pytania do travelling around

 0    3 词汇卡    borkowskaizabela
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问题 English 答案 English
1 Finish the sentences?
The fastests means of transport is airplane. The longests journey is by bike. Bikes are good because they aren’t dirty or noisy. Buses and trains are good because they carry many people. Planes are good because they travel very quickly.
2 Finish the sentences?
You can catch a bus on a bus station. You can catch a train on a railway station. You can catch a plane on an airport.
Group the vehicles according
PRICE: walk-a bike-a bus-a train-a car-a plane. SPEED: walk-a bike-a train-a bus-a car-a plane. ECOLOGY: walk-a bike-a train-a bus-a plane-a car
