0    20 词汇卡    jakubkoralewski
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问题 答案
Jaki był ostatni śmieszny film, który widziałeś?
What was the last funny video you saw?
What was the last funny video you saw?
The last funny movie I've seen is ... The last funny movie I saw is ... The last funny film I saw is ... Recently, I saw ... Recently I watched...
Gdzie jest najbardziej relaksujące miejsce, w którym byłeś? Opisz je.
Where is the most relaxing place you have been? Describe it please.
Where is the most relaxing place you have been? Describe it please.
The most relaxing place where I have been is... The most relaxing place for me is... It's in...
Czy lubisz muzykę klasyczną? Dlaczego?
Do you like classical music? Why?
Do you like classical music? Why?
Yes, I like classical music because ... No, I do not like classical music. I love classical music! Yes, of course. My favourite instrument is. I hate classical music.
Jaka jest najlepsza para butów, które kiedykolwiek posiadałeś? Dlaczego była taka dobra?
What is the best pair of shoes you have ever owned? Why were they so good?
What is the best pair of shoes you have ever owned? Why were they so good?
The best pair of shoes I have had ... They were so good because... My sneakers my high heels my boots were so amazing, because... I've really loved my... Those shoes were very comfortable... Those shoes were very important for me, because...
W którym sezonie jesteś najbardziej aktywny?
Which season are you most active in?
Which season are you most active in?
I am most active in... I like doing some sports in... I'm rather passive person. I don't like doing any sports. The best season for me is... I do exercises almost every day then!
W jaki sposób technologia może poprawić edukację? Czy to może zaskodzić edukacji?
How can technology improve education? Can it hurt education?
How can technology improve education? Can it hurt education?
Technology can improve education by... Technology can hurt education by... There are a lot of ways how technology can improve education, for example... I don't think that technology is good for education, because...
Czas na 1 dzień zamarza (zatrzymuje się) dla wszystkich, ale nie dla ciebie. Co robisz?
Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
I will... I would do a lot of things, for example... I will sleep all day long, waiting for others. How perfect! I could do some crazy things, like...
Jaki jest obecnie najlepszy program telewizyjny?
What’s the best show currently on TV?
What’s the best show currently on TV?
The best show on tv is currently... Currently, I enjoy... I don't know. I rarely watch TV. I don't like that kind of programmes. The best one is... I can strongly recommend you...
Kto jest twoim najstarszym przyjacielem? Gdzie ich spotkałeś (jego/ją)?
Who is your oldest friend? Where did you meet them?
Who is your oldest friend? Where did you meet them?
My oldest friend is... I met her/him... I've got one best friend from my childhood... His/Her name is... I was in Warsaw, when I met my oldest friend... I've known my oldest friend since we were babies.
Czy ktoś kiedykolwiek uratował ci życie?
Has anyone ever saved your life?
Has anyone ever saved your life?
Yes, John saved my life. No, nobody ever saved my life. Luckily, I have never had a situation like that. Yes, I owe my life to...
