问题 |
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Their garden is so beautiful 开始学习
Ich ogród jest taki piękny
We won"t be able to get home if they don't give us a lift 开始学习
Nie będziemy w stanie wrócić do domu, jeśli nie podwiozą nas
Their garden is so beautiful 开始学习
They have such a beautiful garden
We won"t be able to get home if they don't give us a lift 开始学习
Unless they give us a lift, we won't be able to get home
There was nothing to eat when he we arrived 开始学习
There wasn't anything to eat when we arrived
My mother doesn't sleep well and neither does my father 开始学习
Neither my mother nor my father sleep (s) well
I can't wait until they give their next performance. I'll go and see it immediately 开始学习
As soon as they give their next performance, I'll go and see it immediately
I didn't know anybody at the party 开始学习
Nie znałem nikogo na imprezie
I didn't know anybody on the party 开始学习
I knew nobody at the party
You're not allowed to eat ice cream or drink cold drinks 开始学习
You mustn't/ can't eat icecream or drink cold drinks
Jane sometimes hits her husband and he occasionally hits her too 开始学习
Jane czasami uderza swojego męża, a on także czasami uderza ją
Jane sometimes hits her husband and he occasionally hits her too 开始学习
Jane and her husband occasionally hit each other
You must stay in bed until Friday 开始学习
You mustn't/ can't get up until Friday
I think there is no sugar left 开始学习
I don't think there is any sugar left
I last saw him six years ago 开始学习
I haven't seen him for six years
I'm afraid we don't have enough petrol 开始学习
I'm afraid we have too little petrol
I'd like to study art but I don't know if I'll pass the entrance exam 开始学习
Chciałbym studiować sztukę, ale nie wiem, czy zdam egzamin wstępny
I'd like to study art but I don't know if I'll pass the entrance exam 开始学习
If I pass the entrance exam I'll study art
Would you like me to do the shopping for you? 开始学习
Czy chciałbyś, żebym zrobił dla ciebie zakupy?
Would you like me to do the shopping for you 开始学习
Shall I do the shopping for you
I don't have enough friends to talk to 开始学习
I have too few friends to talk to
Malgaroo is a capital city but it's very dirty 开始学习
Although Malgaroo is a capital city, it's very dirty
some interesting reading in the new bookshop 开始学习
ciekawą lekturę w nowej księgarni
He will see you as soon as Mr Brown leaves 开始学习
Zobaczymy się, jak tylko wyjdzie pan Brown
Unless John tries harder, he won't get this job 开始学习
Chyba że John bardziej się postara, nie dostanie tej pracy