0    16 词汇卡    emigdiokaz
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问题 English 答案 English
TURN OVER something/someone. ------- The teacher told the students to "turn over" their exam papers and begin to work. --------------- TURN OVER something/someone.
Voltear, dar vuelta. Voltear, dar vuelta. to move so that you are facing in a different direction, especially when you are lying down, or or to move someone. or something in this way. (see: flip over).
Voltear, dar vuelta. Voltear, dar vuelta. to move so that you are facing in a different direction, especially when you are lying down, or or to move someone. or something in this way. (see: flip over).
HAND OVER something. ------ The thief had to "hand over" the money he’d stolen after he was caught by the police. --------------- HAND OVER something.
Pasar, dar, entregar, a alguien mas algo. to give something to someone else. (see also: give up).
Pasar, dar, entregar, a alguien mas algo. to give something to someone else. (see also: give up).
TAKE OVER. ----- The company’s new owner will "take over" next month, but until he does the current manager will be in charge. ------------------ TAKE OVER.
Tomar el lugar de alguien. to start doing a job or being responsible for something that someone else was doing or was responsible for before you.
Tomar el lugar de alguien. to start doing a job or being responsible for something that someone else was doing or was responsible for before you.
STOP OVER. ------ We’re going to China, and we’ll be "stopping over" in Hawaii for a couple of days on the way. --------------- STOP OVER.
LLegar de pasada. to stop somewhere for a period of time when you are on a long journey. (see also: stop off).
LLegar de pasada. to stop somewhere for a period of time when you are on a long journey. (see also: stop off).
SMOOTH something OVER. ------ My wife and I had a fight this morning, but we "smoothed things over" before the kids got up. --------------- SMOOTH something OVER.
Suavizar las cosas, limar asperezas. to try to improve your relationship with someone after an argument. (see also: patch up).
Suavizar las cosas, limar asperezas. to try to improve your relationship with someone after an argument. (see also: patch up).
SMOOTH or SMOOTH OVER. ------ Sandra said, smooth the paint over" the wood before polishing. --------------- smooth, or smooth over.
Emparejar. to spread (something) over a surface to apply (something) by rubbing it on a surface to make it even.
Emparejar. to spread (something) over a surface to apply (something) by rubbing it on a surface to make it even.
Small plane, light aircraft.
LOOK something OVER ------- My father said, you should get a mechanic to "look the car over" before you buy it. --------------- LOOK something OVER.
Revisar, checar. to quickly examine something or someone. (see also: check over, go over).
Revisar, checar. to quickly examine something or someone. (see also: check over, go over).
PUZZLE OVER, something. ------ Oviedo's been "puzzling over" whether to buy a new house. --------------------------------- PUZZLE OVER something.
Pensar o preocuparse sobre, darle vueltas sobre un problema. to think or worry for a long time about (something).
Pensar o preocuparse sobre, darle vueltas sobre un problema. to think or worry for a long time about (something).
WIN OVER, or WIND AROUND somebody. ------- It took a lot of persuasion, but we finally "won George Barriga over" and he’s agreed to help us out. ---------------------- WIN OVER, or WIND AROUND somebody.
Tratar de convencer, lavar el cerebro a alguien. to try to convince someone, to persuade someone to support you or to agree to do something, often when they did not agree with you before. (see also: talk round, bring around).
Tratar de convencer, lavar el cerebro a alguien. to try to convince someone, to persuade someone to support you or to agree to do something, often when they did not agree with you before. (see also: talk round, bring around).
MIST OVER, or MIST UP. ------- Alicia's eyes "misted up" as she spoke of her daughter. ------- MIST OVER, or MIST UP.
Humedecerse de lagrimas, llenarse de lágrimas. of a person's eyes, to fill with tears. (eyes: become teary).
Humedecerse de lagrimas, llenarse de lágrimas. of a person's eyes, to fill with tears. (eyes: become teary).
MIST OVER, or MIST UP. ------- Ceci "misted over" as she cut the onions. ------ MIST OVER, or MIST UP.
Humedecerse de lagrimas, llenarse de lágrimas. of a person's eyes, to fill with tears; (eyes: become teary).
Humedecerse de lagrimas, llenarse de lágrimas. of a person's eyes, to fill with tears; (eyes: become teary).
TURN something OVER. ------- Melania turned the idea of living in Paris over in her mind. ------ TURN something OVER.
Pensar, reflexionar sobre algo, analizar bien algo. to think carefully about all the details of something.
Pensar, reflexionar sobre algo, analizar bien algo. to think carefully about all the details of something.
CHEW OVER ------ David chewed over the matter for a few days before making a decision. ------ CHEW OVER.
Discutir, deliberar algo. to think about something carefully or discuss it carefully with other people before making a decision about it.
Discutir, deliberar algo. to think about something carefully or discuss it carefully with other people before making a decision about it.
MULL, or MULL OVER ------ Company executives are mulling over what to do with the building. ------- MULL, or MULL OVER.
Darle vueltas, rumiar, reflexionar. to think carefully about something over a period of time.
Darle vueltas, rumiar, reflexionar. to think carefully about something over a period of time.
HAGGLE ABOUT/OVER. ------- The buyer and seller were haggling over the price of the house for a week. ------ HAGGLE ABOUT/OVER.
Regatear. to argue in order to agree on the price of something.
Regatear. to argue in order to agree on the price of something.
