U10 e19 sentences

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问题 English 答案 English
The world over, people are turning TO alternatives sources of energy.
As time wears ON the depletion of the eath’s natural resources accelerates.
Please turn OFF/OUT the lights when you leave the room in order to conserve energy.
The effects of inhaling carbon monoxide wear OFF gradually.
We may not be able to turn AROUND the situation fast enough to save the endangered species from extinction.
When you have worn OUT your clothes, don’t throw them away – have them recycled.
The oil spill turned OUT to be the biggest environmental disaster in history.
Acid rain gradually wears AWAY exposed outcrops of rock.
Ultimately responsibility lies with us; it is useless to think that we can turn it OVER to someone else.
The footpaths through the hills get worn DOWN by the feet of ramblers.
