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zbliżać się / przybliżać się (v) B1 [I or T ] to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount: 开始学习
(v) B1 [I or T ] to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount: We could just see the train approaching in the distance. If you look out of the window on the left, you'll see that we're now approaching the Eiffel Tower. I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break.
(n) the group of people with official legal power to make decisions or make people obey the laws in a particular area, such as the police or a local government department: 开始学习
the group of people with official legal power to make decisions or make people obey the laws in a particular area, such as the police or a local government department: I'm going to report these potholes to the authorities.
(n) the local government of a city 开始学习
(n) the local government of a city
(n) 开始学习
(n) a very large machine that is used for digging 开始学习
(n) a very large machine that is used for digging
(n) B2 [C or U ] the fact of someone or something not succeeding: 开始学习
(n) B2 [C or U ] the fact of someone or something not succeeding: The meeting was a complete/total failure. I'm a bit of a failure at making (= I cannot make) cakes. I feel such a failure (= so unsuccessful).
(n)~ demonstration B2 [C ] an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.: 开始学习
(n)~ demonstration B2 [C ] an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.: a public protest against the war a peaceful/violent protest
(v) 开始学习
protestujący, uczestnik protestacyjnego wiecu (n) someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc. 开始学习
(n) someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.
zwolnić (z więzienia), wypuścić (na wolność), oswobodzić (kogoś) (v) B2 to give freedom or free movement to someone or something; to move a device from a fixed position to allow it to move freely: 开始学习
(v) B2 to give freedom or free movement to someone or something; to move a device from a fixed position to allow it to move freely: He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence. FIGURATIVE The surgery released him from years of pain. He released the handbrake and the car jumped forwards.
(n) 开始学习
!!!(n) B2 a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed: 开始学习
!!!(n) B2 a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed: We have been receiving anonymous threats. He says he'll tell the authorities but it's just an empty threat (= it will not happen).
!!!(v) B2 [T ] to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them or cause problems if they do not do what you want: 开始学习
!!!(v) B2 [T ] to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them or cause problems if they do not do what you want:
być wartym zrobienia/posiadania czegoś (phrase) to be important or useful to have or do: 开始学习
be worth doing / having something (phrase) to be important or useful to have or do: There's nothing worth reading in this newspaper. If you are a young, inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance. It's worth remembering that prices go up in February.
(n) (n) a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen: 开始学习
(n) (n) a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen:
(v) B1 to damage something so badly that it cannot be used: 开始学习
(v) B1 to damage something so badly that it cannot be used: Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs during the war. The accident seemed to have completely/totally destroyed his confidence.
emisja, wydzielanie (np. ciepła, gazu, światła) (n) C1 [U ] the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc.: 开始学习
(n) C1 [U ] the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc.: Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
(n) C1 strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke: 开始学习
(n) C1 strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke: exhaust fumes Petrol fumes always make me feel ill. cigar fumes
chronić, zabezpieczać, bronić (v) B1 [I or T ] to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss: 开始学习
(v) B1 [I or T ] to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss: clothing that protects you against the cold It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
(n) a fire that is burning strongly and out of control on an area of grass or bushes in the countryside: 开始学习
(n) a fire that is burning strongly and out of control on an area of grass or bushes in the countryside: