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klimat, atmosfera, nastrój 开始学习
2 the general opinions, etc. that people have at a particular time What is the current climate of opinion (nastrój społeczny) regarding the death penalty? the political climate ▶ atmosfera nastrój climate /ˈklaɪmət; US / noun [countable] 1 the normal weather conditions of a particular region a dry/humid/tropical climate What are the effects of global warming on our climate? ▶ klimat
climatic /klaɪˈmætɪk; US / adj. [only before a noun] connected with the climate (1) a conference to discuss climatic change ▶ klimatyczny
□ climax verb [intransitive] ▶ osiągać punkt kulminacyjny osiągać szczyt szczytować climax /ˈklaɪmæks noun [countable] the most important part of a book, play, piece of music, event, etc. The novel reaches a dramatic climax in the final chapter. The election victory marked the climax of his political career. ▶ punkt kulminacyjny
to move, with difficulty or effort, in the direction mentioned I managed to climb out of the window. The prisoners climbed over the wall. ▶ gramolić się wdrapywać się 3[intransitive] to go up mountains, etc. as a sport ▶ (sport) wspinać się climb1 /klaɪm verb 1[intransitive, transitive] climb (up) (sth) to move up towards the top of sth The cat managed to climb to the top of the tree. to climb a tree/mountain/rope She climbed the stairs to bed. to climb up a ladder ▶ wspinać się
4[intransitive] to rise to a higher position The plane climbed steadily. The road climbed steeply up the side of the mountain. • (figurative) The value of the dollar climbed against the pound. ▶ wspinać się iść do góry podnosić się
climb2 /klaɪm; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW an act of climbing or a journey made by climbing The monastery could only be reached by a three-hour climb. ▶ wspinaczka wspinanie się
climbdown /ˈklaɪmdaʊn; US / noun [countable] an act of admitting you have been wrong; a change of opinion in an argument a government climbdown ▶ przyznanie się do błędu zmiana zdania
climber /ˈklaɪmə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who climbs mountains as a sport ▶ alpinist(k)a
climbing /ˈklaɪmɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] the sport or activity of climbing rocks or mountains to go climbing uprawiać wspinaczkę ▶ wspinaczka alpinizm
kurczowo trzymać się kogoś/czegoś 开始学习
cling to sb/sth Her wet clothes clung to her. ▶ przylegać cling (on) to sth to continue to believe sth, often when it is not reasonable to do so They were still clinging to the hope that the girl would be found alive. ▶ kurczowo trzymać się czegoś cling /klɪŋ (past tense, past participle clung /klʌŋ) 1cling (on) to sb/sth; cling together to hold on tightly to sb/sth She clung to the rope with all her strength. They clung together for warmth... ▶ kurczowo trzymać się czegoś przywierać, lgnąć
ˈcling film noun [uncountable] thin transparent plastic used for covering food to keep it fresh ▶ folia do żywności
2 needing another person too much a clingy (trzymające się rodziców) child ▶ niesamodzielny bluszczowaty clinging /ˈklɪŋɪŋ; US / (also clingy /ˈklɪŋi; US /) adj. 1 (used about clothes or material) sticking to the body and showing its shape a clingy sweater ▶ (ubranie itp.) przylegający obcisły
2 a time when a doctor sees patients and gives special treatment or advice Dr Greenall’s clinic is from 2 to 4 on Mondays. ▶ godziny przyjęć lekarza clinic /ˈklɪnɪk; US / noun [countable] 1 a small hospital or a part of a hospital where you go to receive special medical treatment He’s being treated at a private clinic. an ante-natal clinic ▶ klinika poradnia
2 (used about a person) cold and not emotional ▶ chłodny beznamiętny clinical /ˈklɪnɪkl; US / adj. 1 [only before a noun] connected with the examination and treatment of patients at a clinic or hospital Clinical trials of the new drug have proved successful. ▶ kliniczny
clinically /ˈklɪnɪkli; US / adv. 1 according to medical examination to be clinically dead ▶ klinicznie 2 in a cold way; without showing any emotion ▶ chłodno bez emocji
clink /klɪŋk; US / noun [sing.] the short sharp ringing sound that objects made of glass, metal, etc. make when they touch each other the clink of glasses ▶ brzęk □ clink verb [intransitive, transitive] ▶ brzęczeć pobrzękiwać
3 a small section of a film that is shown so that people can see what the rest of the film is like ▶ zwiastun ⇨ look at trailer 4(informal) a quick hit with the hand She gave the boy a clip round the ear. ▶ kuksaniec szturchaniec, prztyczek clip1 /klɪp; US / noun [countable] 1 a small object, usually made of metal or plastic, used for holding things together a paper clip spinacz a hair clip spinka ▶ klips 2 an act of cutting sth ▶ przycięcie strzyżenie
2[transitive] to cut sth, especially by cutting small parts off The hedge needs clipping. ▶ przycinać strzyc 3[transitive] to hit sb/sth quickly My wheel clipped (najechało) the pavement and I fell off my bike. ▶ trącić (clipping; clipped) 1[intransitive, transitive] to be fastened with a clip; to fasten sth to sth else with a clip Do your earrings clip on? Czy to są klipsy czy kolczyki? Clip the photo to the letter, please. ▶ spinać (się) przypinać (spinaczem)
ˈclip-on adj. [only before a noun] fastened to sth with a clip clip-on earrings klipsy (biżuteryjne) a clip-on bow tie ▶ przypinany
clippers /ˈklɪpəz; US / noun [pl.] a small metal tool used for cutting things, for example hair or nails a pair of nail clippers cążki do paznokci ▶ maszynka do strzyżenia nożyki
cloak /kləʊk; US / noun 1 [countable] a type of loose coat without sleeves that was more common in former times ▶ peleryna ⇨ look at cape 2[sing.] a thing that hides sth else a cloak of mist ▶ maska osłona
cloak /kləʊk; US / noun 1 [countable] a type of loose coat without sleeves that was more common in former times ▶ peleryna ⇨ look at cape 2[sing.] a thing that hides sth else a cloak of mist ▶ maska osłona
2 an instrument in a car that measures how far it has travelled My car has only 10 000 miles on the clock. ▶ licznik clock1 /klɒk; US / noun [countable] 1 an instrument that shows you what time it is a church clock an alarm clock budzik The clock is five minutes slow (spóźnia się pięć minut). The clock is five minutes fast (śpieszy się pięć minut). ▶ zegar
w wielkim pośpiechu, pochopnie 开始学习
against the clock to do sth fast in order to finish it before a certain time It was a race against the clock (wyścig z czasem) to get the building work finished on time. ▶ w wielkim pośpiechu pod presją czasu
around/round the clock all day and all night They are working round the clock to repair the bridge. ▶ całą dobę
put the clock/clocks forward/back