Useful phrases on the phone

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问题 答案
jak mogę pomóc panu/pani?
How can I help you? How can I help you? How can I help you?
czy mógłby pan poczekać kilka minut?
Do you mind waiting a few minutes? Do. you. mind. waiting. a few. minutes. Do you mind waiting a few minutes?
dziękuję za telefon
thank you for calling. thank you for calling thank you for calling. thank. you. for. calling
dzwonię, aby doprecyzować
I'm calling. to clarify. I'm. clarify I'm calling to clarify. I'm. clarify.
dzwonię, aby doprecyzować
I'm calling to clarify
chciałbym zostawić jemu wiadomość
I'd like to leave him a message. I'd like to leave him a message. I'd like to leave him a message. I'd like. to leave. him. a. message.
kiedy jest odpowiedni czas, aby zadzwonić?
when is the right time to call? when. is the. right. call? when is the right time to call? when is the right time. to call?
czy mógłbym zostawić jemu wiadomość?
could i leave him a message. could i leave him a message. could i leave. him. a message. could. i leave. him. a. message.
czy mogę rozmawiać z ... Panem Smith?
may I speak to ... Mr. Smith? may I speak to ... Mr. Smith? may I speak to ... Mr. Smith?
czy mogę przyjąć wiadomość?
can I take the message. can. I take. the. message. can I take the. message. can I take. the message.
obawiam się, że nie mogę podać pani/panu tej informacji.
• I’m afraid I can’t give you that information. • I’m afraid I can’t give you that information. I’m afraid. I can’t give you. that. information. I’m. afraid. I can’t. give. you. that. information.
przykro mi, ale nie mogę (nie mam zezwolenia), aby podać szczegóły dotyczące tego.
Sorry, but I’m not allowed to give details about that. • Sorry, but I’m not allowed to give details about that. • Sorry, but I’m not allowed to give details about that. • Sorry, but I’m. not. give. details. about. that.
linia jest zajęta
the line is busy. the line is busy. the. busy. the line is busy.
czy mógłby pan mówić wolniej?
• Could. you. speak. more. slowly., please? • Could you speak more slowly, please? • Could you speak more slowly, please? Could. you speak. more. slowly., please?
czy mogłaby pani to powtórzyć?
Could you repeat that, please? Could you repeat. that., please.? Could. you. repeat. that, please? Could. you. repeat. that., please?
czy mógłby pan przeliterować to dla mnie?
would you please spell it for me. would. you. please. would you please spell it for me would you please spell it for me
czy miałby pan coś przeciwko temu, aby przeliterować to dla mnie
Would. you. mind. spelling. that. for. me, please. Would you mind spelling. that for me, please. Would you mind spelling that for me, please. • Would. you. mind. spelling. that. please
• czy mógłby pan wytłumaczyć to w inny sposób?
Could you explain that in another way, please. Could you explain that. in another. way, please
obawiam się, że nie zrozumiałem tego
I’m afraid I didn’t get that. I’m afraid I didn’t get that. I’m. afraid. I didn’t. get. that...
Muszę wyjść na 10 minut. Czy to w porządku dla wszystkich?
Adam Smith speaking. I need to leave for ten. minutes.Is. that. okay. with. everyone. Adam Smith speaking. I need to leave for ten minutes. Is that okay with everyone. Adam Smith speaking. I need to leave for ten minutes. Is that. okay. with everyone
Jestem z powrotem na linii.
I'm back. on the. line. I'm back on the line. I'm. back.on. the. line. I'm back. on the line.
przepraszam, przerwałem panu. Co pan mówił?
• Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying...? • Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying...? • Sorry, I interrupted. you. You. were. saying...?
proszę kontynuować
please continue. please continue. please continue.
przepraszam, ale czy mógłby pan/ pani mówić głośniej, proszę?
• I’m sorry., but. could. you. speak.up. a little? • I’m sorry, but could you speak up a little? • I’m sorry, but could you speak up a little? • I’m sorry, but. could. you. speak.up. a little?
Przepraszam, ale nie do końca dosłyszałem, czy mógłby pan powiedzieć to jeszcze raz?
Sorry, I didn't quite hear it, could you please say it again? Sorry, I didn't quite hear it, could you please say it. again.? Sorry., I. didn't quite., could. you. please. again?
nie zrozumiałem ostatniej części, czy możesz powtórzyć?
I didn’t catch that. last. bit. Can. you. again. please? • I didn’t catch that. last bit. Can. you. say. it again. please?
czwartek o 14:30 wówczas, będzie w porządku.
Thursday at 2:30 p.m. then, that would be fine. Thursday... at 2:30 p.m. then., that. fine.
