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答案 |
He is a trained electritian. 开始学习
He is a maintanence worker. 开始学习
He has been an apprentice for the last two years. 开始学习
He is solely in charge of the building maintanence. 开始学习
He prefers to work at his own pace. 开始学习
Due to recent cuts she has to buy cheaper ingredients. 开始学习
Due to recent cuts she has to buy cheaper ingredients. 开始学习
It goes against the principle... It goes against her principles of providing tasty and healthy food for all her workers. 开始学习
jest to sprzeczne z zasadą
It goes against her principles of providing tasty and healthy food for all her workers. 开始学习
She despises the regulations imposed by health and safety. 开始学习
She despises the regulations imposed by health and safety. 开始学习
She despises the regulations imposed by health and safety. 开始学习
He spends the rest of the time learning practical skills on the factory floor. 开始学习
Currently, his only artistic outlet is graffitti. 开始学习
She is an assembly worker. 开始学习
He is responsible for training apprentices. 开始学习
His apprentice had a serious accident while being under his responsibility. 开始学习
He was cleared by a tribunal. 开始学习
He should have been let off with just a warning. 开始学习
He has strong connections to Algerian government. 开始学习
She is timid and not very-confident. 开始学习
She is not aware of her potential. 开始学习
He is a former heavy weight boxer. 开始学习
He has a long term girlfriend. 开始学习
He works in different time zones. 开始学习
The nannies are constantly leaving their employ. 开始学习
zatrudniać / zatrudnienie
He doesn't get on with a production manager. 开始学习
R&D research and development 开始学习
He is an unofficial deputy. 开始学习
He has large mortgage and large debts. 开始学习
This is allowed because he is a by far the best designer the company has ever employed. 开始学习
People moan occasionally about his dog. 开始学习
He runs marathons for charity. 开始学习
He is in constant competition with a young and glamorous R&D manager. 开始学习
He is in constant competition with a young and glamorous R&D manager. 开始学习
There is a rumour that he is having an affair with someone from the company. 开始学习
There is a rumour that he is having an affair with someone from the company. 开始学习
She has a reputation for being tough. 开始学习
She thinks her deputy is weak. 开始学习
She currently sits on the local council. 开始学习
She never has time to discuss children with her partner. 开始学习
She would consider a full time position in politics. 开始学习
She checks the quality of raw materials. 开始学习
She is on temporary contract that has been renewed each year. 开始学习
She supports her parents in China. 开始学习
siblings' university fees She pays her siblings' university fees. 开始学习
opłaty za studia rodzeństwa
He gets a generous annual bonus if the company is successful. 开始学习
He has three years to retirement 开始学习
His position is unnecessary. 开始学习
The company cannot make him redundant. 开始学习
She hasn't told her colleagues about her preganancy yet. 开始学习
She moved to the area two years ago. 开始学习
She knows how to use Finance software properly. 开始学习
He is always hanging around the reception. 开始学习
He imagines himself to be a wine conneisseur. 开始学习
He knows his subject well. 开始学习
he has achieved the best sales figures 开始学习
osiągnął najlepsze wyniki sprzedaży
He owned a company in Ukraine. 开始学习
His wife runs a support group for Russian speakers. 开始学习
He spends a lot of time on his allotment. 开始学习
He spends a lot of time in a chess club. 开始学习
He keeps himself to himself. 开始学习
Zajmuje się hodowlą psów rasowych.
Local Chamber of Commerce 开始学习
vocational training scheme He supports vocational training scheme 开始学习
program szkolenia zawodowego
people from disadvantaged backgroud He supports people from disadvanteged background 开始学习
ludzie ze środowisk defaworyzowanych
She is a devoted company mom 开始学习
sympathetic ear for her colleagues problems She sympathetic ear for her colleagues problems. 开始学习
życzliwe ucho dla problemów swoich kolegów
She finds him demanding and impatient. 开始学习
She finds him demanding and impatient. 开始学习
She finds him demanding and impatient. 开始学习
She is worried that she might be replaced by someone younger. 开始学习
He specialized in a corporate law. 开始学习
He is in a wheelchair since he broke his back i a riding accident. 开始学习
He advises the company on legal matters. 开始学习
It's like she is invisible. 开始学习
She deals with dissatisfied customers. 开始学习
Radzi sobie z niezadowolonymi klientami.
She shares an office with her team 开始学习
She doesn't want to stay in the job, nethertheless she is proud of her current position. 开始学习
She is a purchase assisstant 开始学习
She likes he rindependence 开始学习
She is in line for promotion. 开始学习
She refills paper tray in the copier. 开始学习
She gossips about fellow employees. 开始学习
She like to arrange staff night out. 开始学习
He thinks that everybody should obey his rules. 开始学习
He raises the car barrier 开始学习
podnieś barierę dla samochodu
he deems the person worth entry 开始学习
uważa tę osobę za wartą wejścia