George felt resentment at being replaced by a younger employee. 开始学习
niezadowolenie, żal, poczucie krzywdy
czuć się urażonym, oburzać się, mieć pretensje, nienawidzić, nie cierpieć
She has a fitness coach who comes to her house three times a week. 开始学习
Someone must be held accountable for the accident. 开始学习
She came to the party bubbling with excitement. 开始学习
tryskać czymś, być pełnym czegoś
The government plans to impose fines on companies who do not comply with the laws on health and safety. 开始学习
nałożenie, wprowadzenie (np. podatku, kary), narzucenie
Freedom of the press is sacrosanct and should remain so. 开始学习
She came into the house and scooted up the stairs to her room. 开始学习
He was a highly successful chartered accountant. 开始学习
The man sought corporate advice about setting up an e-mail business. 开始学习
korporacyjny, biznesowy, dla przedsiębiorstw
The actress pounced on the photographer and grabbed his camera after he snapped a photo. 开始学习
The children were bundled off to a summer camp. 开始学习
go/slip down the drain/plughole Millions of dollars have slipped down the plughole. 开始学习
Steve was awash with guilt seeing his colleague take the blame for his wrongdoings. 开始学习
Pipe cleaners are bendy so they can clean round corners. 开始学习
Can you prop up the ladder against the wall? 开始学习
I shooed her away so that she couldn’t see the birthday present. 开始学习
My chocolate vanished without a trace. The old witch vanished into the dark and was never seen again. 开始学习
Moja czekolada zniknęła bez śladu.
The headmaster was perceived as a cruel ogre who scared all the young children. 开始学习