问题 |
答案 |
I will go to Płock today.
I’m going to Płock today.
I will go to Płock tomorrow.
I’m going to Płock tomorrow.
Będziemy mieli wiele atrakcji. 开始学习
We will be having many attractions.
Będziemy wysyłali te foty do gości. 开始学习
We will be sending these photos to our guests.
Będziemy serwować zmrożone koktajle na bazie Wyborowej. 开始学习
We will be serving slushy cocktails based on Wyborowa.
Będziemy sprzedawali koktajle na bazie Wyborowej. 开始学习
We will be selling cocktails based on Wyborowa and Beefeater.
Nasze hostess będą zbierały dane. 开始学习
Our hostesses will be collecting data.
Our competitor will be serving slushy cocktails based on Jack Daniel’s. 开始学习
Our competitor will be serving slushy cocktails based on Jack Daniel's.
What will you be doing during the event? 开始学习
What will you be doing during the event?
I will be showing Ballantine’s brands. 开始学习
I will be showing Ballantine's brands.
I will be selling cocktails based on Ballantine’s. 开始学习
I will be selling cocktails based on Ballantine's.
What will you be doing after our lesson? 开始学习
What will you be doing after our lesson?
I will be working very hard after our lesson. 开始学习
I will be working very hard after our lesson.
I will be talking with my boss for half an hour. 开始学习
I will be talking with my boss for half an hour.
I will be talking about my phone call with the manager of the group which we want to invite for a conference. 开始学习
I will be talking about my phone call with the manager of the group which we want to invite for a conference.
We will be working hard all the weekend. 开始学习
We will be working hard all the weekend.
We will be watching Netflix all evening. 开始学习
We will be watching Netflix all evening.
In the evening I will be working at the computer. 开始学习
In the evening I will be working at the computer.