the mail's inspirational woman of year 3

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问题 English 答案 English
for ever:
for keeps
Do you want it back?" "No it's yours, for keeps."
Did Carrie Herbert actually receive the award for keeps?
to waste time, especially by being slow, or by not being able to make a decision:
When Carrie knew she had to convert her house into a school, did she make short work of it or did she dilly-dally?
someone who is very experienced and skilled in a particular area of activity:
old hand
As a teacher, was she new to the game or was she an old hand?
embarrassed or angry about something:
hot under the collar
When Jenny came on Monday morning, Carrie did not get hot under the collar
To accept or attempt some particular test, fight, contest, etc., or answer an invitation or call to such.
p. verb
take up
When Jenny came on Monday morning, Carrie took up the challenge
to punish someone and make that person explain their behaviour
bring to book
to deceive or cheat someone:
take for a ride
I think we've been taken for a ride.
to move your face so you are not looking at something:
p. verb
turn away
Carrie discovered that bullied child were by and large turned away by their schools
exactly what is needed:
just the thing
the very thing
Carrie's initiative turned out to be just the thing for the local education authority.
behaviour that is rude and does not show respect, especially someone older or in a higher position than you:
Carrie tolerated impertinence on the part of the pupils.
