week1 fundamentals recap

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问题 English 答案 English
What is a class?
an extensible program-code-template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods)
What is an object?
"object" refers to a particular instance of a class where the object can be a combination of variables, functions, and data structures.
What is a method?
is a procedure associated with a message and an object
What is a message?
the way that one program object requests an action from another object.
What is inheritance?
an object or class is based on another object (prototypal inheritance) or class (class-based inheritance), acquires all the properties and behaviours of the parent object using the same implementation
what is encapsulation
the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data. Encapsulation is used to hide the values or state of a structured data object inside a class, preventing unauthorized parties' direct access to them.
