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Extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering 开始学习
Tiresome by reason of length, slowness or dullness, boring 开始学习
To hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it in the future 开始学习
Only and not involving anyone or anything else 开始学习
Nor easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things 开始学习
Not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food or good living conditions 开始学习
Something consisting of two or more different parts 开始学习
a situation that has no hope odd making progress 开始学习
Am electronic device, especially a mobile phone, which cam be operated without using one's hands 开始学习
Higher than usual, high and sometimes also loud and unpleasant 开始学习
uaktualniać, modernizować, podnieść jakość
przerwać połączenie (tel.)
ściskać, trzymać kurczowo
jeść łapczywie, pożerać, pochłaniać
To come about, to occur or happen, to become known, come to light 开始学习
beyond the realms of plausibility 开始学习
znudzony, rozdrażniony, mieć czegoś dość
to wean somebody of something 开始学习
doradztwo, pomoc psychologiczna
a deterioration in state of health 开始学习
I'm trying to get through to Mr Brown. 开始学习
dodzwonić się, połączyć się Usiłuję dodzwonić się do pana Browna.
Speak up! I can't hear a word you're saying. 开始学习
Mów głośniej! Nic nie słyszę.
a person who plods, working slow 开始学习
I would like to bring up a few essential points. 开始学习
Chciałbym poruszyć kilka istotnych punktów.
nurtować, tracić czas na drobiazgi
it's better to express your anger than let it fester inside you 开始学习
to be in charge of or to lead a ceremony or other public event 开始学习
to separate sth or someone from other parts, places or people 开始学习
the action of taking sth by force or with legal authority 开始学习
involving several different directions, aspects or elements 开始学习
true and impossible to doubt 开始学习
wyraźnie, widocznie, oczywiście
to make a decision formally or with determination 开始学习
with feeling of great unhappiness and lost of hope 开始学习
to quickly take off a piece of clothing 开始学习
a natural or artificial hollow into which sth fits or in which sth revolves 开始学习
gniazdko, złącze, oczodół
a small set of keys with numbers used to operate sth a device 开始学习
a combination of numbers or movements on the screen that allow you to use an electronic device 开始学习
a new window that opens quickly on a computer screen in front of what you are working on 开始学习
to search among a large number or many different places in order to find people or information you want 开始学习
to hit or try to hit sth, especially with a sideways movement 开始学习
trzepnąć, przeciągnąć, zamachnąć się