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zrozumienie/ wiedza o rynku 开始学习
a profit on money that you have invested 开始学习
the finance that a company gets from selling shares rather than borrowing money 开始学习
someone who makes an official agreement to be responsible for money that someone else owes 开始学习
znakomity/wyjątkowy/wyróżniający się 开始学习
towar sprzedawany po promocyjnej cenie 开始学习
to sell two or more things together as a single product 开始学习
to get control of a market share from competitor in business 开始学习
a way to solve a problem for a customer 开始学习
a market in which more products are offered than customer want to buy 开始学习
the process of making sales of one product depend on the customer buying another 开始学习
a type of marketing in which an organization's customers advertise a product simply by talking to other people about it 开始学习
things such as money or property that a person or company owns 开始学习
to examine someone or something in order to be certain thah everything is correct, true or satisfactory 开始学习
to be mentioned and need to be considered 开始学习
to make someone belive that something is true 开始学习
the disadventage or negative aspect of something 开始学习
a plan that allows you to stop being involved in a situation without causing any harm or disadvantage to yourself 开始学习
kompetencje/znastwo / biegłośc 开始学习
a statement of what a company's financial position is likely to be in future, for example what its costs, income and profits will be 开始学习
finansowanie (money that a government or organization provides for a specyfic purpose) 开始学习
przetrwać / przedostać się 开始学习
przeżyć/ doświadczyć / przeżywać 开始学习
knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing sth rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done 开始学习
a calculation that measures how much profit an investment makes, without considering things such as interest rates and inflation 开始学习
used for emphasizing that something happens or is done completely at one time or in a single process 开始学习
siła perswazji (the things that you say to persuade someone buy something or to support you) 开始学习
to offer an idea, opinion, reason etc. especially so thah people can discuss it and make a decision 开始学习
to collect money for the particular purpose 开始学习
to explain, describe or arrange something in a clear and detailed way, especially in writing 开始学习
a company that helps organizations find temporary workers and that help workers find temporary jobs 开始学习
to remove a person or thing that is not suitable or good enough, especially from a group or collection 开始学习
to solve a problem by considering the facts 开始学习
a written statement showing the value of a company at a particular time 开始学习
money that a business or organization receives in a particular period of time 开始学习
the total number of things that a company sells within a particular period of time, or the money that it earns by selling things 开始学习
to force someone to do something, or to get something from someone using force 开始学习
payments that a company must make within 12 months 开始学习
to prevent something from happening, especially because you do not approve of it or think it is harmful 开始学习
to give someone the abillity or opportunity to do something 开始学习
to provide conditions that help something to happend 开始学习
money spent by a government, organization or person 开始学习
to become more and more succesfull 开始学习
go from strength to strength
an amount of something such as money or goods that comes into a place 开始学习
to have all information that you need about sth 开始学习
an area that someone owns, often including the buildings on it 开始学习
an amount of money that a company or organization has to pay to the person, bank, etc. that it has borrowed from 开始学习
the total value of a person's or company's assets after they total debt has been subtraced 开始学习
the money that you spend regurarly to operate a machine or to manage a business or service 开始学习
to make changes to a contract especially, in order to improve it 开始学习
to officially give someone a contract 开始学习
to allow sth that is not normally allowed 开始学习
impossible to criticize becouse of being so good 开始学习
the minimum level of behaviour that is considered ethical 开始学习
a failure to do something that you have promised to do in a contract 开始学习
to not do something that you have promised or agreed to do in a contract 开始学习
przekupstwo/ łapówkarstwo 开始学习
to say that a legal agreement or obligation set out in a contract is now ended 开始学习
the legal offence of planing a serious crime 开始学习
the way in which the company is managed by the people who are working at the highest level in it 开始学习
dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone 开始学习
to write a contract that may have changes made before it is finished 开始学习
the act of stealing money that people trust you to look after as a part of your work 开始学习
the proces of giving a group of people more freedom or rights 开始学习
the behaviour that is reasonable and right 开始学习
the crime of obtaining money from someone by tricking them 开始学习
an honest way of behaving, speaking or thinking 开始学习
a situation in which the rules, laws or usual ways of doing things have not been followed 开始学习
przestępstwo / przekroczenie / obraza / przewinienie 开始学习
to pay money that a court orders you to pay someone becouse you have harmed(zaszkodziłeś) them or their property 开始学习
pay (millions) in damages
a statement in a official agreement of the amount of money that someone will need to pay if they fail to obey the rules of the agreement 开始学习
to decide not to do something that you promised to do in a contract 开始学习
wzrastający (zadłużenie) countinously becoming worse or more 开始学习
pozywać / pozwać / zaskarżyć 开始学习
an honest way of doing things that allows other people to know exactly what you are doing 开始学习