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sapać, stukać o maszynie
stukać 2chug along, down, up, etc. to move in a particular direction making this sound The train chugged out of the station. ▶ toczyć się, posapując
(chugging; chugged) 1 (used about a machine or engine) to make short repeated sounds while it is working or moving slowly ▶ sapać
piece, chunk
chunk /tʃʌŋk; US / noun [countable] a large or thick piece of sth chunks of bread and cheese ▶ kawał(ek)
solidny, krępy
(biżuteria) ciężki solidny 2 (used about a person) short and strong He was a short man with chunky legs. ▶ przysadzisty krępy 3 (used about food) containing thick pieces chunky banana milkshake ▶ z kawałkami (np. owoców)
chunky /ˈtʃʌŋki; US / adj. (chunkier; chunkiest) 1 thick and heavy a chunky sweater chunky jewellery ▶ (sweter itp.) gruby
Zwróć uwagę, że w jęz. ang., mówiąc o chodzeniu do kościoła w celu uczestniczenia w praktykach religijnych, nie stosuje się żadnego przedimka – in church, to church czy at church: Was Mrs Stevens at church today?
a church
3((the) Church) [sing., uncountable] the ministers or the institution of the Christian religion The Church has a duty to condemn violence. the conflict between Church and State ▶ Kościół
Services are held in this church every Sunday morning at 10. Do you go to church regularly? ▶ kościół 2(Church) [countable] a particular group of Christians the Anglican/Catholic/Methodist/Church ▶ Kościół
osoba religijna/praktykująca
churchgoer /ˈtʃɜ: tʃɡəʊə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who goes to church regularly ▶ osoba religijna/praktykująca
kościół anglikański
the ˌChurch of ˈEngland
the Protestant Church, which is the official church in England, whose leader is the Queen or King ▶ Kościół anglikański ⇨ look at Anglican
wzburzać się
2[intransitive, transitive] if your stomach churns or sth makes it churn, you feel sick because you are disgusted or nervous Reading about the murder in the paper made my stomach churn. ▶ mdlić przyprawiać o mdłości
churn /tʃɜ: n; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] churn (sth) (up) to move, or to make water, mud, etc. move around violently The dark water churned beneath the huge ship. Vast crowds had churned the field into a sea of mud. ▶ wzburzać (się)
zsyp, rynna
chute /ʃu: t; US / noun [countable] a passage down which you can drop or slide things, so that you do not have to carry them a laundry/rubbish chute a water chute zjeżdżalnia (na basenie) ▶ zsyp rynna
noun [countable] a large insect with transparent wings, common in hot countries. The male makes a continuous high sound after dark by making two membranes on its body vibrate Cicadas buzzed in the heat of the day. ▶ cykada piewik
jabłecznik, cydr
cider, cider
cider /ˈsaɪdə(r); US / noun [uncountable, countable] 1 (Brit.) an alcoholic drink made from apples dry/sweet cider ▶ jabłecznik cydr 2 (US) a drink made from apples that does not contain alcohol ▶ napój jabłkowy
cigar /sɪˈɡɑ:(r); US / noun [countable] a thick roll of tobacco that people smoke. Cigars are larger than cigarettes
cigarette /ˌsɪɡəˈret; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a thin tube of white paper filled with tobacco that people smoke a packet/pack of cigarettes
cigaˈrette lighter (also lighter /ˈlaɪtə(r); US /) noun [countable] an object which produces a small flame for lighting cigarettes, etc. ▶ noun [countable] an object which produces a small flame for lighting cigarettes, etc.
żużel, popiół
cinder /ˈsɪndə(r); US / noun [countable] a small piece of ash or partly burnt coal, wood, etc. that is no longer burning but may still be hot
a cinema
2[uncountable] films in general; the film industry Are you interested in cinema? one of the great successes of British cinema ▶ film
cinema /ˈsɪnəmə; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] (Brit.) a place where you go to see a film Let’s go to the cinema this evening. What’s on at the cinema this week? ▶ kino
kinoman, kinomanka
noun [countable] a person who goes to the cinema, especially when they do it regularly ▶ kinoman/ka
kinowy, filmowy
cinematic /ˌsɪnəˈmætɪk; US / adj. connected with films and how they are made cinematic effects/techniques ▶ kinematograficzny filmowy kinowy
kinematografia, kinematograficzny
cinematography, cinematographic
cinematography /ˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi; US / noun [uncountable] the art or process of making films ▶ kinematografia kino □ cinematographic /ˌsɪnəmətəˈɡræfɪk; US / adj. ▶ kinematograficzny filmowy
cinnamon /ˈsɪnəmən; US / noun [uncountable] a sweet brown powder that is used as a spice in cooking ▶ cynamon
3(the (dress) circle) (US balcony) [sing.] an area of seats that is upstairs in a cinema, theatre, etc. We’ve booked seats in the front row of the circle. ▶ balkon Por. balcony, który znajduje się wyżej niż circle.
4[countable] a group of people who are friends, or who have the same interest or profession He has a large circle of friends. Her name was well known in artistic circles. ▶ koło
1 [countable] a flat, round area She cut out a circle of paper. ▶ koło 2[countable] a round shape like a ring; a line which curves round to form the shape of a ring. The children were drawing circles and squares on a piece of paper... ▶ kółko
krążyć, zakreślać
circle, circle
2[transitive] to draw a circle round sth There are three possible answers to each question. Please circle the correct one. ▶ zakreślać
circle2 /ˈsɜ: kl; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to move, or to move round sth, in a circle, especially in the air The plane circled the town several times before it landed. ▶ krążyć
okrążenie, obwód (elektronika)
circuit, circuit (electronics)
3[sing.] regular events of a particular kind of activity that are held in different places She’s one of the best players on the tennis circuit. He’s made a name for himself on the lecture circuit. the alternative cabaret circuit seria (np. rozgrywek
[countable] a journey, route or track that forms a circle The cars have to complete ten circuits of the track. a racing circuit okrążenie, tor, bieżnia 2[countable] the complete path of wires and equipment that an electric current flows around obwód
okrągły, kolisty
circular1 /ˈsɜ: kjələ(r); US / adj. 1 round and flat; shaped like a circle a circular table ▶ okrągły kolisty 2 (used about a journey, etc.) moving round in a circle a circular tour of Oxford ▶ okrężny
krążyć, obiegać
2 to go or be passed from one person to another Rumours were circulating about the Minister’s private life. We’ve circulated a copy of the report to each department. ▶ krążyć puszczać w obieg
circulate /ˈsɜ: kjəleɪt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1 (used about a substance) to move or make sth move round continuously Blood circulates round the body. ▶ krążyć utrzymywać cyrkulację obiegać
obieg, krążenie
circulation, circulation
2[uncountable] Old five pence coins are no longer in circulation. the circulation of news/information/rumours obieg 3[countable] the number of copies of a newspaper, magazine This newspaper has a circulation of over a million. nakład
circulation /ˌsɜ: kjəˈleɪʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the movement of blood around the body If you have bad circulation, your hands and feet get cold easily. ▶ krążenie krwi
circumcise /ˈsɜ: kəmsaɪz to cut off the skin at the end of a man’s penis or to remove part of a woman’s clitoris, for religious or sometimes (in the case of a man) medical reasons ▶ obrzezywać circumcision /ˌsɜ: kəmˈsɪʒn; obrzezanie
circumference /səˈkʌmfərəns; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the distance round a circle or sth in the shape of a circle The circumference of the Earth is about 40 000 kilometres. ▶ obwód ⇨ look at diameter, radius
okoliczność, stan, położenie
2(circumstances) [pl.] (formal) the amount of money that you have The company has promised to repay the money when its financial circumstances improve. ▶ położenie
circumstance /ˈsɜ: kəmstəns; -stɑ: ns; -stæns; US -stæns / noun 1 [countable, usually pl.] Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy’s death. In normal circumstances I would not have accepted the job. ▶ okoliczność
w żadnym wypadku
in/under no circumstances
never; not for any reason You must in no circumstances mention this subject again. Under no circumstances should you enter my office.
w tych okolicznościach
in the circumstances
as the result of a particular situation It’s not an ideal solution, but it’s the best we can do in the circumstances. My father was ill at that time, so under the circumstances I decided not to go on holiday.
omijać, obchodzić
2 to go or travel around sth that is blocking your way ▶ obchodzić (np. przeszkodę) □ circumvention /ˌsɜ: kəmˈvenʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ ominięcie obejście
circumvent /ˌsɜ: kəmˈvent; US / verb [transitive] (formal) 1 to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule They found a way of circumventing the law. ▶ omijać (np. prawo)
circus /ˈsɜ: kəs; US / noun [countable] a show performed in a large tent by a company of people and animals We saw clowns, acrobats, lions and elephants at the circus.
marskość wątroby
cirrhosis /səˈrəʊsɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a serious disease of the liver, caused especially by drinking too much alcohol ▶ marskość wątroby
zbiornik na wodę (toaleta)
cistern /ˈsɪstən; US / noun [countable] a container for storing water, especially one that is connected to a toilet ▶ zbiornik (na wodę) rezerwuar klozetowy
cytat, przytoczenie
3[uncountable] (formal) an act ofciting or beingcited Space does not permit the citation of any examples. ▶ cytowanie przytoczenie
[countable] words or lines taken from a book or a speech cytat, przytoczenie 2[countable] an official statement about sth special that sb has done, especially about acts of courage in a war a citation for bravery ▶ oficjalna pochwała
cytować, przytaczać (formal)
cite /saɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to mention sth or use sb’s exact words as an example to support, or as proof of, what you are saying She cited the high unemployment figures as an example of the Government’s bad management... ▶ cytować
obywatel, obywatelka
2 a person who lives in a town or city the citizens of Paris ▶ mieszkan-iec/ka miasta ⇨ look at senior citizen
citizen /ˈsɪtɪzn; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who is legally accepted as a member of a particular country British citizens living in other parts of the European Union She was born in Japan, but became an American citizen in 1981. ▶ obywatel/ka
a citizenship
citizenship /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being a citizen of a particular country After living in Spain for twenty years, he decided to apply for Spanish citizenship. ▶ obywatelstwo
citizenship /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being a citizen of a particular country After living in Spain for twenty years, he decided to apply for Spanish citizenship. ▶ obywatelstwo
citrus /ˈsɪtrəs; US / adj. (used to describe fruit such as oranges and lemons) ▶ cytrusowy
But cities are also lively places. There are restaurants, shops, theatres, museums and sports facilities (such as stadiums and swimming pools). Many cities are cosmopolitan.
Life in the city can be hectic. People are often in a hurry and the streets are crowded. There is a lot of traffic so the air is polluted. Many people live in flats(US) apartments), and if you live in the suburbs, you spend a lot of time commuting
2(the City) [sing.] the oldest part of London, which is now Britain’s financial centre a City stockbroker ▶ centrum finansowe Londynu
city /ˈsɪti; US / noun (pl. cities) ⇨ NOTE 1[countable] a large and important town Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. the city centre Many people are worried about housing conditions in Britain’s inner cities ▶ miasto
civic /ˈsɪvɪk; US / adj. officially connected with a city or town civic duties/pride Guildford Civic Centre Urząd Miejski w Guildford W civic centre często znajduje się biblioteka, sala teatralna itp. ▶ miejski obywatelski
3[only before a noun] (in law) connected with the personal legal matters of ordinary people, and not criminal law civil courts ▶ cywilny 4 polite, but not very friendly I know you don’t like the director, but do try and be civil to him. ▶ uprzejmy
civil /ˈsɪvl; US / adj. 1 [only before a noun] connected with the people who live in a country civil disorder ▶ społeczny obywatelski 2[only before a noun] connected with the state, not with the army or the Church a civil wedding ▶ cywilny
nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie
civil disobedience
civil disoˈbedience noun [uncountable] refusal by a large group of people to obey particular laws or pay taxes, usually as a form of peaceful political protest ▶ nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie
inżynier budownictwa wodno-lądowego
civil engineer
ˌcivil engiˈneer noun [countable] ▶ inżynier budownictwa wodno-lądowego
inżynieria wodno-lądowa
civil engineering
ˌcivil engiˈneering noun [uncountable] the design, building and repair of roads, bridges, canals, etc.; the study of this as a subject
civilian /səˈvɪliən; US / noun [countable] a person who is not in the army, navy, air force or police force Two soldiers and one civilian were killed when the bomb exploded. He left the army and returned to civilian life.
2[countable, uncountable] a society which has its own highly developed culture and way of life the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome Western civilization ▶ cywilizacja
civilization (also civilisation) /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun 1 [uncountable] an advanced state of social and cultural development, or the process of reaching this state the civilization of the human race ▶ cywilizacja
civilize (also civilise) /ˈsɪvəlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make people or a society develop from a low social and cultural level to a more advanced one ▶ cywilizować
civilized (also civilised) /ˈsɪvəlaɪzd; US / adj. 1 (used about a society) well organized; having a high level of social and cultural development ▶ cywilizowany 2 polite and reasonable a civilized conversation ▶ kulturalny
Prawo cywilne
Civil law
civilized (also civilised) /ˈsɪvəlaɪzd; US / adj. 1 (used about a society) well organized; having a high level of social and cultural development ▶ cywilizowany 2 polite and reasonable a civilized conversation ▶ kulturalny
swobody obywatelskie
civil liberties
ˌcivil ˈliberty noun [countable, usually pl., uncountable] the right of people to be free to say or do what they want while respecting others and staying within the law an infringement of our civil liberties ▶ swobody obywatelskie
ślub cywilny
civil wedding
ˌcivil ˈmarriage noun [countable] a marriage with no religious ceremony ▶ ślub cywilny
prawa obywatelskie
civil rights
ˌcivil ˈrights noun [pl.] sb’s legal right to freedom and equal treatment in society, whatever their sex, race or religion the civil rights leader Martin Luther King ▶ prawa obywatelskie
urzędnik państwowy
civil servant
ˌcivil ˈservant noun [countable] (especially Brit.) a person who works for the civil service ▶ urzędnik państwowy
administracja państwowa, służba publiczna
civil service
the ˌcivil ˈservice noun [sing.] all the government departments (except for the armed forces) and all the people who work in them ▶ administracja państwowa służba cywilna
wojna domowa
civil war
ˌcivil ˈwar noun [countable, uncountable] a war between groups of people who live in the same country the Spanish Civil War ▶ wojna domowa
