Conservative Sir Bill Cash says Brexit will give the UK the chance to "unshackle ourselves from the fact the European Commission determines our trade deals".
1) bolesny, nieprzyjemny 2) oszałamiający / extremely surprising, because of being great in amount 开始学习
The oil giants' profits are eye-watering. Despite taking an eyewatering pay cut, he has no regrets about his career change.
budrysówka (rodzaj kurtki) 开始学习
duffel coat / toggle coat
V: łączyć N: połączenie, zlepek 开始学习
The Vulcan mind meld, also known as the mind link, mind probe, mind fusion, mind touch, or simply meld, was a telepathic link between two individuals. / expression from Star Trek
Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially. We are growing exponentially in resources, people, and financing.
na zewnątrz (widziane z zewnątrz) / in a way that relates to how people, situations, or things seem to be, rather than how they are inside 开始学习
Being unconfident or outwardly nervous can cause noise. Perhaps you are droning on, reading the slides while those around you switch off or tune out. The audience may be more focused on your posture, shaking hands, or the colour of your shoes than...
na zewnątrz (widziane z zewnątrz) / in a way that relates to how people, situations, or things seem to be, rather than how they are inside 开始学习
... on listening to your messages. Outwardly, he seemed happy enough. The men led outwardly normal lives as fathers and husbands.
Nauczyciel zawsze przynudza długimi opowiadaniami. 开始学习
The teacher always drones on with long stories.
ignorować, wyłączyć (się) Mogłabyś powtórzyć? Wyłączyłam się na chwilę. 开始学习
Could you repeat? I tuned out for a moment.
wietrzny, nieosłonięty od wiatru (np. obszar) 开始学习
hala, zgromadzenie / a large space or room in a public building such as a station or airport that people meet in or pass through 开始学习
There's a ticket machine in the main concourse. the station concourse/ There are lots of shops leading off the main concourse.
treściwy (np. opis), lakoniczny (o odpowiedzi), zwięzły (o wyjaśnieniu) / synonyms: brief, concise 开始学习
Keep your letter succinct and to the point. Keep your answers as succinct as possible. a succinct explanation
negatywny rezultat, niekorzystny skutek Nadal radzimy sobie z niekorzystnymi skutkami jego rezygnacji z urzędu. 开始学习
We're still dealing with the fallout of his resignation from the office. The political fallout of the revelations has been immense. The fallout from the financial crisis is spreading to the consumer technology sector.
absolutny, całkowity, kompletny / complete, often describing something bad or unsuccessful that has no good or positive points 开始学习
The whole venture has been an unmitigated disaster.
a cherry decanter / a cut-glass sherry decanter / a crystal port decanter
niewłaściwy, niestosowny (np. uwaga) 开始学习
Unless anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday. That's the plan—unless anything untoward happens. He had noticed nothing untoward. The dose can be increased slightly without any untoward effects.
not to be accurate in a guess, statement, etc. / If something someone says or writes is off the mark, it is not correct / być zupełnie nietrafionym 开始学习
No, you're way off the mark. His criticisms are way off the mark. Bedini and Curzi were probably not far off the mark in their analysis.
odpowiedniość, zgodność / the quality of being similar to or in agreement with something / To model that what we say and what we do are in harmony and alignment. 开始学习
the congruence of the two systems / a congruency of values
niezgodność, nieodpowiedniość / the state of not being suitable or not fitting well with something else 开始学习
a review of the incongruence between their beliefs and practices regarding marriage / Incongruence occurs when nonverbal behaviour contradicts a person’s words.
Dorastając, nieświadomie wyrobiłem sobie tendencję do zadzierania nosa na znak sprzeciwu wobec moich dwóch braci, przez co stałem się nieco wyniosły. 开始学习
I’d also unwittingly developed a tendency for sticking my nose in the air in defiance of my two brothers whilst growing up, which gave me a slightly haughty air.
wrzucić do kosza / na śmieci lub do pojemnika na odpady nadające się do recyklingu 开始学习
toss in the bin / the rubbish or recycling bin
odzyskać przez osoby nieupoważnione 开始学习
to retrive by unauthorised people
skipping / (Am En) dumpster diving
I gave her a piggyback ride. Uncle Sean loves to give Tyler piggyback rides. Martha rode piggyback on her dad. Dom carried his daughter piggyback when she got too tired to walk.
(potocznie) wjechać (gdzieś) na plecach innych (osiągnąć sukces korzystając z pracy innych) 开始学习
piggyback on somebody/something Everyone wants to piggyback on the phenomenal success of the TV series.
1) (also tailboard) a door at the back of a lorry that opens downwards and that you can open or remove when you are loading or unloading the vehicle 2) the door that opens upwards at the back of a car (called a hatchback) that has three or five doors 开始学习
siedzieć komuś na ogonie / to drive too closely behind the vehicle in front 开始学习
Am Em piknik z jedzeniem wykładanym na otwartych tylnych drzwiach samochodu / a party held by a group of fans in a parking lot before a sports event 开始学习
The parking lot looked like a tailgate party before a college football game.
the persistence of experience
rybaczki / drelichy, kombinezon, spodnie robocze 开始学习
(potocznie) przebiegły, podejrzany (o osobie) / looking or seeming dishonest 开始学习
He has shifty eyes. There's a couple of shifty-looking people standing on the street corner.
wyplątywać, wyciągać, wyswobadzać, wydobywać 开始学习
... How to extricate herself from the affair with the Prime Minister
przestraszyć, zaskoczyć, spłoszyć (kogoś) 开始学习
She was concentrating on her book and his voice startled her. The noise of the car startled the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air. Her article on diet startled many people into changing their eating habits.
kręcić bata na siebie, stwarzać sobie problemy 开始学习
make a rod for your own back By giving in to the terrorists' demands, the government will simply be making a rod for its own back.
delikatny, przeczulony, skłonny do mdłości (np. na widok czegoś) / easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of 开始学习
She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood. Many cooks are squeamish about putting live shellfish into boiling water.
bezduszność, bezwzględność / behaviour that is unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people 开始学习
She felt the rules showed a callousness and indifference to the suffering of others. I am appalled by the callousness of some business people.
zadowolony z siebie, pełen samozadowolenia 开始学习
a complacent smile/attitude / We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
1) przepaść, czeluść, urwisko 2) niebezpieczna sytuacja 开始学习
1) The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice. 2) This latest tax increase may push many small companies over the financial precipice.
1. tajny, potajemny, sekretny 开始学习
Through these documents, he has constructed a quite brilliant novel about a clandestine love affair.
1. tajny, potajemny, sekretny 开始学习
The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church. He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years. She undertook several clandestine operations for the CIA.
jednolity, zjednoczony, połączony 开始学习
Good infographic design uses strategic layout, intentional visual hierarchy and unified consistency.
łącznik (między kimś lub czymś) 开始学习
In addition, Mel will represent and act as a voice for the global Business Development teams and will therefore expect to establish strong links with each of our nine regions, acting as a conduit, to and from the regions.
(oficjalnie) szkodliwy, zgubny, groźny 开始学习
The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
uwieczniać, utrwalać, zachowywać / to cause something to continue 开始学习
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy. The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.
wrócić do gry / doing something that you stopped doing for a period of time 开始学习
be back in the saddle / get back in the saddle I'm happy you're back in the saddle.
wyreguluj biegi / ewentualnie wymień łańcuch i kasetę 开始学习
tune up gears / maybe replace chain and cassette
liczba ludzi odwiedzających dany sklep w określonym przedziale czasu liczba ludzi odwiedzających dany sklep w określonym przedziale czasu 开始学习
For a retailer, data may include customer demographics, footfall and sales data
v: musować, pienić się, burzyć się 开始学习
If a liquid effervesces, it produces small bubbles. effervescent vitamin C supplements
v: tryskać energią, tryskać radością 开始学习
adj: (approving) (of people and their behaviour) excited, enthusiastic and full of energy / synonym bubbly 开始学习
a warm effervescent personality / She's one of those effervescent personalities that you often see hosting TV game shows.
poparzyć (wrzątkiem lub gorącą parą) / syn: burn 开始学习
Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam. (figurative) Tears scalded her eyes.
płukać, obmywać (coś) / synonym rinse / to cause a liquid to flow around or over something, often in order to clean it 开始学习
She swilled the glasses with clean water. The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with. These are to be dissolved in a small amount of water and swilled around all the teeth or crunched up in the mouth.
Przełknąłem ślinę i odwróciłem się. On musiał zebrać ślinę, zanim mógł coś powiedzieć. 开始学习
I swallowed my saliva and turned away. He had to gather saliva before he could speak.
Trump declares border emergency and scraps asylum app in immigration crackdown.
odwoływać (np. plany), zrywać (np. umowę), odrzucać (pomysł) Myślę, że powinniśmy odrzucić ten pomysł. 开始学习
I think we should scrap this idea. Trump declares border emergency and scraps asylum app in immigration crackdown.
rozprawa (uporanie się z jakimś problemem) To był dobry przykład rozprawienia się policji z handlarzami narkotyków. Trump ogłasza stan wyjątkowy na granicy i rezygnuje z ubiegania się o azyl w ramach walki z imigracją. 开始学习
It was a good example of the police crackdown on drug-dealing. I think we should scrap this idea. Trump declares border emergency and scraps asylum app in immigration crackdown.
Nasz wskaźnik utraty klientów jeszcze nigdy nie był tak niski. 开始学习
Our churn has never been so low.
mierzyć, szacować, oceniać, określać / to measure or estimate Nie potrafię ocenić, jaka będzie ich reakcja. 开始学习
I can't gauge what their reaction will be. Presenters must gauge knowledge gaps within a given audience and adapt terminology, data points, explanation depth, relatable examples and tone accordingly.
wykorzystać jak najefektywniej Jak najefektywniejsze wykorzystanie naszych zasobów powinno przynieść najlepsze rezultaty. 开始学习
Leveraging our resources should yield the best results. Customising data stories for each audience shows respect, builds engagement and enables unique perspectives to be leveraged.
wymowna pauza / an occasion when nobody speaks, although people are aware that there are feelings or thoughts to express / wikipedia 开始学习
There was a pregnant pause before she replied.
sekatory z krótkim trzonkiem 开始学习
I’ve given it a shove and will push again later today if we haven’t heard.
To doprowadza nas do końca godziny. 开始学习
That brings us top to the hour.