Thousands of love-struck Brits learn Polish - so they can speak to their immigrant partners

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The university started the beginners' course two years ago to coincide with the influx of East European migrants.
to happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance
The university started the beginners' course two years ago to coincide with the influx of East European migrants.
the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of money, goods etc, especially suddenly
sign up
Emma Raczka was among those who signed up to the Cardiff course last year.
to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it
sign up for a course
Emma Raczka was among those who signed up to the Cardiff course last year.
Pol. zapisać się na kurs
She said although she was there because of her background, about half her fellow students wanted to learn their partners' native language.
person that you work with, study with, or who is in the same situation as you
lay sth on
But there was a growing proportion learning the language to understand their new partners - triggering a rise in the number of evening classes being laid on
to provide sth such as food, entertainment, or transport for a group of people
how thy woo in warsaw
old-fashioned to try to persuade a woman to love you and marry you
