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Jest po trzydziestce, ale nadal mieszka z rodzicami. Present Continous. This is ongoing activity in the present moment. The Present Continous Tense is used to talk about activities in progress at the time of speaking or in circumstances very close to the present. 开始学习
He’s over thirty but he’s still living with his parents.
Past Simple. The world "byli" is the past tense firm of the verb "to be", and it indicates that the action or state of being ("surowi" in this case) occured in the past. Czy twoi rodzice byli surowi? 开始学习
Were your parents strict?
Nigdy nie poznał swoich biologicznych rodziców. Past Simple 开始学习
He never knew his birth parents.
Bill jest samotnym rodzicem z dwiema nastoletnimi córkami. Present Simple 开始学习
Bill is a single parent with two teenage daughters.
Czy poznałeś już swoich przyszłych teściów? Present Perfect, which indications a connection between the pasy and the present. It suggest that there is relevance to the present moment, because meeting the future "teściów" is an experience that has happened at an unspecified time before now. 开始学习
Have you met your future parents-in-law yet?
Zawdzięczam wszystko moim rodzicom zastępczym. Present Simple 开始学习
I owe everything to my foster parents.
Spotkania rodziców z nauczycielami odbywają się zawsze w środowe popołudnia. 开始学习
Parent-teacher meetings always take place on Wednesday afternoons.
Kiedy sam masz dzieci, zaczynasz rozumieć, co jesteś winien rodzicom. (przysłowie japońskie) Present Simle, because is used to express general truths, habits, or things that are always true. 开始学习
When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe your parents. (Japanese proverb)
Myśl jest matką czynu. Thomas Carlyle Present Simple 开始学习
Thought is the parent of the deed. Thomas Carlyle
Posiadanie dzieci czyni cię rodzicem w takim samym stopniu, w jakim posiadanie pianina czyni cię pianistą. Michael Levine Present Simple, because "czyni" are in the Present Simple. The s4ntence expresses parallel between having children and being a parent, and having a piano and being a pianist. It is typical using the Present Simple. 开始学习
Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. Michael Levine