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to give oneself to something (a feeling) or someone completely; oddawać się (czemuś, komuś), pogrążać się w czymś). He abandoned himself to grief after his wife's death.
to make (a word) shorter; skaracać do."Monday" is often abbreviated to "Mon".
to help to do something (usually wrong); wspomagać, współdziałać. They must have been abetted in the robbery.
to be full of something; obfitować w coś. Her writings abound with weird metaphors.
to leave a place secretly; zbiec, uciec. She planned to abscond from the city.
to be not present, to not attend; być nieobecnym, nie przyjść. She tends to absent herself from lectures.
to refrain from, to prevent oneself from doing something, to avoid doing something; powstrzymywać się od, unikać. After the incident he decided to abstain from alcohol.
to separate, to take some part of something from the bigger whole; oddzielać od, odrywać od, wydzielać z, wyjmować z. This article must have been abstracted from a book.
to steal from; ukraść z. Burglars abstracted the jewellery from the drawer.
to become familiar with; zapoznawać się z, zaznajamiać się z. They ought to acquaint themselves with the terms and conditions of the contract.
to state that someone is not guilty of something; uniewinniać, oczyszczać z zarzutów. He was acquitted of the crime.
zastępować coś lub kogoś, pełnić czyjeś funkcje, obowiązki (not entirely a phrasal verb) Could you act as my deputy while I am in Germany?
to represent someone, to do what someone else is responsible for; działać w czyimś imieniu, występować w czyimś imieniu. On this case Mr Black will act for you.
zachowywać się jak coś, ktoś. I don't like Andrew. He acts like an idiot.
postępować według czyichś wskazówek, sugestii działać na coś, reagować z czymś. You should act on/upon your teachers'advice! Rust won't act on/upon your car's body if you cover it with zinc.
źle się zachowywać (o człowieku) nie działać prawidłowo (o maszynie) doskwierać wykonywać przez jakiś czas pracę ważniejszą niz zazwyczaj (bryt.) This child acts up every evening.
to make something suit something; adaptować na potrzeby (czegoś). It was difficult to adapt the novel for the cinema.
powiększyć, pogłębić (problemy, nastrój, uczucia). This information added to our sadness.
to make a total, to sum up everything; zsumować wszystko razem. You haven't added all the figures together. Something is missing.
dodać, zsumować mieć sens, tworzyć logiczną całość (w tym znaczeniu nie używamy "together"!) I'll let you know how much we have to pay when I add these bills up/together. I don't understand our government's decisions. They really don't add up.
to call/ name sb in a particular way; tytułować (kogoś), zwracać się. You mustn't forget to address him as Mr. Quine, you're not on first_name terms with him.
to direct to, to aim sth at sb; adresować do, kierować do. Was the remark addressed to me?
przylegać być wiernym komuś, czemuś. This wallpaper doesn't adhere to the wall very well. I adhere to my wife
to make something fit, to get used to something; dopasowywać, dostosowywać (się), dostrajać. Sheila found it terribly hard to adjust to the rest of the group.
to move towards and cause threat; nacierać na, najeżdżać. The enemy advanced on the city.
to talk about, to mention; przywoływać, wspominać o (czymś), nawiązywać do. The spokesman adverted to the recent discussion concerning the company's new policy.
to try to get, buy, hire, employ by means of adverts in papers; poszukiwać za pomocą ogłoszeń. We've been advertising for a cleaner for months.
to give advice concerning something in particular; doradzać w (sprawie). The expert will advise you about this purchase.
to give advice concerning something in particular; doradzać w (sprawie), radzić. You should have advised him on the choice of school.
to have the same opinion abot something, to make a decision about; zgadzać się na, zgadzać się w jakiejś sprawie, kwestii, uzgodnić. Have you finally agreed on your holiday this year?
to have the same opinion as someone else; to be the same as something; zgadzać się z (kimś, czymś). I must say I agree with your mother.
to let fresh air in; wietrzyć (pomieszczenie). She smokes a lot and never airs the room out- it's awful!
to consider; brać pod uwagę, uwzględniać. Allowing for a possible delay, we should be there by midnight.
to let someone walk out/ through before you; przepuścić kogoś np. w drzwiach. That funny guy allowed me out and then he demanded that I say "thank you very much".
to answer rudely; niegrzecznie odpowiadać, pyskować. Don't answer back to your mother.
to be responsible for; odpowiadać za coś. Don't expect me to answer for what happened.
to get ready or prepared for something; przygotowywać się do czegoś. We'd better arm ourselves for meeting Tom.
to reach a place or decision, solution, etc.; dotrzeć, osiągnąć, dojść do, podjąć (np. decyzję). It proved impossible to reach a reasonable decision.
to reach a destination; przybyć, dotrzeć. Magda arrived in Holland about seven years ago.
pytać się o kogoś (o zdrowie, samopoczucie). Mark asked after you.
pytać różnych, przypadkowych ludzi np. na ulicy w celu uzyskania informacji lub pomocy. None of us know where Krakowska street is. Let's ask around.
to invite someone you visited first; zaprosic kogoś (na rewizytę). The Robinsons' visit was torture, but what shall we do once they ask us back?
pytać o kogoś (chcąc z nim porozmawiać lub spotkać się) prosić do telefonu, prosić się (o kłopoty etc.) Ann asked for you because she had something important to tell you.
poprosić kogoś aby wszedł do czyjegoś domu. I didn't want him to stand in the rain so I asked him in.
zaprosić kogoś na romantyczne spotkanie. poprosić kogoś o chodzenie ze sobą, bycie parą. I've got a date today. I asked out my classfriend to a restaurant.
to invite; zapraszać. I asked Ann over for tea and we had a nice chat together.
zaprosić kogoś do siebie do domu (najczęściej na obiad lub inne spotkanie). We haven't seen Peter for so long. Let's ask him over/round to dinner.
to attack with; rzucić się z czymś (na kogoś), zaatakować czymś. She was actually assailed with insults.
to agree to, to give consent; zatwierdzać, sankcjonować, zgadzać się, wyrażać zgodę. They have not assented to the terms.
to (formally) give something to someone; wyznaczać, przydzielać, przeznaczać. I don't think he's going to assign his property to his son.
to gradually become similar to or identical with a group of people in terms of language, customs, beliefs; asymilować się z. Their family found it difficult to assimilate with the community.
to help with somehing, often as one's job; asystować w, asystować przy. Kelly will assist at an operation for the very first time.
to become used to, to make sth suit; dostroić/ dopasować/ dostosować (się) do. Your father will never attune to the way of living you suggest.
to take an opportunity, to make use of a chance; korzystać z. I admire Maggie for the way she avails herself of every single chance to learn something new.
to stop sleeping; obudzić się (ze snu). The worst thing about the nightmare was that I couldn't awake from it for ages.
to make someone fear something or respect something so that they are e.g. obedient; zatrwożyc, zmusić, zastraszyć. The emperor awed the people into obedience.
to spill the beans, to tell a secret hastily, to speak quickly and not clearly; paplać, wypaplać. She'll babble out anything you tell her
to move back, usually in order to alow space; cofać się. The people backed away to let them pass through.
to withdraw, to give up; wycofać się z (w obawie). I was disappointed whan they all decided to back away from our plan.
cofnąć się. wycofać się z wcześniejszego zdania, opinii. Back down, I can't open the door.
cofnąć się. Back off, I can't open the door.
cofnąć się (zob. back down (1)/off/up) wycofać się (z obietnicy) Back out, I can't open the door.
cofnąć się, cofnąć samochód, popierać kogoś, zrobić kopię zapasową plików (komp.), tamować ruch (traffic backs up=tworzy się korek), zacisnąć węzeł, zatkać wąskie przejście (np. rurę), przygotować się lub zacząć biec w celu wsparcia partnera (w krykiecie),ściskać się (najczęsciej o pojazdach, ludziach), gromadzić (wodę), wydrukować coś na drugiej stronie kartki powtórzyć coś szybko, nagle badger into -to persuade someone into (doing something) in a very annoying way, by asking them continuously
to pay money for someone in order to set them free; wpłacić kaucję za kogoś. His family won't bail him out so easily.
to help somebody in order to save them from trouble; wybawić z trudnej sytuacji, pomagać komuś (potoczne). Do you expect your friends to bail you out whenever you're in the red?
to confuse someone; zmylić kogoś (potoczne). She was so convincing, her lies balled me up.
to form a union in order to oppose (someone, something); złączyć się przeciw (komuś, czemuś), zjednoczyć siły. We've got to band against the enemy.
to wrap with a piece of bandage; zabandażować. The nurse has bandaged up his wound.
polegać na kimś, liczyć na coś. I bank on your help to paint the house.
wyłamać coś, rozwalić (np. drzwi). The policemen bashed in the door.
kontynuować robienie czegoś źle, trwać w błędzie. Despite her mother's advice she bashed on feeding her baby with indigestible meals.
to move around a place, to travel; być, przebywać, podróżować We've been around the town today.
to be reduced; zmniejszać się, spadać. The prices of dairy products should be down next month.
to come downstairs; schodzić na dół. Is Tom down yet? Breakfast is ready.
to be written down; zostać zapisanym. Make sure everything she says is down on paper.
to be quick to find fault, mistake, etc.; winić, czepiać się (kogoś, czegoś). The teacher was down on Sally again.
to come down with; to be ill; zapaść na, zachorować na. Jimmy was down with flu last week, so he couldn't help us.
to approve of, to support; popierać, być za. She said she was for the plan.
to be interested in something; interesować się czymś, zacząć się czymś interesować. They're really into pop music.
about food: to be spoiled; zepsuć się (o żywności. Oh, it smells! The meat must be off!
to be shown on the television, at the cinema, etc.; być (w telewizji, w kinie), być granym, lecieć (w (w telewizji). What's on tonight?
if something is over, it is finished; skończyć się, zakończyć się. When the rain was over, we went for a walk.
grzać, palić (o słońcu) wytargować niższą cenę. The sun beat down when we were in Tunisia.
odeprzeć atak. Our army beat off their attack without any problems
to make or write something quickly, hurriedly and with little effort; sklecić coś naprędce, napisać na kolanie. Mathew gets good marks even if he beats out his works.
ciężko pobić. They took my brother to hospital because he had been beaten up by some drunken boys.
to blame yourself too much; przesadnie się obwiniać. Don't beat up on yourself like that.
to sing very loudly; wyśpiewywać na cały głos; odśpiewywać. The audience belted out the star's greatest hit.
wystartować, odpalić (o rakiecie, statku kosmicznym). Which year did Apollo II blast off?
wydobywać się (dźwięki, muzyka). Music was blasting out from the loudspeaker whole the night.
to start burning again; to become angry, violent, etc.; zapłaonąć, wybuchnąć płomieniem; wybuchnąć (gniewem, etc.) Simon blazed up when he heard the news.
to blush; zaczerwienić się (od gniewu). Sheila blazed with anger when Jim appeared at her door.
zdmuchnąć (ogień, świeczkę) She blew out the candle for it started to dawn.
to become quiet, to become less bothersome or important; ucichnąć, rozejść się po kościach. Don't worry, it's going to blow over sooner than you think.
wybuchnąć, eksplodować, wysadzić, nadmuchać, napełnić powietrzem/gazem, wybuchnąć gniewem, powiększyć zdjęcie, zganić, nakrzyczeć na kogoś, pojawić się nagle z dużą siłą (sztorm). Hamilton's house has blown up. They are checking if it wasn't a terrorist attack.
to get angry with; wściec się na (kogoś). He just blew up at me!
to try to force someone to do something, to threaten somebody; zmuszać; zmuszać przy użyciu gróźb. They simply bludgeoned us into keeping our mouth shut.
to talk someone into something by pretending; nabierać. She's too clever to be bluffed into believing that you're absolutely innocent.
to make someone believe that you did not lie by continuing to do so; okłamać, że się nie kłamało, blefem"dowieść" swojej uczciwości. Don't try to bluff out the lie.
to grope in the dark, to move unsteadily; iść po omacku. We were blundering around in the dark corridor.
to waste something, usually because of lack of skill or efficient action; zmarnować coś (przez nieudolność). The sad truth is they have blundered the opportunity away.
to arrive somewhere by a stupid mistake, to get in a difficult position or situation; popełnić poważny błąd i znaleźć się w trudnej sytuacji lub nieoczekiwanym miejscu; zabrnąć. The vehicle blundered into a boggy area.
to say something stupid; palnąć coś bezmyślnie. You know how I feel about what I blundered out to Tina.
to say something without thinking, eg. a secret; wygadać się, wypaplać. Kathy blurted out the secret and the whole plan failed.
to become red in the face because of something shameful; to be ashemed of; rumienić się ze wstydu, wstydzić się za. Don't make me blush for your lies.
to place (a child) at a boarding school; umieścić (dziecko) w internacie. Their difficult decision to board their son out was an act of despair.
to cover with pieces of wood; zabijać deskami. She decided to board the small window over.
to suddenly appear; pojawiać się ni stąd ni zowąd. A stranger's head bobbed up from behind the fence.
to cook so that the food becomes smaller in quantity; to become smaller as a result of cooking; wygotowywać, wygotowywać się. Boil the sauce down so that it becomes thick enough.
to grow, to become strong and hard to control; wrzeć, narastać, doprowadzać do stanu wrzenia. Anger boiled up in her as she was listening to his cruel accusations.
to arrange a period of time spent at a hotel or another place; zabukować (pobyt gdzieś). I will book you in at the same hotel as year ago, is that ok with you?
to buy tickets or make sure they will be left for you to buy for a journey; zabukować (przelot, bilet kolejowy, etc. She's booked herself on the 11.30 flight.
to fire someone, to make someone leave a place, job, etc. permanently; wylać, wyrzucić, wykopać. It's not true she booted her boyfriend out
to get through something with difficulty; przebijać się, przeciskać się. He didn't manage tor bore through the crowd.
tłumić, skrywać (uczucia). Don't bottle up your feelings! Just tell her that you love her!.
to move quickly, to move forward; jechać szybko, mknąć, szybko posuwać się naprzód. Work bowls along with capable students.
to make feel stronger, to cheer up; wzmocnić, rozweselać. This trip will brace you up.
to make or be a branch of something; odgałęziać się, skręcać. The road branches off down the hill.
to do something different apart from one's casual business; rozszerzac swoją działalność o. They finally decided to branch out into refining scrap material.
to get away; uciekać, wydostać się. The prisoners broke away last night.
zepsuć się, wyważyć, wyłamać (drzwi etc.), załamać się, ulec przerwaniu (rozmowy, negocjacje), załamać się (psychicznie, nerwowo) analizować. We had to get there by taxi because our car had broken down.
włamać się, wtrącić się (do rozmowy) "rozchodzić", ubierać ubranie lub buty aż będą pasować. We were on the party when the thieves broke in.
włamać się do, wtrącać się do, zjeść zapasy, zacząć coś nagle. They broke into Mike's office and stole all the computers. He broke into our conversation.
zerwać (kontakty, zaręczyny etc.) oderwać, złamać coś. Mary isn't Mark's fiancee anymore. The broke off the engagement two days ago.
break out wybuchnąć (wojna, panika), uciec (z więzienia), pokryć się (rdzą, wysypką). Do you think that World War III will ever break out?
łamac, rozbijać na kawałkir, ozpaść się (o małżeństwie), zakończyć się, stracić panowanie nad sobą, albo spowodować utratę panowania, wybuchnąć smiechem albo spowodować wybuch śmiechu (slang), być zamkniętym na czas wakacji (o szkole) They broke the wood up and put it into the fire.
zerwac stosunki, relacje, zaniechać czegoś, zerwać z, odejść od (np. tradycje, zwyczaje) He broke with the organisation for he didn't agree on many thing it was propagating.
to take in by breathing; wdychać. No wonder cancer has become so common look at the smog we're all breathing in every day.
to say about something that was supposed to be a secret; szepnąć o czymś, wygadać się, pisnąć słówko. You can trust me, I won't breathe a word of it.
to let air out of your lungs; wydychać. Breathe out slowly before you take the medicine.
to move quickly past something; przemknąć. He just breezed along so I couldn't talk to him.
to become offended; obrazić sie. Sally bridled up when it turned out we had cheated her.
przelewać się, być przepełnionym the boil was brimming over with water.
spowodowac. His thoughtlessness brought about this accident.
to give back, to return something to the owner; zwracać (coś komuś). I’ll be really angry if she doesn’t bring my books back soon.
przewrócić, obalić coś, kogoś we couldn't get this way for the storm had brought down many trees.
przedstawić, zaprezentować, poruszyć (temat dyskusji, sugestię, propozycję itp.) przyspieszyć, przełozyć na wcześniejszy termin. You should have brought this topic forward at the previous meeting, then they'd have had more time to consider your suggestion.
wprowadzic (towar, prawo, podatki), przyniesc zyski, korzysci oglosic werdykt, poprosic o wykonanie okreslonej pracy A new tax relief was brought in. This company brought him in millions of dollars.
osiagnąć określony cel, uratować, umożliwić ucieczkę, wysiedzieć, doprowadzić do wyklucia się piskląt. How did he manage to bring it off?
prowadzić do, doprowadzać do
spowodować coś, zwłaszcza złego czy nieprzyjemnego wprowadzić kogoś. Her anorexia was brought on by her maniacal desire to lose weight.
opublikować, wydać, ujawniła, wyjawić, odsłonić, spowodować, by osoba b. nieśmiała stała się bardziej otwarta, spowodować, by ktoś pokrył się wysypką, plamami itp. uwydatnić, uwidocznić. Have you already brought your last book out?
przekonać do swojego zdania, wierzenia przekonać do przejścia na inną "stronę", do zmiany osoby darzonej oddaniem. Their organisation was founded to bring people over to Christianity.
przekonać, ocucić The government's main task was to bring people round/around to voting "yes" in the European referendum.
to save someone's life; ocalić kogoś, uratować życie. I don't know whether this operation can bring her through.
ocucić. A bucket of cold water should bring him to.
łączyć, powodować przyjacielskie stosunki. Serious disasters always bring people together.
wychować, zacząć rozmawiać o czymś, podnieść jakiś temat, zwymiotować coś, podnieść poziom czegoś do określonych wymagań, standardów, spowodować spotkanie, konfrontację. Her parents died but she was brought up by her grandmother to be a good woman.
zignorować coś uważając że jest to mało istotne. It's his fault he's unemployed. I told him not to shout at his boss but he brushed my words aside.
otrzeć (łzy), She brushed the tears away from her son's face and hugged him.
przejść tuż koło kogoś, szybko, nawet ocierając się o niego. He brushed by me and didn't even say hello!
zignorować czyjeś słowa, nie mysleć o czymś serio. I was trying to dissuade him from doing that but he brushed off what I said.
odswieżyc, powtórzyc wiadomości, wiedzę. You should brush up on your French before you go to Paris.
kipieć, promieniować (o człowieku)
wykipieć, kipieć.(także w przenośni: szczęściem, radością, entuzjazmem) You shouldn't have left the kitchen. All the milk bubbled over.
zabrać się do pracy, zabrać się za coś na serio. If you really want to pass this exam you should buckle down and do your exercises.
zapiąć pasy bezpieczeństwa. Buckle up, please. There are many holes in this road.
robić coś na jakiejś podstawie, wokół czegoś, w zależnosci od czegoś. The whole story is built around his mother's death.
włączać coś jako część planu. You have to build this meeting into your Wednesday's schedule.
robić, opierać coś na jakiejś podstawie. dobudowywać coś, rozbudowywać. They built this success on previous achievements.
wzrosnąć bądź spowodować wzrost (w ilości, wielkości, sile, natężeniu itp.) rozwijać i polepszać coś, stopniowo stwarzać coś, chwalić kogoś lub coś wzmocnić kogoś po chorobie, przygotowywać się stopniowo na jakąś okazję. This investment has considerably built his income up.
obijać się, nic nie robić, włóczyć się, podróżować bez pracy i pieniędzy. Let's go somewhere, I don't want to spend the whole weekend bumming about/around/round.
denerwować bądź zasmucać. News about his disease really bummed me out.
wpaść na kogoś, spotkać kogoś nieplanowanie. I bumped into Mark when going home.
zabić. By coming here at night you risk being bumped off!
zwiększyć (cenę, rozmiar) o dużą wartość. All inclusive option will bump up the hotel's price by 30 dolars
ścisnąć się; przysunąć sie do siebie, żeby zajmowac mniej miejsca pognieść (się). Please bunch up! I want everyone to sit down!
związać kilka rzeczy razem ubrac siebie lub kogoś b. ciepło, włozyć b. ciepłe ubrania. I bundled them up not to lose any of them.
unosić się, utrzymywać (kogos) na wodzie, podnieść na duchu. The piece of wood buoyed her up.
to burn (something) till nothing is left; wypalać, wypalać się, dopalać się. The candle burned away.
spalić/spłonąć. The mob burned his house down.
(informal) to desire something; (potoczne) palić się do czegoś, być napalonym na coś, bardzo czegoś chcieć. She was burning for a chance to appear in a film.
spalić tłuszcz, kalorie poprzez ćwiczenia fizyczne usuwać poprzez palenie. I started attending fitness club to burn off fat.
to search for; szperać, przeszukiwać. I've burrowed through the closet, but I haven't found the jumper.
to grow like a bush; rozrosnąć się jak krzak, na boki. The neglected tree bushed out.
to damage, to spoil; zniszczyć, popsuć. The kids have bust up their new toy.
move about doing different things that need to be done; krzątać się. "Where's Mary?" "She's bustling about in the house."
to hurry, to cause to hurry; pospieszyć, pospieszyć się. Bustle up, everybody, we've got to leave now!
to be occupied with; zajmować się (czymś), być zajętym, zaprzątniętym (czymś). Grandma always busied herself with all our problems.
to interrupt, to disturb (a conversation); wtrącać się, przerywać, wcinać się. She's always butting in. I hate it.
to be unnaturally polite or to praise someone in order to obtain something; podlizywać się. I hate watching him butter up at school.
to fasten something with buttons; zapinać (się) na guziki. Small children sometimes find it hard to button up or do up their shoes.
to ask for something; to beg; wyprosić, wyżebrać. She cadged a cigarette from a man at the bus stop.
to lock in a cage; zamknąć w klatce. Her little son didn't believe the lions were caged in.
to cancel; odwołać. I had to call away the meeting due to my illness.
to pay a visit when passing a given place; wpaść z wizytą będąc w pobliżu, przy okazji. Why don't you call by when you're in town again?
to cancel; odwoływać. The tourist agency called the trip off.
to pay an informal visit; wpaść z wizytą. We decided to call round at his sister's in the evening.
to do or perform something; zrealizować coś, wykonać. I'm afraid she's got too many duties to carry out.
to be looking for something, to search frantically; gorączkowo czegoś szukać. He cast about for a good answer.
to throw away, to get rid of; odrzucać, porzucać. She was unable to cast aside her prejudice.
to get rid of, to have no relationship any more; odrzucać, wyrzekać się. She cast away her old friends just when her career was beginning.
to look down; spuszczać wzrok. I remember her standing there, her eyes cast down, her cheeks blushing.
to get rid of something such as restraints, to take off one's clothes; uwalniać się (np. od ograniczeń), zrzucać (ubranie, buty) He cast off the boots and sat down, absolutaly exhausted.
to make someone go away, to not accept somebody; wygnać, wypędzić. Sarah was actually cast out by the rest of her family.
to bring to the shore (of the sea); wyrzucać na brzeg (o morzu). These objects were cast up on the shore yesterday.
to meet someone (at home); zastać kogoś, złapać kogoś. It was so lucky to catch you in, Mike.
to gain popularity, to become fashionable; przyjąć się (o modzie itp.), chwytać. Whether a given music style will catch on or not remains, to a certain extent, unpredictible.
to take in, to understand; rozumiec, załapywać. I hope he'll catch on to the basics at least.
to reach someone who is ahead of you; dogonić. However hard I try, I'll never catch up with them.
to delight with; to use magic in order to control (someone); oczarować, zaczarować. The musicians charmed the audience with their new song.
to try to get something with a lot of effort; uganiać się za; ubiegać się o; starać się o. You can't say he was chasing after a job.
to make sb/sth go away; odganiać, przepędzać. The old man chased off the kids.
to make (somebody) do something one has been waiting for; ponaglić, pospieszyć. Perhaps you should chase him up a bit?
to talk to someone in order to make friends with (usually about men trying to make friends with women); zagadywać (kogoś), podrywać zagadując. Stella was sorry to see her husband chatting up young women.
to deceive (a wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend); zdradzać (męża, żonę, chłopaka, dziewczynę). He must have been cheating on his wife.
to be impolite (to someobody); być niegrzecznym, zachować się niegrzecznie (w stosunku do kogoś). Your son cheeked your neighbour up.
to cheer asports team; kibicowac, dopingować. The whole class was cheering on the school football team.
to makeor become cheerful; rozweselać, rozweselać się, rozchmurzyć się. It's not the end of the world. Come on, why don't you cheer up?
to go on eating; jeść, podjadać, to destroy something with the use of one's teeth; zniszczyc coś zębami, pogryźć coś. I've been chewing away all day and I feel slightly sick.
to speak angrily to someone, to scold someone; zbesztać kogoś. The teacher chewed me out for being late.
to consider an issue thoroughly or repeatedly or discuss it; przemyśliwać, rozważać, przedyskutować. I think we need more time to chew the question of the new regulations over.
(informal) to become a member of a group or participant of an event without anybody inviting you; (potoczne) wkręcić się(gdzieś) He just chiselled in, nobody had asked him to become a member of our association.
to swallow with difficulty; to talk out of something; przełykać z trudnością; odradzać. I choked down the pill.
to stop something; to discourage someone; to scold someone powstrzymywać, zatrzymywć; zniechęcać, ganić. They choked him off for not calling them.
to interrupt somebody; przerwać komuś. He just chopped me off and didn't let me finish.
to throw thing at (people, things, etc); rzucać, obrzucać (np. kogoś czymś). The children chucked a ball at a passer_by.
to throw away; wywalać, wyrzucać. She chucked out all her old clothes.
informal) to gather things in an unorganised way, hurriedly; (potoczne) zbierać do kupy, bezładnie zbierać. I've just chucked together a few most important things.
informal) to make a group of people meet; (potoczne) zebrać (grupę ludzi) razem; doprowadzić do spotkania. We were chucked together by the terrible accident.
(informal) to make friends with; (potoczne) zaprzyjaźnić się, zakumplować się. We chummed up with each other when we were kids.
colloquial) to figure out; (potoczne) obmyślić, wymyślić. He said he'd cipher out how to deal with the matter.
to become and remain silent; milczeć, nie mówić o czymś. I'd told him to clam up, yet he spilled the beans.
to demand sth loudly; głośno domagać się czegoś. The students clamoured for an extra re_sit.
to shout so loud that someone can't be heard or becomes quiet; zagłuszyć kogoś (krzykiem). The single voice against the new policy was clamoured down.
to ban, to forbid, to limit someone's activity; zakazywać, powstrzymywać, ograniczać. I heard the ruling party is going to clamp down on smoking in the streets and parks.
to put on ina hurry (of clothes); narzucić na siebie (ubranie). He clapped on his raincoat and left.
to get back with effort; odzyskać z trudem. He finally managed to claw his money back.
to idy by removing things; uprzątnąć, wysprzątać, wyrzucić. I must clean out that room.
to wash, to tidy; posprzątać, umyć, wyczyścić. I need to clean it up.
to clean a place after someone has made it dirty; posprzątać po. The maid had to clean up after all the guests.
to disappear; to remove; znikać; uprzątnąć; sprzątać ze stołu, Could you help me clear away?
to get off; wynosić się, zabierać się, zmywać się. You've got to clear out of here now.
to become clearer or brighter; to tidy up; przejaśniać się; robić porządki. We'll go for a walk if it clears up.
to be lucky to get something; mieć farta i coś zdobyć, zdobyć coś przez łut szczęścia. She just clicked for that job.
to be understood; "zaskoczyć", zostać zrozumianym. The joke didn't click with Brian.
to get down with difficulty, e.g. from a mountain; zejść na dół. It wasn't easy to climb down.
to get onto something high; wspiąć się na. The children climbed on the heap of old wood.
to hold to someone/something; uczepic się, przywrzeć. The little girl clung onto her mom.
to hold sb/sth tight; to stay close to sb/sth; przywierać, opinać. The dress clung to her body.
to fasten; spinać, upinać (szpilką itp.) You should clip your tie on.
to cut something out from e.g. a paper; wycinać. I must clip out the picture.
to register one's departure from work; kończyć dzień pracy; odbijać kartę zegarową (przy wyjściu z pracy). Most of the workers have already clocked off.
to start work, usually at a regular time; register one's arrival at work; zaczynać pracę, przybijać karte zegarową po przyjściu do pracy. I clocked on before eight today morning.
to stop operating; zamykać, zakończyć działalność, likwidować. My office closed down and I had to start looking for a new job.
to become clouded; zachmurzyć się, spochmurnieć. At the sound of his wife's ex-boyfriend, Terry's face clouded up.
to put too many things in one place in disorder; zagracać, zaśmiecać. How can you clutter up your mind with such details?
to happen; to start; wydarzyć się, stać się, zacząć się. I don't even know how the whole problem came about.
to find something, usually by chance; znaleźć (przypadkiem), natknąć się na, napotkać. I came across some old photos of yours.
to seem, to make someone think you are a particular kind of person; wydawać się (jakimś), sprawiać wrażenie. She actually comes across as a silly person in this interview.
to break into pieces; rozpaść się na kawałki. I don’t know how it happened, the cup simply came apart in his hands.
to arrive; to reach; przybyć (dokądś); dosięgnąć, znależć. You should keep the pills where the kids can’t come at them.
to leave; to stop being a part of something; to stop touching (something); odchodzić, wychodzić, wyjeżdżać; odłączać się, odpadać, oderwać się; przestać coś dotykać. Why don’t you come away with us?
to return; powracać, wracać. I hope he'll come back to me one day.
to remember something; powracać do (wspomnień); przypominać się. I forgot the right verb, but wait a second and I'm sure it will come back to me.
to happen before (an event); to appear more important than someone or something; wydarzyć się przed, następować przed; przewyższać kogoś (np. rangą); być ważniejszym (od czegoś lub kogoś). Sheila acts this way because she believes that well_being of her family comes before her personal aspirations.
to separate (e.g. two animals or people); to happen between; rozdzielać, wchodzić pomiędzy; zdarzyć się pomiędzy (dwoma wydarzeniami). Agnes had to come between the two fighting dogs.
to become ill (usually not seriously); zachorować (na), zapaść (na chorobę). I’m afraid you’re going to come down with a cold, you’ve been coughing and sneezing.
to be born and bred somewhere; to be from (a country, place); pochodzić z. She comes from Italy.
to enter; to get something after somebody’s death; to have to do with something; wchodzić; wchodzić w posiadanie; być aspektem sytuacji, mieć coś do rzeczy. Anthony’s nephew has come into his property.
to result from; wynikać. Have you ever thought of what will come of your decision?
(about a book or film) to be published or launched, to become available; (o książce lub filmie) ukazać się. I’m so happy her latest novel finally came out!
to be the result of something; wynikać, być skutkiem. Nothing came out of my talks with my colleagues.
to mention sth unexpectedly; "wyjść z czymś", niespodziewanie coś powiedzieć. She's always coming out with annoying remarks.
to come at a spot, to arrive; przychodzić, przybywać; podchodzić. Sally came over to greet us.
to make up (an idea or plan), to suggest (an idea, a solution); wymyślić, obmyśleć; dojść do (wniosku, rozwiązania). After a long discussion we've come up with a solution which might turn out effective.
to meet someone or come in the reach of sth accidentally; natknąć się, wpaść na kogoś/ cos. When I came upon Jim, he was sort of confused.
to make a commentary referring to sth; komentować (coś). Would you like to comment on her essay?
to talk about, to inform in an effective way; porozumiewać się na (temat). They were unable to communicate about such basic issues.
to inform (someone) about somethig; przekazywać coś (komuś), informować (kogoś). I'm not going to communicate the news to others. It's not my job.
to speak to someone and be understood; komunikować się z (kimś), porozumiewać się z (kimś). How did you communicate with them?
to travel regurarly from one place to another and back; dojeżdżać (np. z domu do pracy i z powrotem). She commutes between her home town and the city.
to take part in a competition; brać udział w zawodach. Our team is competeing in the tornament.
to get cooler or calmer; chłodzić, stygnąć, uspokajać się. Cool down a bit, it's all over.
to become cool; to calm down; ostygnąć; ochłonąć. The vegetables must cool off before you add them to the sauce.
to deal with; to struggle with; dawać sobie radę; borykać się. Why don't you ever listen to me? I can't cope with that problem and really need your help.
to copy spmething that someone else has written; przepisać, skopiować. The teacher told us to copy down new English words from the blackboard.
to make noise by coughing in order to make it impossible for others to hear what someone else is saying; zagłuszyć kogoś kaszlem. The audience coughed him down.
to say something unwillingly, to confess something after being persuaded to do so; powiedzieć coś niechętnie, po namowach; wydusić coś z siebie. She finally coughed it out and felt relieved.
to pay for something unwillingly; bulić forsę. Finally he coughed up the cash we needed.
to affect somebody, to make somebody weaker or prone to failure; działać na czyjąś niekorzyść, liczyć się przeciwko komuś. You must be aware of the fact that the deposition of this witness will count against you.
to rely on, to bank on; liczyć na. I know I always can count on my sister.
to count things or people belonging to a certain group; zliczać. The children's task was to count up all the triangles.
to cover something on the top; przykryć, nakryć. Just cover this bowl over, otherwise the dog will put his nose into it!
to put a cover (such as clothing) on something; (informal) to hide, to deceive; przykrywać, nakrywać; (potoczne) ukrywać. She tried to cover up her real intentions.
to pack something or people in somewhere; pakować, upychać. I couldn't cram all the things in the bag.
to fall asleep; zasnąć, pójść w kimono. They all crashed out very soon.
to behave in a humiliating way and without dignity in order to achieve sth; płaszczyć się przed kimś. She's been crawling to her boss.
to get somewhere without being noticed; to appear unexpectedly; wkraść się, zakraść się. The project turned out a failure when we discovered a serious mistake had crept in.
to advance slowly but continuously; powoli się zbliżać, skradać się, nadciągać. He said he could feel old age creep on.
to slowly affect (somebody); nachodzić kogoś (o np. senności), oblecieć kogoś (o np. strachu). Fear crept over the children.
to copy something dishonestly from someone else or a written source, usually in a test, exam, etc.; ściągać od/z, zrzynać od/z. He cribbed all the answers from another student.
to act in a very humble way towards somebody; płaszczyć się przed (kimś). I can't watch them cringe before the boss.
to make somethig dry; to become dry; wyschnąć, zeschnąć, wysuszyć. The bread will crisp up if you leave it like this.
to happen, to occur, usually unexpectedly; to make a mistake; pojawiac się, niespodziewanie się wydarzyć; przydarzyć się; pomylić się, popełnić błąd. Unexpected problems have cropped up, sorry I didn't inform you I couldn't come.
to delete an item on a piece of written material by putting a cross; wykreślać. You can cross out the envelopes from the list, we've got enough.
to delete an item (such as a wrong answer on the test) by putting a cross; skreślać. Cross it out, it's wrong.
to express one's joy because of one's success or somebody else's failure; piać z zachwytu (z powodu własnego sukcesu lub cudzej porażki). The team crowed over their victory.
to move inside in a large group; to come to a head; wpychać się; upychać; przyjść do głowy. Another problem connected with your plan crowded in on me.
to gather round sth / sb; gromadzić się wokół, tłoczyć się wokół. Students crowded round the teacher.
to cease slowly; stopniowo się kończyć. Her influence on the rest of the office staff has been crumbling away.
to divide sth into tiny pieces; pokruszyć. Tony's crumbled up some bread for the birds.
to make someone silent by shouting; uciszyć, zakrzyczeć, not to accept something such as idea; odrzucać (pomysł), lekceważyć, to state a poor opinion of something or someone; lekceważyć. Before she started to explain the reasons for the poor grades, the class cried the teacher down.
to express one's emotions loudly; wykrzyczeć (coś), krzyczeć z (np. bólu). The injured cried out in pain.
to express strong disagreement, to complain about something; sprzeciwiać się. The employees cried out against new policies.
to want something very much; bardzo czegoś pragnąć, bardzo czegoś potrzebować. The building is crying out for renovation.
to cry because something bad happened; opłakiwać. She was crying over her failure.
to praise, to exaggerate in praising (someone or something); wychwalać, chwalić nadmiernie. She's always crying up her naughty kids.
to sit very close to someone and hold them tightly; przytulać się (do kogoś), tulić. Asia cuddled up her weeping daughter.
to lie or sit in a curved position; kulić się, zwijać się. The cat was curled up on my sister's lap.
to divide into parts by cutting; pokroić na. She cut the cake into twelve slices.
to interrupt something; wcinać sie, przerywać. Don't cut into our conversation.
wycinać; zaprzestawać; wyłączać; odcinać
to cut e.g. a way through something; to make something faster, to make something shorter; przecinać, wycinać; skracać. Why don't we cut through these formalities?
to make prices lower than the competitors' prices, usually to become more attractive for customers; obcinać ceny, zanizac ceny w stosunku do konkurencji. They have decided to cut the prices under in order to attract new customers.
to use (a tool) to cut something; ciąć za pomocą, kroić za pomocą. Show the children how to cut the meat with a knife.
to touch something gently; lekko dotykać, lekko przecierać. Ann dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.
to get rid of something with light strokes; delikatnie przecierać, delikatnie usuwać. Dab the dirt off gently.
to put something on a surface with quick strokes; nakładać. Dab the paint on here.
(not formal) to wash (clothes) by hand; przepierać, prać ręcznie (potoczne). I had to dab out the kids' socks.
to take an interest in without serious involvement; angażować się w coś bez poważnych zamiarów, interesować się czymś dla przyjemności, powierzchownie. He dabbled at the guitar some time ago, but I don't think he remembers much.
(not formal) to waste one's time doing something; marudzić, zwlekać, przeciągać (potoczne). If you dally over your dinner like that we're all going to be late.
to play with, to treat not seriously; to have a romantic relationship which is not serious, to flirt with; bawić się; flirtować. He ought toknow he shouldn't dally with a married woman.
to die because of too large amount of water (about a plant); zginąć od nadmaru wody (o roślinie). This cactus is going to damp off.
to run quickly with a purpose; popędzić, pognać. She dashed away in order to catch the bus.
to do sth such as a piece of writing hurriedly, without effort; nagryzmolić, nabazgrać, odwalić na kolanie. No wonder he's so self-confident if he's getting high marks for whatever he dashes off.
to decide to do sth; to choose sth or to do sth; decydować się na. Whatever you decide on, you may regret it later. Just choose what you think best suits you.
to oppose to; opowiadać się przeciw. If she declares against our project, what are we going to do?
to support something (an idea, a decision); opowiadać się za. They have declared for the new regulation.
to waste one's time, to do nothing; obijać się. I diddled around all day.
to try to change, improve or mend something; majstrować przy czymś. John diddled with the dishwasher, but it didn't help.
zamierać; ginąć, zanikać; wygasać
to start eating; zabierać się do jedzenia<, zajadać Don't wait for me, dig in!
To have dinner outside one’s home, e.g. in a restaurant; jeść obiad poza domem, np. w restauracji. I’d rather dine out today than bother with cooking.
to read small parts of something; czytać małe fragmenty, poczytywać. I like dipping into books at a bookstore.
to swim beneath the surface of water; (in imperative sentences) eat!; nurkować w; (w zdaniach rozkazujących, wykrzyknikowych) Zajadaj! Dive in, kids! We're going out!
to murder someone or commit suicide; zabić kogoś, zabić się. An old woman was done in by the criminals.
to translate from one language into another; przetłumaczyć, przełożyć. Her novel has been lately done into English.
to clean (usually a room); uprzątnąć, wyczyścić (pomieszczenie) to decorate a room; ozdobić, udekorować (pomieszczenie). You've got to do your room out if you want me to come in. Before Pete's birthday party the whole house was beautifully done out by the children.
to repeat something; powtórzyć coś, zrobic na nowo. The performance turned out so successful that they decided to do it over.
(can/could do with sth) to need or want something; potrzebować czegoś, mieć na coś ochotę (have to do with something/someone) to concern something or someone, to be connected with something or someone; dotyczyć czegoś/kogoś, mieć coś z czymś/kimś wspólnego. I could do with a coffee right now.
to dress prettily; ubierać (się) ładnie, stroić (się). Kate dolled up her children before the meeting.
to mess about, to spend time aimlessly; obijać się. Those kids have been doodling away for too long.
to stand in for, to replace somebody; zastępować (kogoś). Who is going to double for George? He's on a doctor's leave.
to have doubts, to be uncertain of; mieć wątpliwości, wątpić w. How can she doubt of my sincerity?
to fall asleep for a short time, to have a nap; zdrzemnąć się, zapaść w drzemkę. I even don't remember when I dozed off.
to pull something or someone into a place; to last too long; to continue an unhappy life; ciągnąć, wyciągać; przeciągać się (w czasie), trwać zbyt długo; wieść nieszczęśliwe życie. Not only did the meeting drag on, but it also proved useless.
to push sb into an activity, to force someone to do sth; wciągnąć (kogoś w coś). It turned out quite easy to dragoon them into work.
to put e.g. a piece of cloth loosely around sth; drapować, ozdabiać; okrywać. She draped a blanket round her arms to keep warm.
to move or hold oneself away, to move or hold oneself back; cofać się, odsuwać (trzymać się na dystans) to retract, to be unwilling to fulfil sth; uchylać się, wycofywać się (z danego słowa). She tends to draw back from others at official meetings.
to cause something; to make something (usually unwanted) take place; ściągać, sprowadzać. The villagers believed the woman was drawing misfortune down on them.
to arrive (in a station); zajeżdżać, wjeżdżać (na stację, przystanek) to attract or make others join; przyciągać, wciągać (kogoś w coś). We got off when the train drew in.
to gradually approach in time; zbliżać się, to make use of something such as knowledge, ideas or money; czerpać, korzystać. I can feel winter drawing on.
to produce something, to take something out from; wyciągać. He drew out a cigarette from his pocket.
to produce out, to get out of, to talk about an unpleasnt memory; wygrzebywać coś (z pamięci), wracać do przykrych wspomnień lub wydarzeń z przeszłości. Journalists always dredge up his unhappy childhood.
to practise something with someone, to revise something with someone; ćwiczyć (coś) z kimś (przez powtarzanie). I've been drilling my son in maths for a week.
to make someone believe or hold certain views; to teach someone something by continuous repeating it; wpajać, wbijać coś komus do głowy. She's drilled certain rules into her children.
to drink a lot of something, usually at once; wypić jednym haustem. Mike drank off a bottle of water at once.
to drink sth to the last drop; dopijać, wypić do końca. Drink he milk up and go to bed.
to leave in a vehicle; to make sth/ sb leave you; odjeżdżać; odpędzać, odganiać. She slammed the door and drove away.
to work hard; ciężko (nad czymś) pracować. She turned out a really conscientious girl when she was driving at her thesis.
to make someone use sth they stopped using; doprowadzić kogoś do starych nawyków; sprawić, że ktoś używa czegoś, od czego odwykł. Those problems have driven me back on smoking and I can't really help it.
to approach by car, to drive close to a particular place; podjeżdżać, dojeżdzać. We drove up the gateway and decided to wait for Robbie.
to talk at length in a boring way; mówić długo i monotonnie, przynudzać. I hate this teacher droning on. One day I’m going to fall asleep in his lesson.
to show one's attraction to somebody; pożerać kogoś wzrokiem. Teenage fans were drooling over the pop singer.
to visit someone unexpectedly; wpaść z wizytą, na ogół niezapowiedzianą. Why don’t you drop by?
to visit someone unexpectedly; wpaść z wizytą, na ogół niezapowiedzianą. I guess I’ll drop in on my sis while I’m in the neighbourhood.
to fall asleep, to nap; zapadać w drzemkę, zasypiać. Matt tends to drowse away at the lectures.
to talk somebody into something, to teach someobody stubborn; wbijać komuś coś do głowy. If you think you'll manage, just try to drub the idea into Mary! drub out of - to talk somebody out of something; wybić coś komuś z głowy. I'll drub it out of him!
zamknij się! pot., cicho!
hide quickly; ukryć się, schować (szybko, nagle). Terry ducked into a doorway but those guys instantly noticed him.
to avoid doing sth by giving excuses or otherwise; wymigać się od. If you think you're going to duck out of doing your piece of work, you're absolutely wrong.
to become dull; ściemnić się, zachmurzyć. We didn’t feel like going out as the sky had dulled over.
to simplify something way too much; to make something too simplistic; zbytnio coś upraszczać. The director dumbed down the novel, that movie's terrible!
to become 'dumb', to be unable to find a right response; to be surprised; zaniemówić (potoczne). She's going to dummy up when she sees you.
to scold someone, to treat someone in an unfair way; zbesztać kogoś, ochrzanić kogoś. The neighbour dumped on me as if it were my fault.
to scold someone; objechać kogoś, ochrzanić. I'm gonna dust the kids down for that mess!
to clean a surface covered with dust; odkurzyć. Why don't you dust down these shelves?
to prepare sth old and disused for use; odkurzyć cos, przygotować do ponownego użytku. They dusted the old merry_go_round off and placed it at the playground again.
to become smaller; to disappear; kurczyć się, maleć, spadać, topnieć. Her great hopes began to dwindle away.