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It is my belief that, i believe that It is my belief that all people should have right to vote
at any moment, at any given time, any minute War can break out at any moment
można się zgodzić do pewnego stopnia 开始学习
one can agree up to the certain point One can agree up to a certain point that moderate drinking is harmless
nie można pominąć faktu, że 开始学习
we cannot ignore the fact that We cannot ignore the fact that children can very often be cruel to each other
One cannot deny that parental love is essential to a happy childhood
w świetle powyższych faktów 开始学习
In a view of these facts, it is quite likely that they will not agree
This method seems to be full of drawbacks
nie na miejscu, niestosowne 开始学习
out of place, inappropriate, out of line, improper, unsuitable, impolitic, incongruous
nie sposób zaprzeczyć, że 开始学习
It cannot be denied that children need more attention than adults
aby zobrazować tę kwestię 开始学习
To illustrate this point I'd like to present an example
ostatni, lecz nie mniej ważny 开始学习
Last but not least, there is the problem of rising corruption
One must admit that the elderly often need constant care
there is a perception that There is a perception that women are worse drivers
It is very possible that human nature is similar to that of animals
powyższe skłania nas ku stanowisku, że 开始学习
this leads us to believe that This leads to believe that insincerity can sometimes be beneficial
tak samo, w taki sam sposób 开始学习
These two are completely different cases and cannot be dealt with in the same way
in many ways, in many respects Smoking affects your health in many ways
Podobnie jak dzieci, dorośli także zachowują się nieracjonalnie 开始学习
Children behave irrationally, adults likewise
tak naprawdę, w gruncie rzeczy 开始学习
in fact, in truth, actually, as a matter of fact He is, in truth, a very shy person
He is indeed a great politician
in this regard, in this respect The car doesn't use much petrol. In this respect it is economical
biorąc wszystko pod uwagę 开始学习
All things considered, this is the cheapest solution.
to centre around/on sth, to center around/on sth The main problem centres around identity issues.
Omawiana obecnie kwestia jest wielce skomplikowana 开始学习
The matter at hand is most complicated
Ludzie, o których mówimy, raczej niechętenie przyznają nam rację 开始学习
The people in question are rather reluctant to agree with us
Let's look at the alternatives
This article gives a strong idea of the problem
przyjrzeć się czemuś uważnie 开始学习
When you take a closer look it turns out he's not that happy
to depict sth, to illistrate, to portray The picture depicts a family
na podstawie tego co widzimy 开始学习
From what we can see, he must be very angry
Judging from the article, the children are not well taken care of.
przywodzić na myśle, przypominać 开始学习
This picture reminds me of my childhood.
zastanawiać się nad czymś 开始学习
to give sth a thought, to wonder about sth, to consider sth, to have a think about sth I hadn't given it much thought until now.
Chciałabym poruszyć problem opieki nad dziećmi 开始学习
to bring sth up, to mention sth I'd like to bring up the problem of childcare
I'd be delighted to hear your opinion on the matter