问题 |
答案 |
Police are investigating the woman's disappearance. 开始学习
Policja prowadzi dochodzenie w sprawie zaginięcia kobiety.
The opening of the factory was a major event locally. 开始学习
Otwarcie fabryki było waznym lokalnym wydarzeniem.
One man was arrested following the incident. 开始学习
Do you believe in miracles? 开始学习
I had a slight mishap while I was gardening. 开始学习
Podczas prac w ogrodzie miałem mały wypadek.
earthquakes and other natural disasters | death from natural causes 开始学习
because of illness or old age)
earthquakes, storms and other natural phenomena 开始学习
It was intended as a practical joke but nobody thought it was funny. 开始学习
He jumped out of a plane as a publicity stunt. 开始学习
the tragic death of their son | the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet 开始学习
patients with unexplained symptoms 开始学习
Depression may be accompanied by fear in some cases. 开始学习
The alley led to the railway bridge. 开始学习
He was tormented by feelings of guilt. 开始学习
Joanna wished that things had turned out differently. 开始学习
The snake kills its prey by injecting it with venom. 开始学习
Smoking is not allowed in the library. 开始学习
Wełna podrażnia moją skórę.
The lift's jerky movements alarmed me. 开始学习
Gwałtowne ruchy windy zaniepokoiły mnie.
Logically, we should choose him for the job. 开始学习
It’s difficult to predict what the effects of pollution will be. 开始学习
She rarely goes out after dark. 开始学习
She used to sleepwalk every night. 开始学习
children living in appalling conditions 开始学习
She was described as the most beautiful woman in the world. 开始学习
I’m not very pleased with your behaviour. 开始学习
an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale 开始学习
It cost an enormous amount of money. | The team made an enormous effort. 开始学习
Several families were evacuated from their homes. 开始学习
a long and exhausting journey 开始学习
an exquisite diamond ring 开始学习
wytworny pierścionek z brylantem
The lake had frozen overnight. 开始学习
He is furious at the court’s decision. | He was furious with me. 开始学习
She suffered horrendous injuries. 开始学习
Doznała strasznych obrażeń.
Your room’s huge compared to mine. | a huge dog | A huge number of tourists visit the town every day. 开始学习
a massive dog | He had a massive heart attack. 开始学习
Cats are not able to perceive colour. 开始学习
Koty nie są w stanie postrzegać kolorów.
That’s a ridiculous idea! 开始学习
a highly sensitive electronic camera 开始学习
Let’s have lunch – I’m starving. 开始学习
You look stunning in that dress. 开始学习
The food at the hotel was terrible. | a terrible accident 开始学习
a terrific opportunity | She looked terrific. 开始学习
tiny fish | The increase was tiny. 开始学习
vast areas of rainforest | Refugees crossed the border in vast numbers. 开始学习
wonderful news | We had a wonderful time. 开始学习
The Queen only rides in a carriage on very special occasions. 开始学习
the American Embassy in Paris | I went to the embassy because I had lost my passport. 开始学习
The killer was declared criminally insane. 开始学习
Have you taken your medicine? 开始学习
Have you taken your medicine?
She was locked up in a mental asylum. 开始学习
Zamknięto ją w zakładzie psychiatrycznym.
Rats spread the plague quickly throughout London.| The plague caused 100 $000 deaths in London alone in the 1600s 开始学习
Szczury szybko rozprzestrzeniły zarazę po całym Londynie.| Zaraza spowodowała śmierć 100 000 dolarów w samym Londynie w XVII wieku
a prescription for painkillers 开始学习
the register of births, marriages and deaths 开始学习
When I looked again, he’d vanished. | The bird had vanished from sight. 开始学习
velvet curtains | a velvet dress 开始学习
The men admitted to conspiring to steal cars. 开始学习
Mężczyźni przyznali się do spiskowania w celu kradzieży samochodów.
The fire was started deliberately. 开始学习
safer ways of disposing of waste 开始学习
The cause of the fire is being investigated. | I heard a noise and went downstairs to investigate. | a private investigator | an investigative journalist 开始学习
zbadać, prowadzić śledztwo
Please put your signature at the bottom of the form. 开始学习
She was ill so she went to the doctor's surgery. 开始学习
Była chora, więc poszła do gabinetu lekarskiego.
There has been no word from Helen since her abduction. 开始学习
the group's alleged connections with organised crime 开始学习
The window was protected with bars. 开始学习
Okno było zabezpieczone kratami.
He had bolts on the doors and windows for security. 开始学习
Miał rygle w drzwiach i oknach dla bezpieczeństwa.
There's been some controversy over increasing students' fees. 开始学习
Pojawiły się pewne kontrowersje wokół podwyższenia czesnego dla studentów.
The detective always solves the crime in stories. 开始学习
She writes children's fiction. 开始学习
Pisze powieści dla dzieci.
The fortress was built on top of a hill. 开始学习
Al Capone was a Chicago gangster. 开始学习
We heard gunshots. | a gunshot wound 开始学习
The bird hovered above the flower. 开始学习
I take my duvets to the laundry to be cleaned every spring. 开始学习
The police never solved the mystery of her death. 开始学习
The windows were nailed shut. 开始学习
gwóźdź, zabijać gwoździami Okna były zabite gwoździami.
The results of the survey were a little puzzling. 开始学习
She saw the knife and let out a scream. 开始学习
Sightings of UFOs are reported regularly. 开始学习
gunshot wounds | It took a long time for his wounds to heal. 开始学习
He was killed by a single bullet | a bullet wound 开始学习
my colleagues at the bank 开始学习
współpracownik, kolega z pracy
convincing evidence | It was a convincing excuse. 开始学习
Nobody doubts his ability to stay calm in a crisis. 开始学习
The police are still looking for the girl's killer. 开始学习
Jealousy was the motive for the murder. 开始学习
Use strong window and door locks for security. | airport security 开始学习
Her brother committed suicide last year. | a rise in the number of suicides 开始学习
a suspicious package | The circumstances of his death were certainly suspicious. 开始学习
No smoking is allowed on the premises. 开始学习
lokal, teren (firmy, szkoły)
I surveyed the damage to the car. 开始学习
oceniać, oszacować, badać Oceniłem uszkodzenia samochodu.
Gangs have been terrorising the community. 开始学习
We have new evidence to corroborate her story. 开始学习
Mamy nowe dowody potwierdzające jej wersję wydarzeń.
The drug caused her to hallucinate. 开始学习
Police located the gun used to kill her but her murderer was never found. 开始学习
I'm sceptical about what I read in the newspapers. 开始学习
The meeting has been postponed until July. 开始学习
Smoking is prohibited in the building. 开始学习
We should respect all living creatures. | creatures from outer space 开始学习
Scientists fear that the tiger may become extinct. 开始学习
Sarah is studying medicine. 开始学习
Mercury is the smallest planet. 开始学习
The images are projected onto a white screen. 开始学习
a computer with an 18-inch screen 开始学习
Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 开始学习
We make lots of chemicals in our bodies. 开始学习
Many of the fans behaved disgracefully after the match. 开始学习
Friends comforted his distraught parents. 开始学习
Przyjaciele pocieszali jego zrozpaczonych rodziców.
Her parents were frantic with worry. 开始学习
Jej rodzice oszaleli ze zmartwienia.
Lighting performs several functions in the home. 开始学习
Insulate the pipes so they don't freeze. 开始学习
I can't tell you his name. It's a secret. 开始学习
To nie jest właściwa droga
this match could be postponed 开始学习
ten mecz może zostać przełożony
spowiadać się, przyznać się do czegoś