问题 |
答案 |
He crossed the room in a couple of strides 开始学习
He gave a succinct overview of the expansion project 开始学习
He gazed out the window at the snow 开始学习
spojrzenie, przyglądać się
He grinds his teeth in his sleep. I could hear the gears grinding 开始学习
He is a seemingly competent and well-organized person 开始学习
He is absorbed in his work to the detriment of his married life 开始学习
He is adamant that he is not going to resign 开始学习
He is sorely lacking in social skills 开始学习
bardzo, dotkliwie, boleśnie
He kept nagging her until she agreed to see the movie 开始学习
dokuczający, doskwierający
He needs to exert himself to try to find an answer 开始学习
He perused the newspaper over breakfast 开始学习
He placed the award in a prominent position on his desk 开始学习
wyróżniający się, widoczny, znaczący
He proposed the most coherent plan. 开始学习
He stared down the street in incredulity 开始学习
He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament 开始学习
przypominać, być podobnym
He tries to intimidate his rivals 开始学习
He visited in the guise of an inspector 开始学习
He was fully aware that he was an indispensable assistant 开始学习
He was in arrears for tens of thousands of dollars 开始学习
zaległości (np. w płaceniu)