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He’ll only wear clothes with a designer label. On nosi wyłącznie ubrania znanych projektantów. (figurative) She hated the label of ‘ housewife’. ▶ metka etykieta określenie label1 /ˈleɪbl; US / noun [c] 1 a piece of paper, etc. that is fixed to sth and which gives information about it There is a list of all the ingredients on the label.
oznaczać (naszywką, etykietą) 开始学习
2label sb/sth (as) sth to describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially unfairly The press had labelled him an extremist. ▶ określać kogoś mianem przylepiać komuś etykietkę label2 /ˈleɪbl; US / verb [transitive] (labelling; labelled, US labeling; labeled) 1[usually passive] to fix a label or write information on sth All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your name. ▶ oznaczać (np. naszywką, etykietką)
The blood samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis. a physics laboratory ▶ laboratorium laboratory /ləˈbɒrətri; US ˈlæbrətɔ: ri / noun [countable] (pl. laboratories) (also informal lab /læb; US /) a room or building that is used for scientific research, testing, experiments, etc. or for teaching about science
laborious /ləˈbɔ: riəs; US / adj. needing a lot of time and effort a laborious task/process/job ▶ żmudny mozolny □ laboriously /; US / adv. ▶ żmudnie mozolnie
3[uncountable, countable, usually sing.] the process of giving birth to a baby She went into labour (zaczęła rodzić) in the early hours of this morning. She was in labour (rodziła) for ten hours. She had a difficult labour. ▶ poród 开始学习
2[uncountable] workers, when thought of as a group There is a shortage of skilled labour. Brakuje wykwalifikowanych robotników. Labour relations (stosunki między kadrą kierowniczą a robotnikami) have improved in recent years. ▶ siła robocza labour1 (US labor) /ˈleɪbə(r); US / noun 1 [uncountable] work, usually of a hard, physical kind manual labour praca fizyczna ▶ praca robota
pracować ciężko, mozolić się 开始学习
2 to move or do sth with difficulty and effort The old man laboured up the steep hill. ▶ posuwać się (z trudem) mozolnie coś robić labour2 (US labor) /ˈleɪbə(r); US / verb [intransitive] 1labour (away) to work hard at sth She laboured on her book for two years. ▶ pracować (ciężko) mozolić się
laboured (US labored) /ˈleɪbəd; US / adj. done slowly or with difficulty laboured breathing ▶ z wysiłkiem ciężki
labourer (US laborer) /ˈleɪbərə(r); US / noun [countable] a person whose job involves hard physical work Unskilled labourers are not usually well paid. ▶ robotni-k/ca
ˈlabour force (US ˈlabor force) noun [countable] all the people who work for a company or in a country a skilled/an unskilled labour force An increasing percentage of the labour force is now unemployed. ▶ siła robocza
ˈlabour-saving adj. reducing the amount of work needed to do sth labour-saving devices such as washing machines and dishwashers ▶ usprawniający pracę oszczędzający pracę
Labrador /ˈlæbrədɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] a type of large yellow or black dog, often used by blind people as a guide ▶ labrador
labyrinth /ˈlæbərɪnɵ; US / noun [countable] a complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way a labyrinth of corridors ▶ labirynt
koronka, koronkowy, sznurówka 开始学习
2 [countable] a string that is used for tying a shoe Your shoelace is undone. Do up your laces (zawiąż sznurówki) or you’ll trip over them. ▶ sznurówka lace1 /leɪs; US / noun 1 [uncountable] cloth that is made of very thin threads sewn in patterns with small holes in between a collar made of lace lace curtains ▶ koronka koronkowy
□ lace-up /; US / 1 adj. lace-up shoes ▶ sznurowany lace2 /leɪs; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] lace (sth) (up) to tie or fasten sth with a lace1 (2) She was sitting on the end of the bed lacing up her boots. ▶ sznurować (się)
lack1 /læk; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] a lack (of sth) the state of not having sth or not having enough of sth A lack of food forced many people to leave their homes. The trip was cancelled through lack of interest. ▶ brak niedostatek
lack2 /læk; US / verb [transitive] to have none or not enough of sth She seems to lack (wydaje się, że brak jej) the will to succeed. ▶ nie mieć mieć za mało
2 not present or available I feel there is something lacking in my life. ▶ brakować lacking /ˈlækɪŋ; US / adj. [not before a noun] 1be lacking in sth to not have enough of sth He’s certainly not lacking in intelligence. Z pewnością nie brakuje mu inteligencji. ▶ brakować komuś czegoś
laconic /ləˈkɒnɪk; US / adj. (formal) using only a few words to say sth ▶ lakoniczny lapidarny □ laconically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ lakonicznie lapidarnie
lacquer /ˈlækə(r); US / noun [uncountable] 1 a type of transparent paint that is put on wood, metal, etc. to give it a hard, shiny surface ▶ lakier 2(old-fashioned) a liquid that you put on your hair to keep it in place ▶ lakier do włosów
ladder /ˈlædə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of equipment that is used for climbing up sth. A ladder consists of two long pieces of metal, wood or rope with steps fixed between them: (figurative) to climb the ladder of success ▶ drabina
laden /ˈleɪdn; US / adj. [not before a noun] laden (with sth) having or carrying a lot of sth The travellers were laden down with luggage. The orange trees were laden with fruit. • (figurative) to be laden with guilt ▶ obładowany obciążony
the ˈLadies noun [sing.] (Brit., informal) a public toilet for women ▶ toaleta damska ⇨ look at gents ⇨ note at toilet
ladle1 /ˈleɪdl; US / noun [c] a large deep spoon with a long handle, used especially for serving soup ▶ łyżka wazowa
ladle2 /ˈleɪdl; US / verb [transitive] to serve food with a ladle She ladled the soup into bowls ▶ nalewać łyżką wazową
2[countable] a woman who is polite and well educated, has excellent manners and always behaves well A real lady does not scream and shout. ▶ dama lady /ˈleɪdi / (pl. ladies) 1[c] (a word used to mean ‘ woman’ that some people, especially older people, consider is more polite) The old lady next door lives alone. There’s a lady waiting to see you. He was with an attractive young lady. ▶ pani
4[countable] (old-fashioned) (in Britain) a woman belonging to a high social class the lords and ladies of the court ▶ dama 3[countable, usually pl.] (formal) (used when speaking to or about a girl or a woman, especially one you do not know Can I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen (Panie i Panowie)? ▶ pani
ladybird /ˈleɪdibɜ: d; US / (US ladybug /ˈleɪdibʌɡ; US /) noun [countable] a small insect that is red or yellow with black spots ▶ biedronka
James has missed a lot of classes and is lagging behind the others at school. ▶ zostawać w tyle wlec się za czymś lag1 /læɡ; US / verb [i] (lagging; lagged) lag (behind) (sb/sth) to move or develop more slowly than sb/sth I’m always lagging behind when we go walking in the mountains.
lag2 /læɡ; US / (also ˈtime lag) noun [countable] a period of time between two events; a delay There will be a nine-month lag between the opening of the first part of the motorway and its completion. ▶ zwłoka opóźnienie
lager /ˈlɑ:ɡə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] (Brit.) a type of light beer that is a gold colour Three pints of lager, please. ▶ piwo jasne (leżakowane)
lagoon /ləˈɡu: n; US / noun [countable] a lake of salt water that is separated from the sea by sand or rock ▶ laguna
na luzie, nie przejmujący się niczym 开始学习
laid-back /ˌleɪd ˈbæk; US / adj. (informal) calm and relaxed; seeming not to worry about anything We rarely argue as Michael’s such a laid-back person. ▶ na luzie nie przejmujący się niczym
lair /leə(r); US / noun [usually sing.] 1 a place where a wild animal sleeps or hides ▶ matecznik legowisko 2 a place where sb goes to hide or to be alone Grandad retreated to his lair in the basement. ▶ kryjówka
A pool is a much smaller area of water: When the tide went out, pools of water were left among the rocks. An artificial pool, however, can be larger: a swimming pool. A puddle is a small pool of water made by the rain. lake A lake is usually big enough to sail on: Lake Como. A pond may be big enough for animals to drink from or may be a very small area of water in a garden: We have a fish pond in our garden. 开始学习
lake /leɪk; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a large area of water that is surrounded by land They’ve gone sailing on the lake. We all swam in the lake. Lake Constance ▶ jezioro
lamb /læm; US / noun 1 [countable] a young sheep ▶ jagnię baranek ⇨ note at sheep 2 [uncountable] the meat of a young sheep lamb chops ▶ jagnięcina mięso jagnięce
kulawy, kulejący (o zwięrzętach) W odniesieniu do ludzi zwykle nie używa się lame. Częściej stosowane jest limp, jako czasownik i rzeczownik: You’re limping. Have you hurt your leg? • He’s got a limp. Kuleje. 开始学习
2 (used about an excuse, argument, etc.) not easily believed; weak ▶ (argument itp.) słaby nieprzekonujący lame /leɪm; US / adj. 1 (used mainly about animals) not able to walk properly because of an injury to the leg or foot The horse is lame and cannot work. ▶ kulawy kulejący
lament /ləˈment; US / noun [countable] (formal) a song, poem or other expression of sadness for sb who has died or for sth that has ended ▶ lament pieśń żałobna □ lament verb [transitive] ▶ opłakiwać lamentować
/ˈlæmɪneɪtɪd ; US / adj. (used about wood, plastic, etc.) made by sticking several thin layers together laminated glass ▶ wielowarstwowy laminowany 2 covered with thin transparent plastic for protection a laminated map/photo/ID card ▶ laminowany
lamp /læmp; US / noun [countable] a device that uses electricity, gas or oil to produce light a table/desk/bicycle lamp an oil lamp lampa naftowa a sunlamp lampa kwarcowa a street lamp latarnia uliczna ▶ lampa latarnia
ˈlamp post noun [countable] a tall pole at the side of the road with a light on the top ▶ słup latarni
lampshade /ˈlæmpʃeɪd; US / noun [countable] a cover for a lamp that makes it look more attractive and makes the light softer ▶ abażur
LAN /læn; US / abbr. local area network; a system that connects computers inside a single building or buildings in the same area ▶ lokalna sieć komputerowa
2[uncountable] an area of ground The land rose to the east. She owns 500 acres of land in Scotland. ▶ ziemia teren grunt land1 /lænd; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] the solid part of the surface of the earth (= not sea) After three months at sea she was glad to reach dry land (stałego lądu). Penguins can’t move very fast on land. ▶ ląd
4[countable] (formal) a country or region to travel to distant lands She died far from her native land (z dala od ziemi ojczystej). ▶ kraj 3[uncountable] ground, soil or earth of a particular kind The land is rich and fertile. arid/barren land arable/agricultural/industrial land ▶ ziemia grunt
The bird landed (usiadł) on the roof. He fell off the ladder and landed on his back (upadł na plecy). ▶ lądować land2 /lænd; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive, transitive] to come down from the air or to bring sth down to the ground His flight is due to land at 3 o’clock. The pilot landed the aeroplane safely.
3[transitive] to succeed in getting sth, especially sth that a lot of people want The company has just landed a million-dollar contract. ▶ zdobyć 2[intransitive, transitive] to go onto land or put sth onto land from a ship The troops landed on the beaches in Normandy. to land cargo ▶ lądować wyładowywać (np. towar)
wysypisko, składowisko odpadów 开始学习
landfill /ˈlændfɪl; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried ▶ wysypisko (śmieci) 2[uncountable] waste material that will be buried; the burying of waste material ▶ śmieci zwałka
2 the act of coming down onto the ground (in an aircraft) The plane made an emergency landing (wylądował awaryjnie) in a field. a crash landing lądowanie awaryjne a safe landing ▶ lądowanie landing /ˈlændɪŋ; US / noun [countable] 1 the area at the top of a set of stairs in a house, or between one set of stairs and another in a large building ▶ podest półpiętro
ˈlanding card noun [countable] a form on which you have to write details about yourself when flying to a foreign country ▶ karta lądowania
airstrip /ˈeəstrɪp; US / (also ˈlanding strip) noun [countable] a narrow piece of land where aircraft can take off and land ▶ pas startowy/do lądowania
landline /ˈlændlaɪn; US / noun [countable] a telephone connection that uses wires carried on poles or under the ground I’ll call you later on the landline. ▶ (telekom.) linia naziemna ⇨ look at mobile phone
2 (Brit.) a person who owns or manages a pub, small hotel, etc. ▶ właściciel/ka menedżer/ka (np. pubu, hotelu) landlord /ˈlændlɔ: d; US / (fem. landlady /ˈlændleɪdi; US /) noun [countable] (pl. landladies) 1 a person who rents a house or room to people for money ▶ gospod-arz/yni właściciel/ka (domu czynszowego)
2a landmark (in sth) an important stage or change in the development of sth The Russian Revolution was a landmark in world history. ▶ punkt zwrotny (np. w historii) wydarzenie przełomowe landmark /ˈlændmɑ: k/ noun [c] 1 an object (often a building) that can be seen easily from a distance and will help you to recognize where you are Big Ben is one of the landmarks on London’s skyline. ▶ punkt charakterystyczny/orientacyjny (w terenie)
landmine /ˈlændmaɪn; US / noun [countable] a bomb placed on or under the ground, which explodes when sb moves or drives over it ▶ mina lądowa
□ landownership /; US / (also landowning) noun [uncountable] private landownership ▶ własność ziemi —landowning /; US / adj. [only before a noun] the great landowning families ▶ ziemiański landowner /ˈlændəʊnə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who owns land, especially a large area of land ▶ właściciel/ka ziemsk-i/a
2[countable, uncountable] a picture or a painting that shows a view of the countryside; this style of painting one of Constable’s landscapes ▶ pejzaż landscape1 /ˈlændskeɪp; US / noun 1 [countable, usually sing.] everything you can see when you look across a large area of land Heather-covered hills dominate the Scottish landscape. an urban/industrial landscape ▶ krajobraz
3 [uncountable] (technical) the way of printing a document in which the top of the page is one of the longer sides Select the landscape option when printing the file. ▶ orientacja pozioma (w opcji ustawienia strony pliku)
landscape2 /ˈlændskeɪp; US / verb [transitive] to improve the appearance of an area of land by changing its design and planting trees, flowers, etc. The hotel is surrounded by a landscaped garden. ▶ projektować (krajobraz) tworzyć krajobraz
□ ˌlandscape ˈarchitecture noun [uncountable] ▶ architektura krajobrazu ˌlandscape ˈarchitect noun [countable] a person whose job is planning and designing the environment, especially so that roads, buildings, etc. combine with the landscape in an attractive way ▶ architekt krajobrazu
2 a great victory for one person or one political party in an election a landslide victory at the election ▶ (zwycięstwo) przytłaczający landslide /ˈlændslaɪd; US / noun [countable] 1 the sudden fall of a mass of earth, rocks, etc. down the side of a mountain Part of the railway line was buried beneath a landslide. ▶ obsunięcie się ziemi
2 (used in the names of roads) Crossley Lane ▶ ulica alejka zaułek 3 a section of a wide road that is marked by painted white lines to keep lines of traffic separate a four-lane motorway the inside/middle/fast/outside lane ▶ pas ruchu pasmo lane /leɪn; US / noun [countable] 1 a narrow road in the country We found a route through country lanes to avoid the traffic jam on the main road. ▶ boczna droga dróżka
5 a route or path that is regularly used by ships or aircraft the busy shipping lanes of the English Channel ▶ szlak (wodny) korytarz (powietrzny) 4 a section of a sports track, swimming pool, etc. for one person to go along The British athlete is in lane two. ▶ tor
2[uncountable] the system of sounds and writing that people use to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings written/spoken language ▶ język language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ; US / noun 1[c] the system of communication in speech and writing How many languages can you speak? What is your first language? They fell in love in spite of the language barrier. ▶ język językowy
4[uncountable] any system of signs, symbols, movements, etc. that is used to express sth sign language język migowy ▶ język 3[uncountable] words of a particular type or words that are used by a particular person or group bad (wulgarny) language legal language the language of Shakespeare ▶ język mowa
lantern /ˈlæntən; US / noun [countable] a type of light that can be carried, with a metal frame, glass sides and a light or candle inside ▶ latarnia lampion
2 one journey around a running track, etc. There are three more laps to go in the race. ▶ okrążenie (bieżni) 3 one part of a long journey The band go to Paris on the first lap of their world tour. ▶ etap (np. podróży) lap1 /læp; US / noun [countable] 1 the flat area that is formed by the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down The child sat on his mother’s lap (u mamy na kolanach) and listened to the story. ▶ podołek kolana
2[transitive] lap sth (up) (usually used about an animal) to drink sth using the tongue The cat lapped up the cream. ▶ chłeptać lap2 /læp; US / verb (lapping; lapped) 1[intransitive] (used about water) to make gentle sounds as it moves against sth The waves lapped against the side of the boat. ▶ chlupotać pluskać
3[transitive] to pass another person in a race who has been round the track fewer times than you ▶ wyprzedzać przeciwnika o całe okrążenie toru dublować
lapse1 /læps/ noun [c] 1 a short time when you cannot remember sth The crash was the result of a temporary lapse in concentration (chwilowej nieuwagi). a lapse of memory chwilowe zapomnienie ▶ chwilowa utrata luka
3 a piece of bad behaviour from sb who usually behaves well ▶ (chwilowe) zapomnienie się chwila słabości 2 a period of time between two things that happen She returned to work after a lapse of ten years bringing up her family. ▶ upływ okres ⇨ look at elapse
2 to become weaker or stop for a short time My concentration lapsed during the last part of the exam. ▶ (pamięć itp.) zawodzić lapse2 /læps; US / verb [intransitive] 1 (used about a contract, an agreement, etc.) to finish or stop, often by accident My membership has lapsed because I forgot to renew it. ▶ wygasać tracić ważność
laptop /ˈlæptɒp; US / noun [countable] a small computer that is easy to carry and that can use batteries for power Moira took her laptop to Korea. ▶ laptop
larch /lɑ: tʃ; US / noun [countable] a tree that has cones and sharp pointed leaves that fall in the winter ▶ modrzew modrzewiowy
lard /lɑ: d; US / noun [uncountable] hard white fat that is used in cooking ▶ smalec
larder /ˈlɑ: də(r); US / noun [countable] a large cupboard or small room that is used for storing food ▶ spiżarnia
large /lɑ: dʒ; US / adj. a large area/house/family/appetite a large number of people I’d like a large coffee, please. We have this shirt in small, medium or large. The company operates on a far larger scale than ten years ago. ▶ duży wielki
largely /ˈlɑ: dʒli; US / adv. mostly His success was largely due to hard work. ▶ głównie w dużej mierze
ˈlarge-scale adj. happening over a large area or affecting a lot of people large-scale production/unemployment ▶ na wielką skalę dużych rozmiarów
lark /lɑ: k; US / noun [countable] a small brown bird with a pleasant song ▶ skowronek
larva /ˈlɑ: və; US / noun [countable] (pl. larvae /ˈlɑ: vi:; US /) an insect that has just come out of its egg and has a short fat soft body with no legs ▶ larwa
laryngitis /ˌlærɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a mild illness of the throat that makes it difficult to speak ▶ zapalenie krtani
larynx /ˈlærɪŋks; US / noun [countable] (larynges /ləˈrɪndʒi: z; US -nʒi: z; US /) the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords ▶ krtań
laser /ˈleɪzə(r); US / noun [countable] a device that produces a controlled line of very powerful light ▶ laser
2[transitive] to hit sb with a piece of rope, leather, etc.; to move sth like a piece of rope, leather, etc. violently The tiger lashed its tail from side to side. ▶ uderzać (np. batem, rzemieniem) wywijać lash1 /læʃ; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] (used especially about wind, rain and storms) to hit sth with great force The rain lashed against the windows. ▶ (deszcz itp.) smagać zacinać chłostać
lash out (at/against sb/sth) to suddenly attack sb/sth (with words or by hitting them or it) The actor lashed out at a photographer outside his house. ▶ ostro napadać (na kogoś/coś) 3[transitive] lash A to B; lash A and B together to tie two things together firmly with rope, etc. The two boats were lashed together. ▶ uwiązywać przycumowywać
lash2 /læʃ; US / noun [countable] 1= eyelash 2 a hit with a whip The prisoner was given twenty lashes. ▶ uderzenie (batem/biczem)
lasso /ˈlæsəʊ læˈsu:; US / noun [countable] (pl. lassos or lassoes) a long rope that is tied in a circle at one end and is used for catching cows and horses ▶ lasso □ lasso verb [transitive] ▶ chwytać na lasso
The latest znaczy „najnowszy“ lub „nowy“. The last to „poprzedni“: His last novel was a huge success, but the latest one is much less popular. 开始学习
2 (used about a timeetc. in the past that is nearest to the present) last night/week/Saturday/summer We have been working on the book for the last six months. We’ll win this time, because they beat us last time. ▶ ubiegły ostatni last1 /lɑ: st; US læst / determiner 1 at the end December is the last month of the year. Would the last person to leave please turn off the lights? Our house is the last one on the left. She lived alone for the last years of her life. ▶ ostatni
4[only before a noun] not expected or not suitable He’s the last person I thought would get the job. The train’s cancelled? That’s the last thing I need. ▶ ostatni najmniej pożądany 3 final This is my last chance to take the exam. Alison’s retiring – tomorrow is her last day at work. ▶ ostatni
have the last laugh to be the person, team, etc. who is successful in the end ▶ śmiać się ostatni
in the last resort; (as) a last resort when everything else has failed; the person or thing that helps when everything else has failed In the last resort my grandad could play in the match. ▶ w najgorszym razie w ostateczności
ostatni ale nie mniej ważny 开始学习
last but not least (used before the final item in a list) just as important as all the other items And last but not least, I’d like to thank you all very much. ▶ ostatni, ale nie mniej ważny
last/next but one, two, etc. one, two, etc. away from the last/next X is the last letter but two (trzecia litera od końca) of the alphabet. I live in the next house but one on the right. ▶ przedostatni drugi/trzeci itd. od końca
the last minute/moment the final minute/moment before sth happens We arrived at the last minute to catch the train. a last-minute change of plan ▶ ostatnia chwila
last4 /lɑ: st; US læst / verb [not used in the continuous tenses] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[transitive] to continue for a period of time The exam lasts three hours. How long does a cricket match last? The flight seemed to last forever ▶ trwać
2[intransitive, transitive] to continue to be good or to function Do you think this weather will last (utrzyma się) till the weekend? It’s only a cheap radio but it’ll probably last a year or so. ▶ przetrwać starczyć (komuś) na coś
Czasownika last nie używa się w czasach continuous. Natomiast często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): An earthquake lasting approximately 20 seconds struck the city yesterday. 3[intransitive, transitive] to be enough for what sb needs The coffee won’t last till next week. This money won’t last me till the end of the month. ▶ starczyć
lasting /ˈlɑ: stɪŋ; US ˈlæstɪŋ / adj. continuing for a long time The book left a lasting impression on me. ▶ trwały
□ lastly /; US / adv. Lastly, I would like to thank the band who played this evening. ▶ na samym końcu na zakończenie
surname /ˈsɜ: neɪm; US / (also ˈlast name; ˈsecond name) noun [countable] the name that you share with other people in your family ‘ What’s your surname?’ ‘ Jones.’ ▶ nazwisko