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Corridor 5 is one of the main international freight arteries in Europe 开始学习
It reaches from the seaports of Rotterdam and Antwerp in the Northwest down to the Mediterranean hub port of Gioia Tauro in thevery south of Italy. 开始学习
port główny, port węzłowy
Most volumes on this corridor are however conveyed on the core section between Rotterdam/Antwerp and the Milano region. 开始学习
przewożona masa towarowa, wielkość przewozów
The analysis of the market reveals that the market share of rail scores particular high on the Swiss route of the transalpine corridor (67 %) in comparison to the European Average. 开始学习
The analysis of the market reveals that the market share of rail scores particular high on the Swiss route of the transalpine corridor (67 %) in comparison to the European Average. 开始学习
Approximately 80 % of all rail freight traffics are carried by intermodal trains (whereas the average share of combined transport in Europe is around 20 %). 开始学习
whereas the average share of combined transport in Europe is around 20 %) 开始学习
The analysis of the market reveals that the market share of rail scores particular high on the Swiss route of the transalpine corridor (67 %) in comparison to the European Average. 开始学习
As a rule they are operated as block trains. 开始学习
Rail experts expect that most of the future growth of rail freight on this corridor is going to be generated by the intermodal business (boosted by the increase in global exchange of containers). 开始学习
the task force was able to elaborate a complete Diagnosis of the Corridor. 开始学习
Due to significant contributions of the task force members (from the freight operations, the infrastructure management and state authorities in Belgium 开始学习
infrastructure management Due to significant contributions of the task force members (from the freight operations, the infrastructure management and state authorities in Belgium 开始学习
zarzadzanie infrastruktury
Due to significant contributions of the task force members (from the freight operations, the infrastructure management and state authorities in Belgium 开始学习
the task force was able to elaborate a complete Diagnosis of the Corridor. 开始学习
The main deficits which the task force members identified are in the following areas: lack of interoperability of rail infrastructure, 开始学习
The main deficits which the task force members identified are in the following areas: lack of interoperability of rail infrastructure, 开始学习
rail infrastructure capacity shortage The main deficits which the task force members identified are in the following areas: - rail infrastructure capacity shorages, 开始学习
niedostatek zdolnosci przepustowej infrastruktury kolejowej
The main deficits which the task force members identified are in the following areas: - “heritage” of national rail regulations, 开始学习
The analysis, however, showed that these shortcomings have mostly been already recognized by the railway companies affected and that, in some cases, measures to improve the situation have already been initiated. 开始学习
niedociągnięcie, zaniedbanie
The analysis, however, showed that these shortcomings have mostly been already recognized by the railway companies affected and that, in some cases, measures to improve the situation have already been initiated. 开始学习
The analysis, however, showed that these shortcomings have mostly been already recognized by the railway companies affected and that, in some cases, measures to improve the situation have already been initiated. 开始学习
as far as... are concerned As far as the existing rail infrastructure characteristics are concerned, this corridor is quite typical of what can be generally observed at European level. It features a mosaic of nationally oriented infrastructure networks which differ on 开始学习
It features a mosaic of nationally oriented infrastructure networks which differ on almost every relevant parameter. 开始学习
ukierunkowany na potrzeby wewnętrzne (narodowe)
It features a mosaic of nationally oriented infrastructure networks which differ on almost every relevant parameter. 开始学习
The primary problems may be summarized as follows: 开始学习
change of power systems at every border which either results in locomotives changes or requires the procurement of expensive multi-current locomotives, 开始学习
system zasilania elektroenergetycznego
change of power systems at every border which either results in locomotives changes or requires the procurement of expensive multi-current locomotives, 开始学习
lokomotywa elektryczna wielosystemowa
change of power systems at every border which either results in locomotives changes or requires the procurement of expensive multi-current locomotives, 开始学习
range of maximum train lengths between 550 m in Italy - even 500 m in Southern Italy - and 750 m in France (and even 1500 m as planned in Switzerland), 开始学习
different allowed maximum train weights, 开始学习
different allowed maximum train weights, 开始学习
limited loading gauge on the French rail network rendering the transport of semi-trailers on this corridor particularly difficult, 开始学习
limited loading gauge on the French rail network rendering the transport of semi-trailers on this corridor particularly difficult, 开始学习
Being confronted with these impediments to flawless international freight, railway undertakings have already started schemes for the deployment of interoperable locomotives on three sections of this corridor 开始学习
Being confronted with these impediments to flawless international freight, railway undertakings have already started schemes for the deployment of interoperable locomotives on three sections of this corridor 开始学习
Being confronted with these impediments to flawless international freight, railway undertakings have already started schemes for the deployment of interoperable locomotives on three sections of this corridor 开始学习
closed circuit television 开始学习
ERA (European Railway Agency) 开始学习
Europejska Agencja Kolejowa
separation of railway infrastructure from operations 开始学习
rozdzielenie infrastruktury kolejowej od eksploatacji
równe warunki konkurencji
dotowanie krzyżowe (wewnątrz-branżowe)
kolejowe przewozy towarowe