问题 |
答案 |
I haven’t been a spoiled child. 开始学习
The cake will be divided into 5 pieces. 开始学习
According to my mum I will have to walk my dog 开始学习
I’m not going to devote more time to that. 开始学习
Many abnormalities have been observed recently. 开始学习
I can’t stand rivarly but my friend is looking forward to it. 开始学习
It refers to recent crash. 开始学习
violate intelectual property He has violated my intelectual property. 开始学习
naruszać własność intelektualną
When we were watching TV, he interrupted us. 开始学习
She always attracts bad people. 开始学习
Despite the rain, I walked Rico 开始学习
That was an unpleasant encounter. 开始学习
To było nieprzyjemne spotkanie.
I was in the southern Italy 10 years ago. 开始学习
I have never been to the northern Italy. 开始学习
There's no evidence to suggest that Billy committed the murder. 开始学习
Brak jest dowodów, które sugerowałyby, że Billy dopuścił się morderstwa.
Generally speaking I think I will pass matura exam very well. 开始学习
if I had more freedom I would be happier. 开始学习
Many different tribes inhabit the territory of Afghanistan. 开始学习
Wiele różnych plemion zamieszkuje terytorium Afganistanu.
If I was an inhabitant of Afganistan I would be less happy. 开始学习
The scientific research was finished. 开始学习
Today pressure isn’t as high as yesterday. 开始学习
Spodziewaj się, że deszcz rozprzestrzeni się na ten obszar wraz ze zbliżającym się system niskiego ciśnienia.
She cares a lot about her appearance. 开始学习
Ona bardzo dba o swój wygląd.
When we were watching TV, Rico disappeared. 开始学习
Your salary will be paid at the end of the month. 开始学习
Twoje wynagrodzenie zostanie wypłacone na koniec miesiąca.
My offer has just been turned down. 开始学习
I'm willing to give you another chance. 开始学习
Jestem skłonny dać ci jeszcze jedną szansę.
I’m unwilling to help him again. 开始学习
This week I’ m working shifts. 开始学习