aloud and think about the flow to help you decide whether transitions are necessary. Your writing can sometimes be stronger if you begin sentences (especially at the start of a new paragraph) without transitions.
Many Japanise learners of English tend to overuse transitions
Прочитайте свою работу вслух и подумайте о потоке, чтобы помочь вам решить, нужны ли переходы. Иногда ваше письмо может быть сильнее, если вы начинаете предложения (особенно в начале нового абзаца) без переходов.
used to introduce something that is different to something you have just said наоборот Dark lipsticks make your mouth look smaller. Conversely, light shades make it larger.
Nina didn't phone, even though she said she would. They're coming next week, though I don't know when. The restaurant serves good, though extremely expensive, food.
She sounds English but she's actually Spanish. Did you actually meet the president? "You didn't tell me." "Actually, I did." "Do you mind if I smoke?" "Actually, I'd rather you didn't."
Travellers have been advised to exercise great caution when passing through the region. I would treat anything he says with extreme caution (= not be too quick to believe it).