问题 |
答案 |
Walking in a park is my stepping stone from stress.
A modern laboratory conducts research on the newly designed equipment in terms of cooling and electric factors.
There's zero tolerance for violence in our school.
odpowiednio, jak należy, poprawnie 开始学习
The radio wasn't working properly. You didn't answer her question properly.
Basically, this phone is useless. She is basically a bad person.
One particular student is having big problems. I would like to buy a particular type of shoes.
The average score is 77 pts. Why do we calculate average speed?
This is a simple grammatical structure.
She doesn't know how to balance her wheels on the car
dymisja, usunięcie (z urzędu), 开始学习
They scheduled his deposition for early Monday morning.
przeprowadzać (eksperymenty), zrealizować, wprowadzać plan w życie 开始学习
More experiments have to be carried out. They just had to carry out the work that was required of them.
The Times had a more favourable view of the piece.
odpowiedni, stosowny, mający zastowanie 开始学习
Finally, why is this policy applicable only in our public schools?
starzenie się, dojrzewanie 开始学习
You consider aging a disease?
The box contained some old clothes.
z grubsza, mniej więcej, w przybliżeniu 开始学习
Our wedding is roughly six months away. The profit was roughly 10%.
The last 5 questions were related to the country's economy. My speech will relate to climate change.
wynagradzać, nagroda, nagradzać 开始学习
As a king, I can reward you with many things. He rewarded me with a huge bonus. You take all the risk and I get the reward.
specjalizować się w czymś 开始学习
What do you specialize in?
The acid was at work on the floor here, leaving burn marks. The source of the acid was not known last night.
ściskać, obejmować, przytulać; uścisk 开始学习
She hugged her husband and got on the train. My mother hugged me so tight I lost my breath. He apologized and gave her a hug.
wykład, kazanie; prowadzić wykład 开始学习
I have never heard a lecture with such clear instructions. My parents gave me a lecture about drinking. His father lectured him on the consequences of his behaviour.
The artist could not bear the harsh criticism, and committed suicide.
odmowa, odrzucenie, wyrzeczenie się 开始学习
There must be no more rejection of migrants through violent collaboration with countries like Libya. The rejection of our motion for a resolution is regrettable.
konsekwencja; zgodność, spójność 开始学习
Your work needs more consistency. Much work is needed to ensure the consistency of international policies. (