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zapominać, nie pamiętać
I’ve forgotten her telephone number. He forgot that he had invited her to the party. I’ll never forget meeting (nigdy nie zapomnę, jak spotkałam) my husband for the first time. ▶ zapominać nie pamiętać
forget /fəˈɡet/ verb (past tense forgot /fəˈɡɒt; US /, past participle forgotten /fəˈɡɒtn; US /) 1[transitive] forget (doing) sth to not be able to remember sth You never forget how to ride a bicycle. I’ve forgotten what I was going to say.
Mówiąc o miejscu, w którym czegoś zapomnieliśmy, należy użyć czasownika leave. Uwaga! Nie można powiedzieć My father forgot his passport at home. Należy powiedzieć: He left his passport at home.
to forget
3[transitive] to fail to bring sth with you When my father got to the airport he realized he’d forgotten his passport. ▶ zapominać
2[int, t]forget (about) sth; forget to do sth to fail to remember ‘ Why didn’t you come to the party?’ ‘ Oh dear! I completely forgot about it!’ ‘ Did you feed the cat?’ ‘ Sorry, I forgot.’ Don’t forget to do your homework! ▶ zapominać
zapominać, zapominać się
forget, forget oneself
5forget yourself [transitive] to behave without proper control; to behave in a way that is not like the way you usually behave When he heard the news he completely forgot himself and kissed everybody in the room. ▶ zapominać się
4 [i, t] forget (about) sb/sth; forget about doing sth to make an effort to stop thinking about sb/sth; to stop thinking that sth is possible Forget about your work and enjoy yourself! ‘ I’m sorry I shouted at you.’ ‘ Forget it.’ ▶ zapominać
forgetful /fəˈɡetfl; US / adj. often forgetting things My mother’s nearly 80 and she’s starting to get a bit forgetful (zaczyna zapominać o różnych rzeczach). ▶ zapominalski
forgivable /fəˈɡɪvəbl; US / adj. that can be forgiven ▶ wybaczalny
przebaczać, wybaczać
to forgive
I can’t forgive him for his behaviour last night. I will never forgive him for behaving like that last night. ▶ przebaczać wybaczać darować
/fəˈɡɪv/ [t] (past tense forgave /fəˈɡeɪv ; US /, past participle forgiven /fəˈɡɪvn ; US /) 1forgive sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth) to stop being angry towards sb for sth that they have done wrong I can’t forgive his behaviour last night.
przepraszać, wybaczać, darować
□ forgiveness /; US / noun [uncountable] He begged for forgiveness for what he had done. ▶ wybaczenie odpuszczenie (grzechu) przebaczenie darowanie (winy)
2forgive me (for doing sth) (used for politely saying sorry) Forgive me for asking, but where did you get that dress? ▶ przepraszać wybaczać darować
wyrzekać się (formal)
We’ll have to forgo a holiday this year if we want to buy a car. ▶ wyrzekać się obywać się bez
forgo (also forego) /fɔ:ˈɡəʊ; US / verb [transitive] (forgoes /-ˈɡəʊz; US /, past tense forwent /-ˈwent; US /, past participle forgone /-ˈɡɒn; US /) (formal) to decide not to have or do sth that you want
widły, widelec
forks, fork
2 a large tool with three prongs that you use for digging the ground a garden fork ▶ widły 3 a place where a road, river, etc. divides into two parts After about two miles you’ll come to a fork in the road. ▶ rozwidlenie odnoga rozdroże rozstaje
fork1 /fɔ: k; US / noun [c] 1 a small metal object with a handle and two or more prongs that you use for lifting food to your mouth when eating a knife and fork ▶ widelec
rozwidlać się, rozdzielać się
2 to go along the left or right fork of a road Fork right up the hill. ▶ skręcać forked /fɔ: kt; US / adj. with one end divided into two parts, like the shape of the letter ’Y’ a bird with a forked tail the forked tongue of a snake ▶ rozwidlony
fork2 /fɔ: k; US / verb [intransitive] 1 (used about a road, river, etc.) to divide into two parts Bear right where the road forks. ▶ rozwidlać się rozdzielać się rozgałęziać się
wózek widłowy
forklift truck /ˌfɔ: klɪft ˈtrʌk; US / (also ˈforklift) noun [countable] a vehicle with special equipment on the front for moving and lifting heavy objects ▶ wózek widłowy
forma, postać
form, form
2[countable, uncountable] the shape of sb/sth; the way sth is presented He could just make out a shadowy form. The articles were published in book form. ▶ forma kształt
form1 /fɔ: m; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] a particular type or variety of sth or a way of doing sth Swimming is a good form of exercise. We never eat meat in any form. What form will the meeting take? ▶ forma postać
4[uncountable] the state of being fit and strong for a sports player, team, etc. to be in/out of form to be on/off form być/nie być w formie ▶ forma kondycja
3[countable] an official document with questions on it and spaces where you give answers and personal information an entry form for a competition Please fill in an application form. ▶ formularz druk blankiet
tworzyć się
2[transitive] to begin to have or think sth I haven’t formed an opinion about the new boss yet. We formed a very good impression of the school on our first visit. to form a friendship zaprzyjaźnić się ▶ wyrabiać (opinię, pogląd) odnosić (wrażenie)
form2 /fɔ: m; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to begin to exist or to make sth exist Buds form on trees in the early spring. A pattern was beginning to form in the monthly sales figures. These tracks were formed by rabbits. ▶ tworzyć (się)
formować, tworzyć, organizować
4[transitive] to become or make a particular shape The police formed a circle around the house. to form a line/queue A sofa bed is a sofa that you can pull out to form a bed. ▶ formować kształtować
3[transitive] to make or organize sth They formed a group called ‘ Citizens for Nature’. to form a government In English we usually form the past tense by adding ‘ -ed’. ▶ tworzyć organizować
5[transitive] to be the thing mentioned Seminars form the main part of the course. The survey formed part of a larger programme of market research. ▶ tworzyć stanowić część czegoś
oficjalny, formalny
official, formal
2 official I shall make a formal complaint to the hospital about the way I was treated. You do not need any formal qualifications for this job but we would like you to have some experience. ▶ urzędowy oficjalny
formal /ˈfɔ: ml; US / adj. 1used when you want to appear serious or official ‘ Yours faithfully’ is a formal way of ending a letter. She has a very formal manner – she doesn’t seem to be able to relax. a formal occasion ▶ formalny oficjalny
formalnie, oficjalnie
□ formally /-məli; US / adv. ▶ formalnie oficjalnie urzędowo
2[countable] a thing that you must do as part of an official process, but which has little meaning and will not affect what happens Michael already knows he has the job so the interview is just a formality. ▶ formalność
formality /fɔ:ˈmæləti; US / noun (pl. formalities) 1[countable] an action that is necessary according to custom or law There are certain formalities to attend to before we can give you a visa. ▶ formalność
2 to give sth a fixed structure or form by introducing rules The college has a highly formalized system of assessment. ▶ formalizować □ formalization (also formalisation) /ˌfɔ: məlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ sformalizowanie
formalize (also formalise) /ˈfɔ: məlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make an arrangement, a plan or a relationship official They decided to formalize their relationship by getting married. ▶ formalizować
format1 /ˈfɔ: mæt; US / noun [countable] the shape of sth or the way it is arranged or produced It’s the same book but in a different format. ▶ format
format2 /ˈfɔ: mæt; US / verb [transitive] (formatting; formatted) 1 to prepare a computer disk so that data can be recorded on it to format a disk ▶ formatować 2 to arrange text on a page or a screen to format a document ▶ formatować
formacja, formowanie
2[countable, uncountable] an arrangement or pattern A number of planes flew over in formation. ▶ formacja 3 [countable] a thing that is formed; the particular way in which it is formed cloud/rock formations ▶ formacja (geolog.) utwór
formation /fɔ:ˈmeɪʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the act of making or developing sth the formation of a new government ▶ formowanie budowanie kształtowanie tworzenie
kształtujący, twórczy
formative /ˈfɔ: mətɪv; US / adj. [only before a noun] having an important and lasting influence (on sb’s character and opinions) A child’s early years are thought to be the most formative ones. ▶ kształtujący twórczy
były, dawny, miniony
former /ˈfɔ: mə(r) / adj. [only before a noun] of an earlier time; belonging to the past Bill Clinton, the former American President Their new neighbour is a former teacher. In former times people often had larger families. ▶ były dawny miniony
uprzednio, dawniej
formerly /ˈfɔ: məli / adv in the past; before now the country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) The hotel was formerly a castle. W tym samym znaczeniu częściej używa się wyrażenia used to: The hotel used to be a castle. ▶ uprzednio dawniej w przeszłości
groźny, budzący respekt
2 difficult to deal with; needing a lot of effort Reforming the education system will be a formidable task. ▶ ogromny wymagający wiele pracy/wysiłku
formidable /ˈfɔ: mɪdəbl; fəˈmɪd-; US / adj. 1 causing you to be quite frightened His mother is a rather formidable lady. ▶ groźny budzący respekt
wzór, formuła, przepis
formula, formula, recipe
2 a list of (often chemical) substances used for making sth; the instructions for making sth The formula for the new vaccine has not yet been made public. ▶ formuła przepis
formula /ˈfɔ: mjələ / [c] (pl. formulas or formulae /-li:; US /) 1 (technical) a group of signs, letters or numbers used in science or mathematics to express a general law or fact What is the formula for converting miles to kilometres? ▶ wzór
recepta, przepis
3a formula for (doing) sth a plan of how to get or do sth What is her formula for success? Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula for a perfect marriage. ▶ recepta (np. na sukces) przepis
formułować, wyrażać
2 to express sth (clearly and exactly) She struggled to formulate a simple answer to his question. ▶ wyrażać wypowiadać
formulate /ˈfɔ: mjuleɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to prepare and organize a plan or ideas for doing sth to formulate a plan ▶ formułować opracowywać
porzucać, opuszczać
2 to stop doing sth, or leave sth, especially sth that you enjoy She forsook the glamour of the city and went to live in the wilds of Scotland. ▶ opuszczać  SYNONYM  renounce
/fəˈseɪk/ v [t] (forsook /fəˈsʊk/, past participle forsaken /fəˈseɪkən /) forsake sb/sth (for sb/sth) 1 to leave sb/sth, especially when you have a responsibility to stay He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her. ▶ porzucać
fort /fɔ: t; US / noun [countable] a strong building that is used for military defence ▶ fort
mocna strona
forte /ˈfɔ: teɪ; US fɔ: rt / noun [sing.] a thing that sb does particularly well Languages were never my forte. ▶ mocna strona
nadchodzący, zbliżający się
2[not before a noun] offered or given If no money is forthcoming (jeżeli nie nadejdą pieniądze) we shall not be able to continue the project. ▶ zaoferowany otrzymany
forthcoming /ˌfɔ:ɵˈkʌmɪŋ; US / adj. 1 that will happen or appear in the near future Look in the local paper for a list of forthcoming events. ▶ nadchodzący zbliżający się
otwarty, szczery
forthright /ˈfɔ:ɵraɪt; US / adj. saying exactly what you think in a clear and direct way ▶ otwarty prostolinijny szczery
fortification /ˌfɔ: tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] walls, towers, etc., built especially in the past to protect a place against attack Roman fortifications ▶ fortyfikacja umocnienie
fortify /ˈfɔ: tɪfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (fortifying; fortifies; past tense, past participle fortified) to make a place stronger and ready for an attack to fortify a city ▶ fortyfikować umacniać
2 tygodnie
2 weeks (fortnight)
fortnight /ˈfɔ: tnaɪt; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] (Brit.) two weeks We’re going on holiday for a fortnight. a fortnight’s holiday School finishes in a fortnight/in a fortnight’s time (za dwa tygodnie). ▶ dwa tygodnie
forteca, twierdza
fortress, fortress
fortress /ˈfɔ: trəs; US / noun [countable] a castle or other large strong building that it is not easy to attack ▶ forteca twierdza
fortunate /ˈfɔ: tʃənət; US / adj. lucky You were fortunate (miałeś szczęście) to have such lovely weather for your holiday. It was fortunate that (na szczęście) he was at home when you phoned. ▶ szczęśliwy  OPPOSITE  unfortunate
na szczęście
fortunately /ˈfɔ: tʃənətli; US / adv. by good luck Fortunately the traffic wasn’t too bad so I managed to get to the meeting on time. Roz arrived late but, fortunately for her, everybody was too busy to notice. ▶ na szczęście szczęśliwie (dla kogoś)
fortuna, los, szczęście
2[countable, uncountable] a very large amount of money I always spend a fortune on presents at Christmas. She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. ▶ fortuna majątek
fortune /ˈfɔ: tʃu: n; US / noun 1 [uncountable] chance or the power that affects what happens in sb’s life; luck Fortune was not on our side that day. ▶ fortuna los szczęście
losy, pomyślność, przyszłość
4[countable] what is going to happen to a person in the future Show me your hand and I’ll try to tell your fortune (powróżę ci). ▶ przyszłość
3[countable, usually pl.] the things (both good and bad) that happen to a person, family, country, etc. The country’s fortunes depend on its industry being successful. ▶ losy pomyślność
fortune teller
ˈfortune-teller noun [countable] a person who tells people what will happen to them in the future ▶ wróżbita wróżka
forum /ˈfɔ: rəm; US / noun [countable] a forum (for sth) a place or meeting where people can exchange and discuss ideas TV is now an important forum for political debate. ▶ forum
naprzód, w przód
forward, forward
2 in the direction of progress The discovery of a new form of treatment is a big step forward in the fight against AIDS. ▶ naprzód
forward1 /ˈfɔ: wəd / 1(also forwards) in the direction that is in front of you; towards the front, end or future Keep going forward and try not to look back. We seem to be going backwards, not forwards. ▶ naprzód w przyszłość w przód/do przodu
przedni, przyszłościowy
2 having developed earlier than is normal or expected; advanced Children who read before they are five are considered very forward. ▶ nad wiek rozwinięty
forward2 /ˈfɔ: wəd/ adj. 1 [only before a noun] towards the front or future forward planning ▶ przedni przyszłościowy
przekazywać, przesyłać dalej
forward, forward
forward3 /ˈfɔ: wəd; US / verb [transitive] 1 to send a letter, etc. received at one address to a new address The post office is forwarding all our mail. ▶ przesyłać dalej (na inny/nowy adres) przekazywać
napastnik (zawodnik)
forward4 /ˈfɔ: wəd; US / noun [countable] an attacking player in a sport such as football ▶ napastnik
przyszłościowy, futurystyczny
ˈforward-looking adj. thinking about or planning for the future; having modern ideas ▶ (osoba) o dalekowzrocznych planach przyszłościowy postępowy
prawy ukośnik
forward slash
ˈforward slash noun [countable] a mark ( / ) used in computer commands and in Internet addresses ▶ ukośnik (prawy)
fossil /ˈfɒsl; US / noun [countable] (part of) an animal or plant that lived thousands of years ago which has turned into rock ▶ skamielina
paliwo pochodzenia kopalnianego
fossil fuel
ˈfossil fuel noun [countable, uncountable] fuel such as coal or oil, that was formed over millions of years from the remains of animals or plants Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when fossil fuels are burned. ▶ paliwo pochodzenia organicznego
2 to become or make sb/sth become fixed and unable to change or develop ▶ (przen.) kostnieć powodować kostnienie
fossilize (also fossilise) /ˈfɒsəlaɪz; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1[usually passive] to become or make sth become afossil fossilized bones ▶ kamienieć tworzyć skamielinę
podsycać, popierać
Przybrani rodzice to foster parents, a przybrane dziecko to foster child.
to foster and support
2 (especially Brit.) to take a child who needs a home into your family and to take care of them without becoming the legal parent to foster a child ▶ wychowywać przybrane dziecko
foster /ˈfɒstə(r); US; / verb [transitive] 1 to help or encourage the development of sth (especially feelings or ideas) to foster somebody’s friendship/trust ▶ podsycać popierać
obrzydliwy, cuchnący, paskudny
2 (especially Brit.) very bad or unpleasant I’ve had a foul day at work. Careful what you say – he’s got a foul temper (łatwo wpada w szał). The foul weather prevented our plane from taking off. She’s in a foul mood. ▶ podły obrzydliwy paskudny
foul1 /faʊl; US / adj. 1 that smells or tastes disgusting The air in the room was foul so she opened all the windows. a foul-smelling cigar This coffee tastes foul! ▶ obrzydliwy cuchnący
ordynarny, sprośny
3 (used about language) very rude; full of swearing foul language He’s got a foul mouth. Wyraża się wulgarnie. ▶ ordynarny sprośny
faulować, zanieczyszczać
to foul, to pollute
2[transitive] to make sth dirty (with rubbish, waste, etc.) Dogs must not foul the pavement. ▶ zanieczyszczać
foul2 /faʊl; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] (used in sports) to attack another player in a way that is not allowed Shearer was fouled inside the box and the referee awarded his team a penalty. ▶ faulować
a foul
foul3 /faʊl; US / noun [countable] (used in sports) an action that is against the rules to commit a foul He was sent off for a foul on the goalkeeper. ▶ faul
zakładać, fundować
3[usually passive] found sth (on sth) to base sth on sth The book was founded on real life. ▶ opierać
/faʊnd/ [t] 1 to start an organization, institution, etc. This museum was founded in 1683. ▶ zakładać fundować 2 to be the first to start building and living in a town or country Liberia was founded by freed American slaves. ▶ tworzyć budować
fundamenty, podstawa
2[countable, uncountable] the idea, principle, or fact on which sth is based This coursebook aims to give students a solid foundation in grammar. That rumour is completely without foundation (bez podstaw). ▶ podstawa
foundation /faʊnˈdeɪʃn; US / noun 1 (foundations) [pl.] a layer of bricks, etc. under the surface of the ground that forms the solid base of a building The builders have only just started to lay the foundations of the new school. ▶ fundamenty
fundacja, ufundowanie
4[u] the act of starting a new institution or organization The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. ▶ założenie ufundowanie 5 a skin-coloured cream that is put on the face underneath make-up ▶ podkład (kosmetyczny)
3[countable] an organization that provides money for a special purpose The British Heart Foundation Brytyjska Fundacja Zapobiegania Chorobom Serca ▶ fundacja
founder /ˈfaʊndə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who starts a new institution or organization a portrait of the founder of our school ▶ założyciel
członek założyciel
founding member
ˌfounder ˈmember noun [countable] one of the original members of a club, organization, etc. ▶ członek-założyciel
foundry /ˈfaʊndri; US / noun [countable] (pl. foundries) a place where metal or glass is melted and shaped into objects ▶ odlewnia huta
2 a strong flow of liquid or another substance that is forced into the air a fountain of blood/sparks ▶ fontanna 3 a person or thing that provides a large amount of sth Ed’s a fountain of information on football. ▶ bogate źródło (np. wiedzy)
fountain /ˈfaʊntən; US -tn / noun [countable] 1 a decoration (in a garden or in a square in a town) that sends a flow of water into the air; the water that comes out of a fountain ▶ fontanna wodotrysk
wieczne pióro
fountain pen
ˈfountain pen noun [countable] a type of pen that you fill with ink ▶ wieczne pióro
napęd na cztery koła
four-wheel drive
ˌfour-wheel ˈdrive adj. (used about a vehicle) having an engine that turns all four wheels ▶ napęd na cztery koła samochód z napędem na cztery koła
drób, ptak
fowl /faʊl; US / noun [countable] (pl. fowl or fowls) a bird, especially a chicken, that is kept on a farm ▶ drób ptak
ˈfox-hunting noun [uncountable] a sport in which a fox is hunted by people on horses with dogs ▶ polowanie na lisa
fox /fɒks; US / noun [countable] a wild animal like a small dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed nose and a thick tail ▶ lis A fox is often described as sly or cunning. A female fox is a vixen, a young fox is a cub.
foyer /ˈfɔɪeɪ; US / noun [countable] an entrance hall in a cinema, theatre, hotel, etc. where people can meet or wait ▶ foyer
ułamek, cząstka
fraction /ˈfrækʃn; US / noun [countable] 1 a small part or amount For a fraction of a second I thought the car was going to crash. ▶ ułamek cząstka kawałek 2 a division of a number ½ and ¼ are fractions. ▶ ułamek
fractionally /ˈfrækʃənəli; US / adv. to a very small degree; slightly fractionally faster/taller/heavier ▶ o ułamek sekundy odrobinę
złamanie, pęknięcie
□ fracture verb [intransitive, transitive] She fell and fractured her ankle. a fractured collarbone A water pipe fractured and flooded the bathroom. ▶ łamać pękać
fracture /ˈfræktʃə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a break in a bone or other hard material ▶ złamanie pęknięcie
kruchy, łamliwy
fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl; US -dʒl / adj. easily damaged or broken This bowl is very fragile. Please handle it carefully. ▶ kruchy delikatny łamliwy
fragment, urywek, fragment
fragment2 /fræɡˈment; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to break (sth) into small pieces The country is becoming increasingly fragmented by civil war. ▶ rozdrabniać (się)
fragment1 /ˈfræɡmənt / noun [countable] a small piece that has broken off or that comes from sth larger The builders found fragments of Roman pottery on the site. I heard only a fragment of their conversation. ▶ fragment szczątek okruch urywek
zapach, aromat
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell ▶ zapach aromat
pachnący, aromatyczny
fragrant, aromatic
fragrant /ˈfreɪɡrənt; US / adj. having a pleasant smell ▶ pachnący aromatyczny
rama, szkielet
2 the basic strong structure of a piece of furniture, building, vehicle, etc. which gives it its shape the frame of a bicycle/an aircraft ▶ rama szkielet
frame1 /freɪm; US / noun [countable] ⇨ 1 a border of wood or metal that goes around the outside of a door, picture, window, etc. a picture frame ▶ rama
oprawa, postura
3 [usually pl.] a structure made of plastic or metal that holds the two lenses in a pair of glasses gold-rimmed frames ▶ oprawa 4[usually sing.] the basic shape of a human or animal body He has a large frame but he’s not fat. ▶ postura budowa
oprawiać, wrabiać kogoś
frame, frame someone
The man claimed that he had been framed by the police. ▶ wrabiać (kogoś w coś) 3(formal) to express sth in a particular way The question was very carefully framed. ▶ formułować
/freɪm/ verb [transitive] 1 to put a border around sth (especially a picture or photograph) Let’s have this photograph framed. ▶ oprawiać (w ramę) 2[usually passive] to give false evidence against sb in order to make them seem guilty of a crime
układ odniesienia
frame of reference
noun [c] (pl. frames of reference) a particular set of beliefs, ideas or experiences that affects how a person understands or judges sth It is easy to choose our own frame of reference and attack any ideas that do not fit it. ▶ układ odniesienia
konstrukcja, struktura
2 a system of rules or ideas which help you decide what to do The plan may be changed but it will provide a framework on which we can build. ▶ zrąb podstawa
/ˈfreɪmwɜ:k ; US / noun [countable] 1 the basic structure of sth that gives it shape and strength A greenhouse is made of glass panels fixed in a metal framework. • (figurative) the basic framework of society ▶ konstrukcja szkielet struktura
2[uncountable] (formal) the right to vote in elections ▶ prawo wyborcze
/ˈfræntʃaɪz/ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] official permission to sell a company’s goods or services in a particular area They have the franchise to sell this product in Cyprus. Most fast-food restaurants are operated under franchise. ▶ koncesja
szczery, otwarty
□ frankly /; US / adv. Please tell me frankly what you think about my idea. Quite frankly (szczerze mówiąc), I’m not surprised at what has happened. ▶ szczerze otwarcie
frank /fræŋk; US / adj. showing your thoughts and feelings clearly; saying what you mean To be perfectly frank with you, I don’t think you’ll pass your driving test. ▶ szczery otwarty
szczerość, otwartość
—frankness /; US / noun [uncountable] She spoke with great frankness about her past life. ▶ szczerość otwartość
frankfurter /ˈfræŋkfɜ: tə(r); US / (US also wiener /ˈwi: nə(r); US /) noun [countable] a type of small smoked sausage ▶ frankfurterka rodzaj parówki
bezładny, nerwowy
frantic cries for help ▶ oszalały (z czegoś) zrozpaczony □ frantically /-kli; US / adv. They have been working frantically all week trying to get things ready in time. ▶ nerwowo bezładnie
/ˈfræntɪk / 1 very busy or done in a hurry a frantic search for the keys We’re not busy at work now, but things get frantic at Christmas. ▶ nerwowy 2 extremely worried or frightened The mother went frantic when she couldn’t find her child.
braterski, bratni (formal)
fraternal, fraternal (formal)
fraˌternal ˈtwin noun [countable] either of two children or animals born from the same mother at the same time but not from the same egg ▶ bliźniak dwujajowy ⇨ look at identical twin
fraternal /frəˈtɜ: nl; US / adj. (formal) connected with the relationship that exists between brothers; like a brother fraternal love/rivalry ▶ braterski bratni
braterstwo, bractwo
2[uncountable] the feeling of friendship and support between people in the same group ▶ bractwo
fraternity /frəˈtɜ: nəti; US / noun (pl. fraternities) 1[countable] a group of people who share the same work or interests the medical fraternity ▶ braterstwo
2[countable] a person who tricks sb by pretending to be sb else ▶ oszust/ka
fraud /frɔ: d; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] (an act of) cheating sb in order to get money, etc. illegally The accountant was sent to prison for fraud. Massive amounts of money are lost every year in credit card frauds. ▶ oszustwo
strzępić, wycierać się
fray /freɪ / verb [i, t] 1 if cloth, etc. frays or becomes frayed, some of the threads at the end start to come apart This shirt is beginning to fray at the cuffs. a frayed rope a frayed) cuff ▶ (ubranie, materiał) strzępić (się) wycierać się
maniak, zapaleniec
2 a very unusual and strange event, person, animal, etc. The other kids think Ally’s a freak because she doesn’t watch TV. By some freak of nature we had snow in May. a freak storm/result a freak accident niecodzienny wypadek ▶ kaprys wybryk (natury)
freak1 /fri: k; US / noun [countable] 1(informal) a person who has a very strong interest in sth a fitness/computer freak ▶ mania-k/czka zapaleniec
dziwny, dziwaczny
freakish /ˈfri: kɪʃ; US / adj. very strange, unusual or unexpected freakish weather/behaviour ▶ dziwny dziwaczny cudaczny □ freakishly /; US / adv. ▶ dziwnie dziwacznie cudacznie
freckle /ˈfrekl; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a small brown spot on your skin A lot of people with red hair have got freckles. ▶ pieg ⇨ look at mole □ freckled /; US / adj. a freckled face ▶ piegowaty
wolny, niezależny
2 not in prison or in a cage, etc.; not held or controlled The government set Mandela free (uwolnił Mandelę) in 1989. You’re free this afternoon to do (możesz robić) exactly what you want. ▶ wolny swobodny
free1 /fri:; US / adj. 1 free (to do sth) not controlled by the government, rules, etc. There is free movement of people across the border. a free press ▶ wolny niezależny
bezpłatny, wolny,
free, free,
5 not busy or being used I’m afraid Mr Spencer is not free this afternoon. I don’t get much free time. Do you have a single room free for Saturday night? Is this seat free? ▶ wolny
3 costing nothing Admission to the museum is free They’re giving away free samples of shampoo. ▶ bezpłatny 4free from/of sth not having sth dangerous, unpleasant, etc. free of worries/responsibility free from pain ▶ wolny (od czegoś)
wolno, swobodnie, bezpłatnie
free, free, free
□ free adv. 1 in a free manner There is nowhere around here where dogs can run free. ▶ wolno swobodnie 2 without cost or payment Children under five usually travel free on trains. ▶ bezpłatnie za darmo
uwalniać, oswobadzać
free, free
The emergency services took three hours to free the man from the wreckage. ▶ uwalniać (od czegoś) oswobadzać   2free sb/sth of/from sth to take away sth that is unpleasant from sb The medicine freed her from pain for a few hours. ▶ uwalniać od
free2 /fri:; US / verb [transitive] 1free sb/sth (from sth) to let sb/sth leave or escape from a place where he/she/it is held to free a prisoner The protesters freed the animals from their cages.
oswobadzać, uwalniać
set free, free
Cuts in defence spending would free up money to spend on education. If I cancel my trip, that will free me to see you on Friday. ▶ uwalniać (do/dla czegoś) oswobadzać
3free sb/sth (up) for sth; free sb/sth (up) to do sth to make sth available so that it can be used; to put sb in a position in which they can do sth
osoba niezależna
free agent
ˌfree ˈagent noun [countable] a person who can do what they want because nobody else has the right to tell them what to do ▶ osoba niezależna
