#人喜欢这个。 Polub!

kingawasowska kingawasowska

我从那以后一直在使用VocApp3905天。 我和VocApp一起学习5天,包括系统地来自0天。 我是作家10集。 你最后一次见到我2019-11-28 17:51:40。




The Lexicon of law terms: Civil Code - Osoba prawna
The Lexicon of Law Terms - Civil Code: Property
The Lexicon of law terms - Cicil Code: Appurtenance
120 wyrażeń korespondencji biznesowej
Moja lekcja
The Lexicon of law terms - Civil Code: Fruits
The lexicon of law terms: Civil Code - acts in law
The lexicon of law terms - Civil Code: The form of acts in law
The lexicon of law terms - Civil Code: declaration
The lexicon of law ters - Civil Code: defects of a declaration of intent
